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Dugin's daughter killed in car bomb attack

Ukraine has been famously reserved with expending resources since this war began, they have used them sparingly and wisely. Why would they go to such hassle/risk to off someone like that? Doesn’t add up at all. The Russian state on the other hand has a long and sordid history, especially under Putin of going large to kill people. I don’t gamble, but if I did I know where my shiny shilling would be…
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Well that's another case closed 👍

View attachment 339133

One of the things that stood out for me in that statement is the bit around tracking the Mini, which either suggests they have a surveillance system in Moscow of phenomenal sophistication (as in data recognition / facial recognition AI that can produce information like that about a car which changes its numberplates from nothing in less than 48 hours) or that they had her under surveillance and for some reason let her do this and then get away.
Spiers spy spires.
Dugina, like some other nationalists, had been at times critical of the conduct of the war, for not going hard enough, for fucking up so many times. Shoigu is often the target of their criticism, not a real soldier, or a cardboard general as other nationalist Girkin calls him. So possible she had enemies in the regime for gobbing off like this.

I don’t always agree with all Galeev's things but this is interesting. He argues that Dugina was the intended target (and that her dad knew!) Dugin wrote a strange text some years ago about sacrificing your daughter for the greater good:eek:
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Assorted ringpieces (Assadists, RT fans and suchlike) are claiming she was investigating Bellingcat so somehow they are in the frame for this hit, bumping her off before the big reveal. Convenient that they somehow find another Kremlin enemy to put in the frame.

This narrative did lead to this rather glorious bit of ’ownership’ of one of these clowns on Twitter.

Dugina, like some other nationalists, had been at times critical of the conduct of the war, for not going hard enough, for fucking up so many times. Shoigu is often the target of their criticism, not a real soldier, or a cardboard general as other nationalist Girkin calls him. So possible she had enemies in the regime for gobbing off like this.
I meant that by sacrificing a small-time player whose seen as a big time player, there'll we be further excuses for new repression. Like how there's no evidence Stalin had Kirov shot, but everyone assumes that's what happened.
That's the argument that Galeev makes in his post (and that Dugin knew, which I find unlikely but not impossible)
I wouldn't get particularly excited about the individual involved - what matters that the cause of her death is either regime infighting, or some maskirovka aimed at providing an excuse for X or Y action, and securing wider public/elite support.

The target, either father, daughter, either or both, were in real terms nobodies: it's ether internal squabbling, or they were 'famous, but not important' goats tethered up for sacrifice.

And no, I don't believe the Estonians or Ukrainians would go to effort of sending a Kill team to Moscow, do all the surveillance on the targets, the safehouse, the counter-surveilance, the legends, and the political risks of detonating a car bomb in Moscow just to whack a nobody.

Putin? perhaps, Shogu, sure? But these guys are late night GBNews freaks. Worth a cheap letter bomb perhaps - if you can keep it clean and stay innocent - but not the price of a full on kill team in the heart of the enemy...
Estonia. Always bloody Estonia . I’ve been there multiple times and can confirm that amongst the refreshing craft beers, Baltic cuisine, fairy tale cities and castles,windswept romantic beaches and delightful confectionary lies a dark heart of pure evil n every one of the 1.3 millions inhabitants. A rogue state indeed

It's the continual cheerfulness and politeness that really gives them away as the spawn of the devil. They're worse than canadians I tell ya.

Framed thread is thataway but... Broy in Michael Collins?
I dunno, it's such a pattern, I think it's basically brazen dogwhistle lying. Not that it logically means the Russians done it, but I think they know everybody knows they're promoting nonsense. And everybody knows everybody knows, and everybody is supposed to know. It's a sort of performance art.
I dunno, it's such a pattern, I think it's basically brazen dogwhistle lying. Not that it logically means the Russians done it, but I think they know everybody knows they're promoting nonsense. And everybody knows everybody knows, and everybody is supposed to know. It's a sort of performance art.

Yep this. And if not performance art some pretty vicious piss-taking a la Salisbury Cathedral.

It's becoming like a trademark.
Apparently the reporting of this on Ukrainian media involves having to explain to people who Dugin is, so he’s not a widely-known bogeyman there. Does seem doubtful that they’d bother.

It’s also reported that CCTV cameras covering the car park where it happened were deactivated two weeks ago. If true, that doesn’t smell like partisans/foreign hitmen.
don't know why, if i was an international hitman with the ability to place a bomb in a car undetected then i'm sure i could stretch to bribing some cctv people. it's far too competent to be a russian intelligence op
Not convinced by the 'It's too competent' argument tbh, the Salisbury poisonings were deliberately bad and even then many people didn't want to believe it was the Russians until a long time afterwards.

I don’t buy the deliberate false flag theory tho, I think someone has fucked up somewhere
Not convinced by the 'It's too competent' argument tbh, the Salisbury poisonings were deliberately bad and even then many people didn't want to believe it was the Russians until a long time afterwards.

I don’t buy the deliberate false flag theory tho, I think someone has fucked up somewhere
if you look at the last few years the salisbury thing does not in fact stand out as an aberration but one of the series of things which could have been handled far more competently. the entire course of the war in ukraine does not really speak to the competence of russian military intelligence, or it does but not in a way which paints them in a er competent light. this was competent in a technical sense, although it's entirely possible that whoever planted the device thought 'job done' and want off on the lash without realising that target #1 had escaped without injury
if you look at the last few years the salisbury thing does not in fact stand out as an aberration but one of the series of things which could have been handled far more competently. the entire course of the war in ukraine does not really speak to the competence of russian military intelligence, or it does but not in a way which paints them in a er competent light. this was competent in a technical sense, although it's entirely possible that whoever planted the device thought 'job done' and want off on the lash without realising that target #1 had escaped without injury
Yes we are obviously crap but we get the job done. And there is nothing you can do about it. We don’t care

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