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Energy Return on Investment

80% of the planet consumes less than 20% of the energy he does. "Not problematic"? Imperialist hubris at its most revolting.
I'm sorry - I had to read this twice, I couldn't believe it. Free Spirit is arguing that a 200% increase in the current energy and resource demand of the entire global economy, in an environment of escalating resource and waste sink constraint, can be met by a 4% reduction in consumption, in a world in which 80% of the global population consumes less than 20% of the other 20%.

Just getting the other 80% of the world's 7 billion people to half of our consumption (i.e. electrification for the rural poor and access to basic sanitation and medical facilities) doubles global energy demand in the next 30 years, and that energy is supplied by energy sources of higher resource demand.

Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.
oh ffs Falcon, you were making a specific point, I was addressing that specific point on it's own, as you'd also made the point on its own without reference to any other factors.

Yes I fully agree that the developed world already needs to drastically reduce it's energy consumption levels at the same time as switching to low carbon sources in order to enable the developing world to increase it's share of the global energy supply. What I'm pointing out fairly clearly is that there isn't any particular reason (for electricity based energy consumption at least) why we can't do both, in the face of you making false statements to the contrary based on some pretty basic errors in your calculations / assumptions.
in the face of you making false statements to the contrary based on some pretty basic errors in your calculations / assumptions.
Specify. We are waiting for your account of where building batteries, replacing trillions of dollars of cars, trucks, airplanes and construction vehicles, and building standby thermal generation in an economy of aggressive capital and hydrocarbon competition fits in your sunny energy calculations…
Just getting the other 80% of the world's 7 billion people to half of our consumption (i.e. electrification for the rural poor and access to basic sanitation and medical facilities) doubles global energy demand in the next 30 years, and that energy is supplied by energy sources of higher resource demand.
could you clarify what this 'our' bit is you're referring to there?

UK primary energy consumption stands at 3,014 kgoe per capita
Global average primary energy consumption stands at 1,851 kgoe per capita
Average low & middle income countries primary energy consumption stands at 1,210 kgoe per capita

so a doubling of global energy demand would result in and extra 1851kgoe per head globally, split between that bottom 80%, then added to the existing average of 1210 kgoe, would give a greater per capita energy consumption than we currently have in the UK, and we're intending to have reduced that by another 20% or so by then.

<div style="width:300px; font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; line-height:20px"><div style="background-color:#333; padding:0px 5px; font-weight:bold"><div style="color:#fff; font-size:12px; line-height:20px;"><a href="http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EG.USE.PCAP.KG.OE/countries/1W-GB-XO-US-XD?display=graph" style="color:#fff;text-decoration:none;" class="active">Energy use (kg of oil equivalent per capita)</a></div></div><script type="text/javascript">widgetContext = { "url": "http://data.worldbank.org/widgets/indicator/0/web_widgets_3/EG.USE.PCAP.KG.OE/countries/1W-GB-XO-US-XD", "width": 300, "height": 225, "widgetid": "web_widget_iframe_c1104e6376579b022e5c7936cce4dff7" };</script><div id="web_widget_iframe_c1104e6376579b022e5c7936cce4dff7"></div><script src="http://data.worldbank.org/profiles/datafinder/modules/contrib/web_widgets/iframe/web_widgets_iframe.js"></script><div style="font-size: 10px; color:#000">Data from <a href="http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EG.USE.PCAP.KG.OE/countries/1W-GB-XO-US-XD?display=graph" style="color:#CCC;">World Bank</a></div></div>

Now, if you were talking to an American hen your figures might possibly start to make a bit more sense, but then I'd never advocate that the developing world should be targeting even 50% of the USA's per capita energy consumption figures (7,000 kgoe per capita), as this is totally unnecessary, and would put their consumption well above current UK and European average consumption levels, which are already much higher than they need to be.

Besides, as I've been demonstrating, if we're talking in primary energy terms, then solar, wind etc require significantly less primary energy to produce electricity than fossil fuels do, so a move to renewable energy sources should reduce the overall primary energy requirements to generate that electricity.
Yesterday consisted of stating one very simple point, many many times over.

