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EDL watch

Seriously though, completely ridiculing the EDL isn't a bad thing. Turning them into a national joke is a better thing to do than talking them up, for instance, it really hurts their pride when you refuse to take them seriously. I remember seeing the reactions to this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiQQ3VSmxFQ on some EDL forums and it drove the fucking mad. so all joking aside its not a bad tactic.
why are the EDL OBSESSED with pedophiles? they're always banging on and on about them.
Someone told them that Mohammed married a 9 year-old and therefore paedophilia is allowed in the Quran.

Then they see these 'Asian men grooming schoolgirl stories' and get all excited that it is all part of this Islamic conspiracy to take over the UK. When it is pointed out that most of the Asian blokes convicted are not actually practicing Muslims, they blame the 'Marxist' media and government for hiding the truth from us!

john x
is it not the same thing as when its an asian blokes it cos theyre muslim and if its a white bloke its cos theyre a pervert? they think cos we oppose EDL etc we must therefore support 'pedos!'
Or the fact that one of the Founders of the EDL is a convicted nonce....
The truth is that apart from the generic News of the World 'Hang all Paediatricians' response to child abuse, all the EDL are interested in is using it as a stick to beat brown people with.

This was shown up quite nicely a number of months ago, when someone posted a link to a court case involving a man with an 'Asian sounding' name on one of their crappy facebook pages. It illicited the usual "hang 'em, flog 'em, send 'em home', knee-jerk responses by people who obviously hadn't read the article. It took a 'troll' to point out that the name in the headline didn't refer to the defendant who if you scrolled to the bottom of the page, was a white English man.

The link, and comments, were hastily removed.

They care as much about child abuse as they do about women's rights, gay rights and human rights. Shower of badly educated, gullible shits, the lot of them.

john x
i just cant imagine many of the edl chimps in church for midnight mass on xmas eve somehow. unless stella and charlie are replacing the crap wine and biscuit!
The EDL has just published the minutes of the 'Way Forward' meeting last month.

Doesn't seem to have been much discussion, just Tommy announcing the link up with the BFP and people asking him a few questions.

john x
The EDL has just published the minutes of the 'Way Forward' meeting last month.

Doesn't seem to have been much discussion, just Tommy announcing the link up with the BFP and people asking him a few questions.

john x

On several occasions I have asked, via FB where the EDL live, EDL supporters to comment on the internal constitutional procedures via which the EDL came to support BFP. Not once have I been answered.

I was answered by a BFP admin, who said (I am paraphrasing) that seeing as the EDL have no members there was no need for such arrangements and it wasn't directly BFP business anyhow.

It was after I asked how this sat with the BFP "principle" denouncing of the lack of democracy within the EU that I was banned.

How this banning sits with their "principle" on free speech (top of the list if you can be arsed to look) will remain a curio you can draw your own judgements from.
In our union with the BFP and through respectability, we will be taken seriously by the political class. We will be working alongside household names and be assured of political and financial support from among others, the USA..

This shows what a political cul-de-sac these people are in!

They seem to think that the BFP is some kind of major respectable political party which will give them access to 'household names'.

Respectability guys? It is just another miniscule far-right party largely populated by BNP rejects!

john x
they will not be taken seriously. the amount of bad publicity, arrests and violent racism the EDL have been involved in is not going to be forgotten and BFP is 1 of about 1/2 dozen mini-orgs who have no realistic chance of election mainly cos they are are exbnp - bennet, ward, mullens, stafford. it is tommys way of backing out of the EDL and avoiding more jail time.
Seriously though, completely ridiculing the EDL isn't a bad thing. Turning them into a national joke is a better thing to do than talking them up, for instance, it really hurts their pride when you refuse to take them seriously. I remember seeing the reactions to this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiQQ3VSmxFQ on some EDL forums and it drove the fucking mad. so all joking aside its not a bad tactic.

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