After the SR alterations, little changed at this station for many years. Colour lights replaced semaphore signals here on 8th March 1959, when the Factory Junction to Denmark Hill section of the SLL was converted to this mode of operation. Thereafter, the station was allowed to decay, so much that by the 1970s parts of it were becoming structurally unsafe. In 1973, waiting accommodation was severely reduced when large chunks from the middles of both canopies were dismantled. This subsequently created four separate waiting shelters – two on each platform – made up from the remains of the original canopies. At this time, the SR’s Swan Neck lamps were also removed, these being replaced by standard metal lampposts. In spite of this ‘’upgrade’’, the end was nigh. Due to the financial burden of running the station, coupled to the fact that the platforms would fall down without structural remedial work, closure occurred on 5th January 1976.