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England vs Scotland 18.6.21

Is it? Is this more accurate than using the mean rather than the mode? For instance over 51 games of Euro 2016 2.12 goals oer match were scored. For Euro 2020 so far it's been 2.33 goals per game (42 in 18), and we've had as many 3-0 results (4) as 1-0 plus three 2-0 scorelines
Depends what you want to do. If you want to pick a particular result for one match based on no more information than averages in past games, using the mode is the right thing to do. Makes sense that the mode would be less than the mean.
Is it? Is this more accurate than using the mean rather than the mode? For instance over 51 games of Euro 2016 2.12 goals oer match were scored. For Euro 2020 so far it's been 2.33 goals per game (42 in 18), and we've had as many 3-0 results (4) as 1-0 plus three 2-0 scorelines
Well, the average number of bollocks owned by humans is one each, but if you were to predict somebody at random had one bollock you’d almost certainly, if not definitely, be wrong.
As an England fan, I'd still love Scotland to go through. Scotland are going to need at least one win and even though England are the best team in the group, I suspect this is their best chance. Won't have the same passion as the 1970s home internationals but it will still feel a bit different to the normal internationals.
Well if nothing else, Scotland fans have been having themselves a jolly good time up in central London since last night, judging by the news :D
Given the players available England should win fairly comfortably shouldn't they. Scotland don't exactly have much cutting edge and they have the problem that by far their best creative player is their left back - England could pick any of Stirling, Rashford or Sancho on the right to attack the space behind Robertson and it will be hard for him to get forward without leaving them vulnerable. It'll be interesting to see whether Scotland reckon their best chance is to go all out, get-stuck-in attack or to keep it tight and hope to sneak a goal.

2-0 England.
I was at the game in 96 - I thought the atmosphere was fantastic, in large part down to the Scotland fans.

It was a brilliant day - we went from despair when they were awarded the penalty to disbelief at what we then saw Gascoigne do two minutes later. Given the occasion, surely one of the best tournament goals ever.

Wouldn't be surprised if it was a draw tonight, particularly if the czechs beat Croatia in the game kicking off at 5.
I remember it very differently. I'm Scottish and was living and working in London at the time. I'm not into football and hadn't really been paying much attention. In the week leading up to the match, I started getting loads of really vitriolic comments at work about it and random abuse in the pub one night from some men who heard my accent. Also that week, a (female) Scottish friend was in a pub in the West End and some random man tried to glass her because she was 'a Scottish bitch' (sure, that kind of random bollocks could happen any time but I really don't think the atmosphere helped.) He didn't succeed because one of her friends anticipated what was going to happen just before it did, put his hand in front of her face and ended up in A&E getting his hand/wrist stitched. :(

The day of the match itself, I had to go to work and was meant to be going out with a work friend that night (we hadn't really realised the match was on when we organised it). The atmosphere was so bad that she suggested we call it off. She's a Londoner of Jamaican origin and had had so much racist shit in the past from England fans that she felt unsafe being out in it. Given my experiences that week, I felt similar. So yeah, maybe it was different at the match itself but outside...well I certainly didn't find it fantastic...

(Sorry for the downer. Things are way better now than they were then but it's maybe worth remembering how much things have changed.)
3-1 England.
The 1 will be a Pickford blunder :rolleyes:

Whatever the score I hope the Scots don't go out of their way to maim any of our players out of spite. Especially Grealish. if he plays, that lad needs armour not shin pads!
Scotland lose, 20,000 dickheads lay waste to the middle of London.

I'm sorry, but football is just a game. Too many people seem to have little in their lives but football, it is so sad.
Can't imagine they'll do this, Scotland seem like your average bunch of decent young lads. Hopefully just slightly less good at football than England.
We'll see...... national pride does weird things to players, I have a long memory :(
Is it? Is this more accurate than using the mean rather than the mode? For instance over 51 games of Euro 2016 2.12 goals oer match were scored. For Euro 2020 so far it's been 2.33 goals per game (42 in 18), and we've had as many 3-0 results (4) as 1-0 plus three 2-0 scorelines
I reckon, whatever the result is, it probably won't be 2.33-0.

Anyway, I'd forgotten the euros were on, so when my housemate said to me this morning "It is England Scotland today, yes?" at first I just thought he was making a nonsense statement and just sort of nodded politely as you do before realising what he was on about.
Where are they all going? Surely there can't be more than a couple of thousand of them in the stadium, if that?
Can't imagine they'll do this, Scotland seem like your average bunch of decent young lads. Hopefully just slightly less good at football than England.
Yeah, I don't get a sense of there being specific beef beyond the usual England v Scotland rivalry. When England had the 'golden generation', with the press predicting tournament wins, I suspect there was a bit more 'bite' [insert Suarez pic] to Eng v Scot/Wales/NI. All seems more 'professional' now. To be honest, short of actual fighting, I liked the idea that the game might end up with a few lads and lasses sat on the Wembley crossbar. :thumbs:
In the house next door to me there is a married couple - he's English and she's Scottish - and they have three kids. They have five flags in the front garden, so I presume they are a family of vexillologists and that the score will be 3-2 to England.
The most miserable looking person I've ever seen, someone called McFadden, is currently talking about how bouyant his side are. I love the Scots. I'm fairly sure if they won 4-0 he'd still be scowling.
Not looking forward to this. I always get extremely nervous before these games. Would love to do the double after our win in the rugby & close the gap in the head to head which is currently England 48 wins, us 41 wins & 25 draws.
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