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Ecuador would like Julian Assange out of their embassy by the sounds of it.

If embassies were subject to normal health and safety the Ecuadorian one would have been shut long ago due to assange's unsavoury and unhygienic habits

He's only washed at a basin for years, and even that they've had to force him to do once a month - he won't countenance more frequent ablutions
Ecuador’s foreign minister, María Fernanda Espinosa, said her country was now seeking a “third country or a personality” to mediate a final settlement with the UK to resolve the impasse and said it was “considering and exploring the possibility of mediation”.

BIB - suggestions?

Bono, Lady Gaga, Branson, or Gazza?
Now the coppers have long gone from outside, I'm honestly amazed he hasn't just walked out covertly and made it to a waiting boat by now.
I quite like the idea of the cry going out in some sci-fi style control room: 'he's running!' - cue various integrated satellite and cctv systems tracking him to a launch on the Thames. He gets caught, but it validates his worldview. :cool:
I quite like the idea of the cry going out in some sci-fi style control room: 'he's running!' - cue various integrated satellite and cctv systems tracking him to a launch on the Thames. He gets caught, but it validates his worldview. :cool:

I reckon that part of the problem for Julian is that putting him out on the streets, maybe with an unremarkable charge of failing to respond to bail to follow, and an immediate appearance on Farage's radio show will kill a lot of his mystique - he almost needs Daniel Craig kissing Matt Damon to swoop down on a drone and liquidate (and maybe liquidize too!) him as soon as he comes out the door.
Now being reported that he's been given an Ecuadorean passport, so something is happening. Not sure what the practical results though.
Oh, and apparently America's greatest living journalist Sean the thumb Hannity has been doing his 'tick tick' routine 're Wiki on Twitter... but may be unrelated...
Now being reported that he's been given an Ecuadorean passport, so something is happening. Not sure what the practical results though.
If he was to walk out to a waiting car in the middle of a huddle of Ecuadorian diplomats, it wouldn't be a good look for the Met to dive in and arrest him. They would though, there's nothing else they could do after rejecting this diplomatic immunity lark. Neither Assange nor the Ecuadorians have many cards left to play it seems. Whether the UK would give him up to the Yanks is a different matter.
Wow :eek: So little respect for the man who changed the face of the world. So what if he`s an egotist, he has good reason to be!

Amazing what a good smear campaign can do.

This is probably the Trump administration at work.

Big up Mendax!
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Are you serious ?

Phill Mud ?.... ? You can not be serious !?
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Oh was it . I`ll search this site then (rather then rely on trusted media sources). Wow.

Basically - Yes means yes and dont trust the CIA :rolleyes:

Ok will now look into this forums opinion and see what your saying... after work anyway.
Oh was it . I`ll search this site then (rather then rely on trusted media sources). Wow.

Basically - Yes means yes and dont trust the CIA :rolleyes:

Ok will now look into this forums opinion and see what your saying... after work anyway.

Anyone that doesn't trust the cia should probably avoid central America, particularly Ecuador.
Running from sexual assault allegations in Europe though...
News here is claiming that Assange has been granted citizenship by Ecuador. Link here in Portuguese, it translates claiming, he has a passport (granted in December) and also has a tax number 1729926483 refers to citizen Julian Paul Assange (obligatory for citizens of Ecuador). Ecuador want to grant him diplomatic status but the UK government have said they would not recognize his diplomatic status, not sure they can as I think there is an international agreement covering diplomats, I guess it will end up in Court.
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