I do. It's in poor taste but it's only a tattoo.
Seems a bit over the top, but if someone complained I suppose the police would have to question him at least. He did seem more of an idiot than a hardline racist in that Sky news clip and admitted it was stupid.They probably won't charge him though, unless it's 'pour encourager les autres'.fuckin madness
I do. It's in poor taste but it's only a tattoo.
It's not incitement to anything, it's a depiction of a mosque exploding. The cause of the explosion isn't made explicit - It could be a gas leak rather than a bomb for all we know.
It is, at the very least, incitement to a terrorist act.
And he can't complain he had only borrowed it off a mate out of interest...
It's not incitement to anything, it's a depiction of a mosque exploding. The cause of the explosion isn't made explicit - It could be a gas leak rather than a bomb for all we know.
oh sorry, was he on a march about gas safety or something and not an edl march??
turn it in softlad ffs
They should remove it from him with a scalpel
Ouch.......... make sure you sprinkle lots of salt on after, and rub it in...... wouldn't want an infection would we!cheese grater
cheese grater
Shoulda went the whole hog and got TWAT tattooed on his forehead.......It is, at the very least, incitement to a terrorist act.
And he can't complain he had only borrowed it off a mate out of interest...
I saw someone lose half their hand in a machine not too dissimilar to that once, a young lad fresh out of school. When we'd bandaged him up and were waiting for the ambulance he was screaming for his mum
One of the most disturbing things I've ever seen
Spindle Moulder?
Those things can be lethal, especially when, like in your photo, they're not properly guarded
Nice job.
I'm only a few miles from where he lives and I know a few radgies round that way. I heard a rumour that the mosque thing was to cover up a Lidl tatoo he had done 'for a laugh'. I'll ak around see if anyone knows...
Mindset, beliefs, foundations, call it what you will.The mortar of what though?
The tory PR contractors apparently.By who?
Really? Okay. Those floating between BNP and tory crosses on the ballot.Aimed at who?
Yes. Hence "baby-step". You're veering, so I'll take you back to my opening, the context - You say that "The title is instantly problematic because it promotes reactionary nationalism in the name of opposing fascism"It relies on and legitmises and normalises two things: 1) that there is a proper british way of doing things, i.e that there is a certain set of british beliefs and b) that the tory party embody these beliefs. It's pro-status quo (and it's the same arguments and approach that is being used to smear benefit claimants and immigrants right now) and shouldn''t be touched with a barge pole by anyone concerned with changing that status quo. Horror show stuff.
Nice job.
The only bit I'm not so sure about is the criticism of the "Nothing British about the BNP" campaign though.
You say that " The title is instantly problematic because it promotes reactionary nationalism in the name of opposing fascism". Taken in isolation, I'd agree. But the context is a campaign aimed at a group of people that regard themselves as 'patriots'. Their hot-button, the thing that will influence them, is an appeal to their sense of 'Britishness'. The campaign is (was) therefore designed to use this lever, to reform their sense of this 'Britishness' to include diversity and difference, and thus distance them from a party that the tories saw as a potential threat.
I'm no fan of the concept of patriotism, whether or not it's (overtly) aligned with facism and xenophobia - but that's a more complicated message and would need to be delivered in a different way to a campaign like NBatBNP. It was a quick-win strike, a simple message telling those on the margins that what they were flirting with was actually in opposition to that which they hold dear. That's not a bad thing in itself - if viewed as a baby-step rather than mission-achieved.
My main problem with NBatBNP is that it was designed to increase the Tory vote. The message itself I see as a valid attempt to chip away a bit of the mortar, even though it won't demolish the building.
Fair PoV, but the way your initial objection came across in the blog (to me) was nothing to do with the tories.no.
it was aimed at presenting an image of a tory party as a party that was opposed to fascism and was not racist which as recent events have shown is a lie. and promoting the idea of fascism as something "british people" wouldn't do.
and i'm sorry but if you promote nationalism and say it's to oppose fascism it makes what you're doing pointless. especially when you're doing so from being in a position of a party that either holds state power or is the official opposition and therefore is hugely responsible for the conditions that create support for the far-right.
That, in itself, I see as a potential baby-step for some people that may be flirting with nationalism. Not a great view to be holding, but better the previous. Someone able to view themselves as a 'patriot' whilst accepting difference is better than someone who sees their 'patriotism' as inextricably linked to the rejection of difference, IMO. And like it or not, I suspect Damascene conversions are rare.The title ... implies that what is wrong with the BNP is that it is in some way ... “not British”
and i'm sorry but the whole "vote x to keep out the bnp" is bullshit.