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Dugin's daughter killed in car bomb attack

So this photo is doing the rounds on Twitter.
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Posing the obvious question, how the giddy fuck is she in such good condition after this.
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There is another photo of the aftermath that shows someone blown out of the car,, as if they had been ejected before the fire, quite messed up, not burnt. But definitely dead.

I won't link.

eta, wish I'd never seen it tbh.
Explosive injuries can be very random. Having had more experience than I would wish with the aftermath of such things, I can say that a human could be cut in half, with nothing left below the rib cage, while the face remained completely untouched.

It means nothing, she's just as dead.
So this photo is doing the rounds on Twitter.
View attachment 339356
Posing the obvious question, how the giddy fuck is she in such good condition after this.
View attachment 339358
Yes to echo the above all you really need for a display corpse is a head, or a convincingly large piece of. Weirdly, heads often survive explosions because the skull is a remarkably resilient structure, and its a base reflex in all of us to protect the face if anything dangerous starts to happen. With a good undertaker and some padding, nobody would believe the only thing in the casket is a head.

I really wish I hadn't thought about that but having thought about it, I'm sharing it.
He must have some suspicions of who did it.

An Atlanticist plot. The whale has lashed its tail at the elephant etc...

Seriously though, what are the conspiracy-oriented explanations from the Russian far-right so far? Not just the neo-Eurasianist Nutella faction. Apart from Ukrainian government terrorism (which seems like so much risk and effort for a non-entity) I genuinely don't know what to think of it while warning myself against seeing the Russian security state as being the culprit.
Johnson is popular in Ukraine because he gives them weapons and he's been a vocal supporter, I wouldn't read too much into it. It's almost like liberals here liking Angela Merkel because of her refugee policies except the average Ukrainian is even more removed from UK politics
An Atlanticist plot. The whale has lashed its tail at the elephant etc...

Seriously though, what are the conspiracy-oriented explanations from the Russian far-right so far? Not just the neo-Eurasianist Nutella faction. Apart from Ukrainian government terrorism (which seems like so much risk and effort for a non-entity) I genuinely don't know what to think of it while warning myself against seeing the Russian security state as being the culprit.
Has no one considered the 'she was transporting a bomb and it exploded in transit' possibility? That she knew it was there, that it was hers or belonged to a group she was part of or supported?
An Atlanticist plot. The whale has lashed its tail at the elephant etc...

Seriously though, what are the conspiracy-oriented explanations from the Russian far-right so far? Not just the neo-Eurasianist Nutella faction. Apart from Ukrainian government terrorism (which seems like so much risk and effort for a non-entity) I genuinely don't know what to think of it while warning myself against seeing the Russian security state as being the culprit.
What makes you think it wasn't the Russian security state out of interest (or leads you away from them)?

I think if this was the case it was a hit btw, I don't buy the false flag theory.
Maybe I'm overlooking something here, but why would the Russian security state want to take out someone who supports Putin?
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Maybe I'm overlooking something here, but why would the Russian security state want to take out someone who supports Putin? Not that I think it was the Ukrainians.
A warning to more important Russian fash maybe. He is very close to Malofeev and Girkin and that lot. And he has criticised Putin intensely in the past
A warning to more important Russian fash maybe. He is very close to Malofeev and Girkin and that lot. And he has criticised Putin intensely in the past
Well I'm sure you know more about it than me. I have no idea who Malofeev and Girkin are. But taking out one of your own supporters doesn't really make much sense to me at all.
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