In order to produce one single PV panel, very many diverse systems must function. Those systems include the manufacturing process of the panel itself. They include the manufacturing processes of all of the apparatus through which the the panel is manufactured. They include the raw material extraction process for the device, and the manufacturing process of the raw material extraction apparatus. They include all the social institutions that maintain the stability of the conditions under which those processes can function, such as the military processes by which access to resource is maintained. Critical ones, such as marine transport, cannot be converted to run on electricity in any timeframe relevant to this analysis.
yes. These are incorporated into the energy demand figures for society that the combined energy mix of renewables, nuclear and decreasing amounts of fossil fuel inputs will be required to meet.

I'm not sure how many times I need to spell this out for you, but the marine transport and anything else that is actually incapable of being powered electrically from renewables, will no doubt continue to be powered from oil for a long time into the future. This is not querying the fact that oil production is almost certain to be dropping signiicantly in the near future, merely pointing out that there will remain a significant volume of oil available to be used for purposes such as shipping for an extremely long time into the future - shipping accounts for less than 10% of world oil supplies (and I'd expect shipping could fairly simply be reduced by 50% or more with a reversal of the globalisation process of recent decades... don't forget one of the biggest shipping sectors is oil and coal, so less of that = less shipping of it), and we should be pumping those sorts of volumes for a long time to come. Maybe at some point in the distant future alternative fuel sources will need to be used, but let's just take this one step at a time and deal with the stuff we need to worry about for the next 50 years or so first, then deal with that later.

We can say two things about the energy pathways. (1) They are currently sustained by energy sources of EROEI many times higher than solar (2) They are not yet fully understood and therefore cannot yet have been fully mapped.

If they have never been mapped, then your naive estimations of solar EROEI are too high. I'm afraid it is simply too naive to present some material on the embodied energy of paint, and a simple calculation of motive power energy exchange loss from which a full account of the manufacturing losses is necessarily absent, and conclude that hydrocarbon is substitutable by renewables in all the systems and subsystems of the global manufacturing process, the defining one of which cannot be powered by renewables derived electricity. Your point was never made, and so does not stand.

You have acknowledged that the manufacturing energy mapping process is fiendishly difficult. You know that, as manufacturing pathway energies are mapped and accounted for, solar EROEI will fall further. You do not yet know, as they are accounted for, whether the EROEI of solar might tend to unity or below while commercially achievable conversion efficiency is approaching its theoretical maximum. Since the quantity of manufacturing energy and resource increases exponentially to infinity as EROEI tends to unity, the uncertainty of your proposition that solar is a substitute is grossly sensitive to further small reductions in EROEI. You have failed to acknowledge that uncertainty.[/quote]
You're wildly exagerating the potential per unit energy content of any 'unknown unknowns' missing from current EROEI calculation, and as you've already demonstrated you don't have a clue what actually already goes into them I suppose that's not that surprising.

For most of the stuff that you mention that has any validity at all, if it weren't already included, then combined together it would add at most a few percent to the energy input calculations per panel. Essentially most of the stuff you're talking about is so far downstream that those energy costs would be split up between tens / hundreds of millions of panels produced by the factory in its lifetime using the downstream manufacturing plant in their lifetimes.

What you're also missing is that I'm using fairly worst case scenario figures produced 5-10 years ago, and since then the supply chain has had to become much more energy efficient in it's production methods in order to cope with the rapidly reducing prices being paid per unit. Most manufacturers are using thinner cells, and more efficient methods of growing the crystals etc than they were when these figures were first produced.

In the longer term, once we get to the need to replace the first generation panels, you also miss the significant impact on the energy costs of this replacement that will occur through the recycling and reuse of the aluminium frames rather than using virgin aluminium. Plus, as I've pointed out, the panel lifetime is likely to be significantly longer than that used within the EROEI calculations IMO.

Setting EROEI uncertainty aside, you have been presented with very specific problems of manufacturing and operationally maintaining your technology as the current motive energy behind the manufacturing system depletes with a 7 year half life uninvested in an environment of capital formation impairment, energy competition from higher utility end uses, and severe emission restriction. You have failed to acknowledge those problems, much less account for them.
That's because I'd generally prefer to settle one point prior to moving on to the next, whereas you seem to prefer to pretend you never made that point, then move on to something else once I've shown you to be wrong on the point.

