Nice one
the place ive been talking about and i was a regular at throughout my teens organises trips to israel for teenagers, there are israeli flags on a billboard by the door etc. when the latest israeli attack happened in december they sent an email to all members telling them of what the israeli ambassor had said (although the rabbi then put an opposing view in his email and then sent another one out judging by some of the replies that he was probably anticipating getting). one of the things that made me stop going for a long time was the fact that in one children's service I went to, I saw them teach kids of pre school age about how great israel is as a country, and make them do puzzles about it in the service, i was pretty disgusted when i saw that and didnt go for ages and ages after that. ive heard people in the congregation say dodgy things, mostly zionism/israel related, but also the odd dodgy thing about gays, although i think they support gay marriage quite openly. its not a requirement of joining to be a zionist or anything but i think people with even my views would be in a bit of a minority (although increasingly not that much of one)
that doesnt mean i would be happy about say the edl or some conspiraloons group marching around there unopposed though, in fact i'd be fucking livid about it, especially if people didnt want to oppose the march and the reason given was "zionists palestine blah blah blah" i would be bitching about on here for fucking weeks
Id imagine people who grew up catholic and going to catholic churches and there was some orange/loyalist/fash parade in the area and then people were like "yeah but dont oppose it coz of the pope/child abuse/condoms" would equally piss people off wouldnt it?
i imagine there are some similarly unsavoury views in the local mosque and i know a lot of local churches have odd/dodgy views on abortion etc. im not familiar with this particular case so i might be talking shite but allowing the edl to march opposed somewhere or at least not organising any oppo to it because of the people organising the centre having dodgy views it might end up pissing people off that are nothing to do with it. Unless I am wrong and they really are a bunch of hardcore islamists but from what
cesare said it didn't seem like it did
If they were hardcore Islamists then fair enough, fuck em and feel free to ignore this post, but from what people are saying seems like just a community centre/mosque.