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EDL watch

If that was a "victory" for the EDL, fuck knows what a defeat must look like.

Just 15 of them turning up outside a mosque, one of them being taken to hospital and the rest all getting pigged.

On the latter note it's probably the cops that saved them in the end.

These people really are unbelievably stupid.
If that was a "victory" for the EDL, fuck knows what a defeat must look like. Just 15 of them turning up outside a mosque, one of them being taken to hospital and the rest all getting pigged.On the latter note it's probably the cops that saved them in the end. These people really are unbelievably stupid.

the turnout was about 100 and they were outnumbered by plod. the whitechapel incident shows that they havent learnt from the last time they visited in summer 2010 and got run out of town. eejits. the infidel factionalism and alignment with the fluffies has affected them. luton next will show how many are left.
the turnout was about 100 and they were outnumbered by plod. the whitechapel incident shows that they havent learnt from the last time they visited in summer 2010 and got run out of town. eejits. the infidel factionalism and alignment with the fluffies has affected them. luton next will show how many are left.
'Paki bashing' ain't as easy as it once was for these cunts. Hopefully after getting battered once more they stay clear.

As the bloke in the video said "They can't come into Tower Hamlets. If they do they either go away in a police wagon or in an ambulance".

They really do need to get over this obsession with Tower Hamlets and the East London Mosque.

john x
This is the account of how things went tits up for Stoke Division.


They could not take it on the chin so they are goign to send a couple of drunk bald blokes to hang around outside. Not the wisest move considering there will be a large contingent of Antifa there.

In other news, leadership issued a statement cahstising the casuals for getting in a ruck and having their arse kicked in Whitechapel. This did not go down too well with the casuals and quite a few members posted that it was their right to go 'paki bashing' if they wanted to so the thread was pulled due to threats and massive racism.

I can smell an EDL vs Casuals split.
As the bloke in the video said "They can't come into Tower Hamlets. If they do they either go away in a police wagon or in an ambulance".

They really do need to get over this obsession with Tower Hamlets and the East London Mosque.

john x
Lol the bloke in the video is a member of the All London Anarchist Revolutionary Movement (ALARM). :D
usual denial then self pitying whinge from 'leadership' on faceplant:

"Whitechapel Violence Unacceptable (Whoever Started It)
We have learned from the press that a group of men, including alleged members of the English Defence League, were on Saturday involved in a confrontation with a group of Muslim men not far from the East London Mosque, as a result of which one man was hospitalised.
The English Defence League condemns both the violence and any act of provocati...on that may have led to it. Any EDL supporters who went to Whitechapel went on their own initiative and without the consent of the EDL and its leadership.
Whilst the EDL opposes radical Islam, it does not seek to promote violence or hatred between Muslims and non-Muslims. We do not support the actions of anyone who visited the East London Mosque, whatever their motives. By their actions they spoiled the good work at Barking where the English Defence League had an official protest.
However, it is a sad indictment that people cannot go to parts of the capital without the fear of being attacked. The violence is unacceptable, whoever started it."

what utter bollocks.
i love jeffrey 'stabber' marsh's self-justifications on his silly little website. theres also this:

'sure we get high spirited, sure there are idiots who tag along with us, but at the end of the day (apart from the sun going down) if civil war ever DID break out, who would the British public be shouting for? Yes you guessed it, the E.D.L.!!!!!'

who you gonna call?
EDL version of events brought to you by Alan Furniss

as iv said all along...and must quote this was not planned...
hello misty...i was the one that grabbe the knife from the kitchen from the pub it was a very dangerouse situ...we done nothing wrong all this about chanting allah is a peodo is rubbish and just an excuse and fake justification....guramit it wont be documented like it never does but about 10-20 of us went for a pint oppisite the east london mosque ok we knew our pressence wasz provokative but as we say this is england i will not be told i cant go anywhere by noone next thing you know 20 muslim youth dragged some fella with us into the road jumping on his head kicking his head like it was a football and beat the shit out of him while we were ordering drinks i went running out there they left him in the road i dragged him unconscious to the safety of the pub door ish when i looked up there was around 2-300-400 muzzy youth to the right of the pub another couple hundred to the left and all the mosque piling out onto the street it was a very tricky situation around 80 old bill turned up with one ambulance trying to calm a 1000 muslims against 10 maybe 15 of us i was trying to wake the lad up he was in bad form drifting in and out face smashed to bits then missiles were being thrown bottles stones eggs ets...halal eggs i may add lol...the crowd on my right start breaking bottles ready to attack us so i left the lad with the paramedic ran into the pub made all there customers sit to the back of the boozer in case the windows got caved in threw the chef on the floor and grabbed all the knifes i could see...1 of them lol and i stayed with the lad on the floor ready to let any cunt have it if they were gonna attack thankfully...we all got nicked and taken to the train stations before we all got killed...

Got to say, even as putting a marker down this was poor. If this was supposed show the rest of the edl whose got bottle and and form a group to rally around then i think its going to do the opposite and make the inexperienced youtube hoolies who've never been in proper bother melt away.
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