Such as? Credible - in the opinion of whom?
Unmitigated bollocks. Really. A total waste of electrons.
(Cooperation in Economy and Society, Robert C. Marshall)
also see
"How trade saved humanity from biological exclusion: an economic theory of Neanderthal extinction" Horan et al 2005
Yes, lets. But the comparison with the UK is specious and self serving - the UK had (1) trading links and (2) ready access to increasingly dense energy sources, permitting energy diversification.
yes, so it was able to become increasingly complex in it's energy sources and industrial nature, whereas Easter Island wasn't.
The island that was able to diversify it's energy supply and develop complex industry thrived, while the island that wasn't didn't.
We know the rate at which renewable energy productivity will have to increase in order to offset the declining productivity of our existing energy system - 12% per annum uninvested depletion rate, 6% invested (the uninvested depletion rate, and the Hubbert projection depletion rate, of the global hydrocarbon system under constant economic and commercial conditions). It is increasing at a pace which is, at best, an order of magnitude less than that.
Renewable Energy Growth Rates (EU)
But even if your figures were correct, I don't agree the renewables have to actually replace all that lost oil, as you're missing out the impact of efficiency gains and demand destruction from higher prices by just looking at the raw figures.
In fact I'd contend that renewables wouldn't have to replace any oil at all for at least the first 5-15% of production reductions, as this could all easily be accounted for by efficiency gains, substitution and demand destruction without any significant impact on the world economy or infrastructure.
The main factor that's making this into such a problem is the role of oil price speculation in the financial markets, which is largely responsible for the huge swings in price we've seen in the last few years. It's these massive fluctuations in the oil price that do the real damage to the economy, not rising prices, or even reductions in availability as such at the current level of inefficiency in our use of oil.
At the sustained high exponential growth rates of Solar, Wind etc over recent years, by the time oil really does start to reduce to a degree that's really going to have an impact, the size of the global renewables market ought to be (or at least could be) at the sort of level needed to offset the reduction in oil output.
Umm - no disrespect, but I was referring to "
The Collapse of Complex Societies" - I apologise for overestimating your familiarity with the literature, of which this is the seminal work - it seems I took your boasts about the breadth of your research rather too literally. This is undergraduate ecology 101 material.
If you want to reference a specific text, then reference it. I'm not about to go rereading the entire book for you, and tend to think that if an author has a valid point to make, then they ought to pick the best examples they can from their book to illustrate the shorter articles they then go on to write on the subject. If you have some better examples you want to post up then be my guest.
What on earth are you doing selecting random quotations from a body of work which runs to thousands of printed pages, and acting as if I had advanced it?
as I say, feel free to quote the specific bits of the work that you feel are most relevant.
Ahh. Selection of a random paper in order to mount the ad hominem. Fail.
am I wrong though?
I'm struggling to see why else someone would leap to that conclusion from a graph of US health care value for money, certainly without explaining why they've investigated and excluded the impact of the private sector profit motive on it.
I suppose it does highlight one point though, where I'd probably be in agreement with him, in that not all complexity is good - complexity such as the beurocracy involved in a privatised health care system with private insurance companies commissioning health care from a myriad of health care providers, requiring layers upon layers of lawyers, accountants and paperwork is obviously not conducive to efficient health care provision.
That doesn't however mean that the complexity of a system that's needed to supply a diverse mix of energy resources must also be a negative factor.