Setting engineering aside, you have been presented with the referenced observation that no complex civilisation has been observed to survive a reduction in the EROEI of its primary energy source, with the further observation that ours is the most complex, high EROEI dependent civilisation in recorded human history. Your response has been "liar, liar, pants on fire."
My response was to refute in detail your original statement, which you even acknowledged had been wrong.

I then pointed out the key difference between this situation now, and these previous occasions you brought up, namely that in those previous situations the EROEI figures were mainly a function of distance from the civilisation (distance to woods, coal mine etc), and would continue to get worse until the civilisation collapsed.

That's not the situation now, where we have alternative energy sources to switch to which have EROEI figures that may be lower than for oil / coal's thermal EROEI figures, but should still be viable, and most importantly, won't continue to get worse until such time as civilisation collapses. So the situations aren't comparable.

It has been an interesting exchange, but one in which you may not conclude that you have yet made any point. Conversely, I seek to make no other point than the one summarised in this post - your claim that solar is a viable substitute for hydrocarbon is, at best, speculative.
being as you have no other credible alternative energy source to bring to the table, and my 'speculation' is supported by detailed research data, and is based on sound engineering principles and calculations, I'd humbly suggest we'd be better off getting on with implementing the only credible solution that's on the table until such time as you actually come up with a better plan for replacing those lost hydrocarbons.

Energy efficiency will not achieve this alone, and I'd personally prefer to aim for the option that kept as many of humanity alive and living decent quality lives in a relatively high tech society as possible, so won't countenance any option that is predecated on the death of a significant proportion of humanity.

You will now ignore the bulk of this carefully written post, extract the one sentence from which you believe you can construct a straw man, elevate that straw man to evidence of the complete failure of my entire argument, and advance it. A process with which I am weary.
If you stopped making so many completely wrong statements in your posts then I'd not have to pick you up on them so often. I'm not inventing these strawmen, I'm merely responding directly to points you're making in your posts - sorry if you find this an annoying habit of mine, but it's easily rectified by ensuring you know what you're talking about before posting this stuff up.
could you clarify what this 'our' bit is you're referring to there?
OECD - population 1.2 billion, 0.4% population annual growth rate, 4.6 toe per capita energy intensity, 0.4% per capita energy annual reduction rate.

non-OECD - population 5.7 billion, 1.0% population annual growth rate, 1.1 toe per capita energy intensity, 1.4% per capita energy annual growth rate.

"We" are 18% of the earth's population. "They" consume 24% of our energy, per capita.

Using those population and energy intensity growth figures:

Global energy use 2010 11.9 bn toe
Global energy use 2030 15.8 bn toe (1.45% annual growth rate, 48 year doubling time)

To decouple energy demand from population growth, you'd need to decrease energy intensity through your little energy calculations at the rate of 2.3% per annum i.e. halve it every 30 years. IEA forecasts energy intensity will rise 0.5% per annum over that period (i.e. like you, they don't expect the rural poor to get electricity, basic sanitation or health care).

Sources: BP (2011), IEA (2011), UN (2004)
yes. These are incorporated into the energy demand figures for society that the combined energy mix of renewables, nuclear and decreasing amounts of fossil fuel inputs will be required to meet...You're wildly exagerating the potential per unit energy content of any 'unknown unknowns' missing from current EROEI calculation, and as you've already demonstrated you don't have a clue what actually already goes into them I suppose that's not that surprising.
Please coach us in what "having a clue to what actually already goes into them" looks like.

Intermittency is one of many problems with renewables. Complex societies barely run on continuous supplies of high EROEI energy (there were already 24,000 excess winter deaths in England and Wales in 2011/12 at the peak of hydrocarbon production). They certainly won't run on intermittent, low EROEI energy sources. So you need storage and standby capacity.

Battery manufacture is notoriously energy and resource hungry. In the context of your claims of wild exaggeration, could you demonstrate exactly what the estimate is for the quantity of batteries needed to provide storage to ensure continuity of power, at industrial rates of consumption. Could you then show what energy and resource assumptions have been made for the manufacture and replacement of these batteries, and where they have been "incorporated into the energy demand figures".

