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EDL watch

I've just seen a group of men out on the town with blacked up faces and white pointed hats on, thinking about it now i'm home i think they were meant to be smurfs but it was dark, but black people watching weren't happy at all of course...
On an MEP salary and can't afford a car?

HnH say the party is about to go into administration.

But what HnH hasn't been talking about, whilst focusing solely on BNP and EDL as is, is that waiting in the wings is BNP split called 'BNP reform', which has been attempting to transform BNP in similar style as the Vlaams Bloc underwent to become Vlaams Belang, attempting to rid itself of BNP/Griffin's antisemitism and conspiracy theories. This BNPReform feeds into an actual political party called British Freedom, which I presume is waiting to catch BNP members after the party folds, which will be very soon. And then of course, on the balkanised Britain front, there's the English Democrats, which booted Billy Bunter Baker out for being against black people.

Ah well have to reply to this , lots of people reading, I've just been to a major meeting on inequality with Danny Dorling, Richard Wilson(not that one) academics who really know their stuff and statistics, and a senior PCS official(SP i think.) The discussion certainly focussed at the end on a new type of mainly right wing populism which may emerge in the Uk and which many of us on here have predicted for years, Wilson and especially Dorling were basically saying a fair bit of the country is going to be papuperised while much of the middle class will see many of its priveledges, wealth and opportunity disappear and that there are real dangers ahead. It won't be the EDL that are the benificaries of this chaos but more subtle and sophicated players...
Some excerpts from Martin Smith in Socialist worker

We stopped racist EDL ...and we’ll do it again!
A)There are days when our side wins an outright victory. Tower Hamlets on 3 September 2011 was one such day...

B)But last Saturday anti-racists on the streets outnumbered the EDL ten to one. It faced determined opposition...

C)Around 600 EDL thugs turned up—far less than the 2,000 they boasted would come. We had split the hardcore thugs from the soft hangers-on...

D)Don’t let anyone try and tell you the police did everything they could to keep the EDL out of Tower Hamlets...​
I've been very selective of the content from the SW article for the sake of space.
What think all of the above claims?
It seemed that it was overall a good day for anti EDl (Loved the coach antics), but the EDL themselves, being thick cunts, didn't see it that way. They think that they marched for the simple fact that they were escorted by police to Tower Bridge. They did what they usually do, ie, drink, sing, wobble, abuse.
Have their soft support dropped away?
What would have happened if the police had escorted their march or allowed them to march unescorted thru Tower Hamlets?

A) The SWP were completely irrelevant on Sept 3rd. They agreed to meet so far away from where the EDL would be its embarrassing. If they wanted to be relevant they would have met not far from Liverpool strather than completely out of the way beyond the mosque.
B)I am not sure how many were in the UAF pen at its peak so its hard for me to comment, but from what I saw there were certainly far larger numbers of protesters than EDL - 2 or 3 times more. EDL numbers? I'll take estimates from usual reliable anarchist guesstimates. There was a blurring of protesters and local youth, certainly there were enough independents out there for it to be a useful exercise. In terms of numbers, it is not a problem, there will be fiercer resistance next time and that is what matters. We tried to mix with local youth too, at one point later in the day we had a mixed mob of approx 50 which was a highlight - clearly chanting 'Fuk the Edl' and 'Fuk the police'. Certainly another attempt to come into Tower Hamlets would be a major mistake by the EDL.
C) That question for me was not important this time, the police control, & the Islamic stewarding (who had instructions to do what the police wanted and control the youth, & who thought my grouplet were EDL at one stage) were the real story of that day. Apart from the coach incident of course.
There is another report on the web by a Northerner that is worth reading.
A) The SWP were completely irrelevant on Sept 3rd. They agreed to meet so far away from where the EDL would be its embarrassing. If they wanted to be relevant they would have met not far from Liverpool strather than completely out of the way beyond the mosque.
B)I am not sure how many were in the UAF pen at its peak so its hard for me to comment, but from what I saw there were certainly far larger numbers of protesters than EDL - 2 or 3 times more. EDL numbers? I'll take estimates from usual reliable anarchist guesstimates. There was a blurring of protesters and local youth, certainly there were enough independents out there for it to be a useful exercise. In terms of numbers, it is not a problem, there will be fiercer resistance next time and that is what matters. We tried to mix with local youth too, at one point later in the day we had a mixed mob of approx 50 which was a highlight - clearly chanting 'Fuk the Edl' and 'Fuk the police'. Certainly another attempt to come into Tower Hamlets would be a major mistake by the EDL.
C) That question for me was not important this time, the police control, & the Islamic stewarding (who had instructions to do what the police wanted and control the youth, & who thought my grouplet were EDL at one stage) were the real story of that day. Apart from the coach incident of course.
There is another report on the web by a Northerner that is worth reading.

