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EDL watch

The article aside this is vomit worthy too.....

an independent online phenomenon dedicated to raising the horizons of humanity by waging a culture war of words against misanthropy, priggishness, prejudice, luddism, illiberalism and irrationalism in all their ancient and modern forms.

I can't help feel that most of the time when the likes of O'Neill and his pals attack liberals it's a case of one shower of wankers bemoaning a shower of cunts.
Brendon O fucking Neill - that Revolutionary Communist Party LM Spiked GMmuncher who chose pop journalism & funding opps over real involvement in working class politics.
EDL have now placed a wreath at the US embassy, and police are telling them to leave or be arrested under Section 14, and EDL are saying they'll stay.

Let's hope they stay & get arrested.

What we need is moar EDL members locked-up & on hunger strike. :cool:
Let's hope they stay & get arrested.

What we need is moar EDL members locked-up & on hunger strike. :cool:
I wish I'd been a fly on the wall as the police made SDL/EDL puffing and wheezing members climb 200 steps in Edinburgh on Saturday. Apparently they also complained about the elevator being switched off in the tube station for their Aldgate demo in East London. :)
I don't think MAC are going to turn up, it was a provocation, though if they do they can get about 100 which can make quite a noise, etc..
You and some mates going somewhere is not a flashmob.
I'm not knocking the impromptu activism as others are turning up to stand with Muslims Against Extremists in their opposition to MAC and EDL at the US Embassy.

It was only called for a few hours ago. Give it chance. Anything is better than nothing at all.
Leaving the goonshow that is MAC and EDL unopposed would be far worse.
A friends t-shirt;

I'm not knocking the impromptu activism as others are turning up to stand with Muslims Against Extremists in their opposition to MAC and EDL at the US Embassy.

It was only called for a few hours ago. Give it chance. Anything is better than nothing at all.
Leaving the goonshow that is MAC and EDL unopposed would be far worse.
Hundal's got a right to go where he likes, as have his friends - no problem with what he's doing - but it's not a flashmob is it?
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