Is it your assumption that batteries will entirely meet our standby capacity, or do you anticipate that any solar and wind capacity will need to be replicated with thermal generation to meet demand during prolonged, synchronised, regionally extensive periods of solar and wind unavailability ? If so, given your keenness to illustrate the inefficiency of thermal energy conversion processes, and allowing for the increased inefficiency introduced by cycling and intermittent operation, could you show where this is "incorporated into the energy demand figures".

To round it out, summarise the assumptions that have been made for the energy and resource requirement of new electricity transportation infrastructure, distribution infrastructure upgrade, and uneconomic i.e. pre-obsolescent replacement of capital equipment and non-electric consumer appliances.

If possible, be sure to show how these energy losses, which will include multi-million tonne lithium and other battery resource mining operations, compare to the energy gains from recycling the aluminium frames holding the PV devices.

This is quite an important exercise, because these are the considerations that distinguish real world application from the current crop of small scale (relative to demand) experiments. They are energy and resource commitments you have to make to overcome the limitations of the technology in real applications at scale and, as such, are not included in the EROEI estimates of each technology.

Essentially most of the stuff you're talking about is so far downstream that those energy costs would be split up between tens / hundreds of millions of panels produced by the factory in its lifetime using the downstream manufacturing plant in their lifetimes.
This is your "teenager living at home" economic problem. Your problem is that halving your EROEI doubles your resource and energy requirement. We are resource and energy constrained, so that increased demand cannot be met. Dividing that unmet demand into "tens / hundreds of millions" of small unmet demands does not cause the demand to be met. The suggestion that it might is lazy and naive.

I still haven't detected your answer to how your multiple, fragile, and globally extensive manufacturing and operations supply chains are to be sustained under conditions of increasing resource competition and decreasing security and, therefore, why we should be investing now, knowing that they will fail. I suppose that is because there is no answer?
Just spotted this:

Renewable Energy’s Hidden Costs
In the country with the highest level of renewable penetration, 800,000 German households now cannot pay their electricity bills. (Source: focus.de).
In 2009 Germans spent about 100 billion euros for energy - an average of 2,500 euros per household. Social and consumer groups complain that up to 800 000 households in Germany could not pay their electric bill. The rise in energy prices, could soon be in some parts of Germany the "second rent", exceeding household rent.

Meanwhile, German natural gas produces want to close the back-up gas-fired plants they need to run to provide standby cover for synchronised wind and solar failure, unless they start receiving subsidies.
The troubled gas-generation market is an issue for policy makers, who need the flexibility gas offers when windless or cloudy days cut renewable production.

In the U.K., the regulator Ofgem said last month the country may face a power capacity shortfall as the lack of gas-fired capacity combines with the withdrawal of coal units because of environmental regulations.

Germany “needs” flexible gas plants to underpin a greater share of renewable sources if the country’s exit from nuclear power is to succeed, Environment Minister Peter Altmaier said in January.

The remedy may be so-called capacity mechanisms, where generators are paid to keep plants on line even when they aren’t used. The U.K. plans a new system to encourage investment and may start payments in 2018, under changes to the energy industry making their way through parliament.

The colossal deception that is going on in renewables lobbying (which Free Spirit has given us a helpful tour of) is that renewables cover their vastly higher manufacturing energy and resource requirements out of their more efficient generation mechanism. They fail to note that you still need to build and run the *old* generation mechanism, which is now much less efficient, as well as construct a whole array of the energy intensive auxiliary devices that are required to make renewable energy sources compatible with the needs of complex civilisations.

You can be certain, amid all the bluster, that none of these energy, resource and financial overheads will be accounted for in the flattering statistics emitted by the renewables lobby, even before you start looking closely at how they work out their EROEIs.
OECD - population 1.2 billion, 0.4% population annual growth rate, 4.6 toe per capita energy intensity, 0.4% per capita energy annual reduction rate.

non-OECD - population 5.7 billion, 1.0% population annual growth rate, 1.1 toe per capita energy intensity, 1.4% per capita energy annual growth rate.