Still quite a bit away from where the EDL were being escorted in London, unless it was internet anti fascsim in which case they could have googled a load of Rock Against Racism You Tubes videos from Auditech to play next to Bob's EDL clips.
Are they Anti Fascists becuase the youtube video title tells us they are, or are they just two dicks from London?
I wasn't there but from what i've gathered of SDL/EDL in Edinburgh:

Police said 200 of them, going by photos looks def over 100. Figure of 40 was banded about on twitter before the bulk of them (who were bussed in together) arrived. I reckon maybe around 160-200.

Antis gathered from 11am at bottom of Mound on Princess St and sounds like they were kept kettled by old Burger King outside Balmoral Hotel/ East End of Princess St.

Bulk of EDL arrived maybe half twelvish and were bussed out around an hour later.

Way more antis than SDL.

Going by pics/ flags it looks like the usual 50odd SDL who've previously gathered have been boosted by another 100 or so from England. More England flags motifs etc than Scottish.

BTW - that Tommy Robinson grafiti looks photoshopped.

brilliant, thanks for the heads up! bbc says 200 and it seems they were outnumbered from pix. also after last weeks expense and fanny aboot in london few of them would have had the cash (or will) to get up there. the infidel splinter is more openly fascist which is a move away from EDL policies. cos theyre NWI, NWE, SDL and other grupuscules, the wannabe leaders will squabble and the inevitable fash fall oots will follow. more leaders than soldiers has always knacked them. look at the violent fallouts over the last year in the EDL. here's hoping!
jeffrey 'stabber' marsh bigging up SDL thing on his wee blog. so the casuals and what was WDL, NWI NEI SDL (who someone said are basically Scots BNP) moving away from tommy's lot. the fall outs over leadership status, football and CASH are on the cards.
Still quite a bit away from where the EDL were being escorted in London, unless it was internet anti fascsim in which case they could have googled a load of Rock Against Racism You Tubes videos from Auditech to play next to Bob's EDL clips.

You're In a sarky mood this morning steps.

Red Storm/taffyboy gwyrdd - I found out very recently that person in whose name the Redwatch site is registered in (Simon Sheppard) has not long been released from prison following his conviction (alongside the Whittle fellow) for publishing racist and anti-Semitic material. Could it be too that Redwatch has been re-started now he's back out as well?

mel! stuff on shepherd here:
hes just got out i think.
Just because Laurie Penny is not always consistent, is from a priveledged background, a media magnet, makes things up sometimes, doesn't mean she can't write a good article and that is a very good article, bang on..
oh, and her anger she displays about the dismantling of the welfare state is genuine and heartfelt, she has/had a partner who was on disability benefits..
I particularly like the heated argument as to whether Muslims should be kicked out because they're a bunch of murderers and rapists, or because they aren't white.

(eta: to make it clear, that's in the comment thread there, not in O'Neill's piece)
brilliant, thanks for the heads up! bbc says 200 and it seems they were outnumbered from pix. also after last weeks expense and fanny aboot in london few of them would have had the cash (or will) to get up there. the infidel splinter is more openly fascist which is a move away from EDL policies. cos theyre NWI, NWE, SDL and other grupuscules, the wannabe leaders will squabble and the inevitable fash fall oots will follow. more leaders than soldiers has always knacked them. look at the violent fallouts over the last year in the EDL. here's hoping!

They were outnumbered however as Joe Reilly has said elsewhere UAF had their demo hundreds of yards away. Within sight of each other but frankly utterly pointless on both 'sides'. Martin Smith's rather bizarre and frankly revisionist approach to reporting is worthy of an award for fictional writing.
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