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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

In Rutger Bregman’s Humankind, he writes about a study by Dacher Keltner (a psychologist who studies the now-discredited Machiavellian ideas on political philosophy).

In the study, he looked at "the psychological effect of an expensive car":
"Here, the first set of subjects were put behind the wheel of a beat-up Mitsubishi or Ford Pinto and sent in the direction of a crosswalk where a pedestrian was just stepping off the kerb. All the drivers stopped as the law required.
But then in part two of the study, subjects got to drive a snazzy Mercedes. This time 45% failed to stop for the pedestrian. In fact, the more expensive the car, the ruder the road manners. 'BMW drivers were the worst', one of the researchers told the New York Times. (This study has now been replicated twice with similar results.
Observing how the drivers behaved, Keltner eventually realised what it reminded him of. The medical term is 'acquired sociopathy': a non-hereditary antisocial personality disordered, first diagnosed by psychologists in the nineteenth century. It arises after a blow to the head that damages key regions of the brain and can turn the nicest people in the world into the worst kind of Machievellian."

so driving an expensive car turns you into a psychocunt. Well I never.

They follow that up with a study on arboreal papal defecation?
Was just listening to this

It's good that certain viewpoints about transport are gradually becoming discussed and presented to a more mainstream audience.

Volvo have been talking about zero road deaths for years, and they have certainly contributed more to the cause than the car abolitionists and their ilk.
Volvo have been talking about zero road deaths for years, and they have certainly contributed more to the cause than the car abolitionists and their ilk.
You got any figures for that claim?

Seems to be about zero deaths IN Volvos & seems rather like tobacco companies introducing low tar versions - capping speeds at 112mph!!!

Jeremy Vine seems to have enraged twatty drivers by saying cyclists shouldn’t ride single file to stop dangerous overtaking - this video’s a shocking advert for just that.

that’s horrible but they could have ridden further out in single file to prevent them overtaking
You got any figures for that claim?

Seems to be about zero deaths IN Volvos & seems rather like tobacco companies introducing low tar versions - capping speeds at 112mph!!!

I see the Volvo XC90 has had zero occupant deaths in the UK but you have to imagine how many outside - it looks like a tank FFS.

I doubt he needs that size vehicle for anything tbh.

I don't know if you've been following but there's be a big debate about whether through traffic should be allowed in Richmond Park (the answer is no by the way).

Of course they should. The only form of transport that has been banned from RP is, quite correctly, cycling, although restrictions on the vile creatures have recently been lifted.
My car wouldn't.

Shame as my garage is integral to my house and contains five bicycles and a workshop area to service them. Never thought you'd be so anti-bikes, but there we are.
I know of an architect who rebuilt his cotswold house to handle his handful of Porsches- literally parked next to the living room - you couldn’t tell from the outside, it just looks like a good sized stone house with a sympathetic stone extension and big big foldable glass doors . It can be done
As a through route?
You could petition to get a roundabout placed at each end, and make them drive round in circles until the end of time, but I predict a tailback might ensue after a short time.
Or you could allow them to drive through slowly and enjoy the scenery on their way, kinda like it is now.
You could petition to get a roundabout placed at each end, and make them drive round in circles until the end of time, but I predict a tailback might ensue after a short time.
Or you could allow them to drive through slowly and enjoy the scenery on their way, kinda like it is now.
Ah okay, happy to ban all through traffic accept blue badge holders. Glad we agree. 🙂
I've thought for years that the circular road in Richmond Park should be made one way. It would stop a certain amount of rat running if people knew they had to drive the long way round. It would also mean the far reaches of the park are still accessible for those that want to walk there but are not able to shleck there under their own steam.

You could then divide the road in two and make the other lane for cyclists. It would also prevent the dickhead motorists who are always trying to overtake because 20mph in a fucking deer park is too slow apparently. Fucking dicks.
Ah okay, happy to ban all through traffic accept blue badge holders. Glad we agree. 🙂
Ah, OK, so it's just people with autism and other non-visible disabilities you wish to discriminate against, and those who don't wish to apply for a blue badge or have been refused one on stupid grounds?
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