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Dugin's daughter killed in car bomb attack

She's had an open coffin funeral...cue the wild and wonderful theories.

(I think she was blown clear of the car, there was a pixellated body on the floor when the photo's first came out.)
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Marxist-Leninist. Also known as Stalinists (pejorative), includes Maoists (depends which tendency if it's a self-designation, but they're also called Stalinists due to adherence to an adapted M-L doctrine called Marxism-Leninism Mao Tse-Tung Thought). Tankies (pejorative with its origin in those who loyally rallied to the defence of Soviet/Warsaw Pact intervention in the satellite governments). These days the slur is basically for M-Lers/Stalinists who defend the USSR and PRC, the word revived by the youth of today and currently used against political cosplayers on social media.

I can't understand everything here but what I do understand is interesting, the festival they were at was organised by a nongovernmental organisation from the 'Patriotic counterculture'
So this photo is doing the rounds on Twitter.
Posing the obvious question, how the giddy fuck is she in such good condition after this.
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