"We" are 18% of the earth's population. "They" consume 24% of our energy, per capita.

Using those population and energy intensity growth figures:

Global energy use 2010 11.9 bn toe
Global energy use 2030 15.8 bn toe (1.45% annual growth rate, 48 year doubling time)

To decouple energy demand from population growth, you'd need to decrease energy intensity through your little energy calculations at the rate of 2.3% per annum i.e. halve it every 30 years. IEA forecasts energy intensity will rise 0.5% per annum over that period (i.e. like you, they don't expect the rural poor to get electricity, basic sanitation or health care).

Sources: BP (2011), IEA (2011), UN (2004)

Population growth rates everywhere are falling, and where you reach a critical point of urbanisation in poorer countries, fertility rates reduce dramatically.


Energy use per capita and population growth are not independent variables. Generally, an increase in per capita energy use will be accompanied by a decrease in fertility.
Population growth rates everywhere are falling
…and for as long as they remain positive, the total population will continue to increase.
The world population is expected to keep on rising during the 21st century, although its growth is projected to experience a marked deceleration during the second half of the century.
- United Nations - World Population Prospects 2010
That deceleration is well outside any timeframe that matters to this debate.

Energy use per capita and population growth are not independent variables. Generally, an increase in per capita energy use will be accompanied by a decrease in fertility.
You missed a word. "Eventually."

In any event, your comments are irrelevant to my point. Energy demand is a strong function of very low relative per-capita energy consumption in a very large fraction of the earth's population.
All power plants have back up for maintenance,repairs, variable demand and unexpected outage.

Yet this graph has none for Nuclear, Oil and Gas. Is that a tiny slither for nuclear?

This report is a sign of how desperate the Fossil Fuel/Nuke lobby is becoming.

Perhaps you might consider taking a moment to read the article. It is perfectly clear on that point.
…and for as long as they remain positive, the total population will continue to increase.

That deceleration is well outside any timeframe that matters to this debate.

You missed a word. "Eventually."

In any event, your comments are irrelevant to my point. Energy demand is a strong function of very low relative per-capita energy consumption in a very large fraction of the earth's population.
These estimates have been revised downwards a fair few times in the last couple of decades. Yes, population will grow from where it is now, but the peak may well be no more than 9 billion. You do need to take this into account when attempting forecasts.

You also need to take into account the fact that the changes in lifestyle in places where population is still growing strongly will not simply naively mirror what has happened in the already rich world. It won't. Effectively, both rich and poor worlds will be moving towards similar end points, just from different directions. As mentioned earlier in the thread, it is no coincidence that China and India are world-leaders in research into renewables. The innovations and solutions to energy demand in a world of Peak Oil and anthropogenic climate change will come mostly from the parts of the world that face the most immediate consequences of these things - not the West.
Yes, population will grow from where it is now, but the peak may well be no more than 9 billion. You do need to take this into account when attempting forecasts.
No I don't. I only need to demonstrate that it is going up to also demonstrate that Free Spirit's statements about demand reduction are naive. Which I have done, and with which you agree.

You also need to take into account the fact that the changes in lifestyle in places where population is still growing strongly will not simply naively mirror what has happened in the already rich world. It won't.
I think we can usefully distinguish between the 80% mirroring what has already happened in 20%, and the 80% merely accessing the most basic levels of electricity, clean water and sanitation. Simply doing that represents a colossal increase in demand. Because it's 80% of the planet.

My point is simple, and has been made: demand destruction will not rescue Free Spirit's white elephants from the colossal resource and energy input increased required by their low EROEIs, because demand is not going to be destroyed. Voluntarily, at least.

Note the two resources at earliest risk of depletion: antimony for batteries, and indium for solar panels. Yes, they can possibly be substituted - at the cost of even lower EROEI of the energy system they are required for, and therefore even higher resource and energy requirement by the energy system, and therefore even faster depletion rate of the next scarcest substitute.

Again - the open question to Free Spirit. Why exactly are we squandering the last of our oil reserves on white elephants?
90% of solar panels don't use Indium.

Antimony is only used in certain types of lead batteries to improve performance.
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