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Dugin's daughter killed in car bomb attack

Don't forget even if its not anything to do with Putin, he and the Russian state want to project an image that it has the situation under control, the spectacle of car bombs on the streets is what Putin put an end to, so even people who dislike Dugin (or have not heard of him) will be spooked by this, making up some sort of Bourne Identity type plot probably seems more politically palatable than admitting they don't know who did it at all
Not surprised that Kiev has been fingered for this by the administration l, irrespective of the background. It’s good PR to demonise Ukraine and open the door to (more) soi disant attacks that can be sold as justified. It’s pretty seedy.
Predictably enough she's a member of Azov. Took her ID card with her on her secret assassination mission.
That crazy Azov battalion. Just seen a thing on twatter (can't be bothered to link) saying that all Ukrainian citizens in Russia will be under the cosh, now. That's the angle.
Sorry, what do you mean by this? There's good reason to believe this is true unfortunately
I meant that by sacrificing a small-time player whose seen as a big time player, there'll we be further excuses for new repression. Like how there's no evidence Stalin had Kirov shot, but everyone assumes that's what happened.
I meant that by sacrificing a small-time player whose seen as a big time player, there'll we be further excuses for new repression. Like how there's no evidence Stalin had Kirov shot, but everyone assumes that's what happened.
this would be kirov who was secretary of the central committee of the bolshevik party and head of the leningrad party organisation, not really some small time player.
I've been trying my best to sympathize with her father, for the sake of my own humanity, but I've failed. I just don't care. Good riddance.
I've been trying my best to sympathize with her father, for the sake of my own humanity, but I've failed. I just don't care. Good riddance.
I think it is possible to separate the humanity inherent in recognising the sense of loss in someone whose views and attitudes we might hate out form our feelings about them personally. But it's not easy. Me, I don't find the picture of the father looking aghast at the scene a comfortable one to view, and I take no pleasure in his suffering at losing a daughter.

But I cannot pretend that the loss of someone like her - or, for that matter, him - is really such a terrible tragedy beyond the personal.
'A senior Ukrainian official repeated a denial of Kyiv’s involvement in the car bombing on Monday, arguing that the victim and her father were not strategically significant figures. “What reason is there for us to do this?” said one, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The official said they believed that Dugin was the target, not the daughter, but said that he was not an important Russian political figure or a decision maker in the Ukraine war. “Not many people here have heard of him, and nobody had heard of his daughter,” they added.

A claim made in Ukraine that the killing was the work of a new group called the National Republican Army should not be taken too seriously either, the official added. “They are a virtual group, seeking to increase their profile as a result of this incident,” they said.

The car bombing appeared to be a sophisticated plot - “the work of professional guys” - and while it may be been the product of a dispute amongst ultranationalists the official speculated it could also have been the work of Russia’s FSB agency, although they stressed the latter hypothesis was only speculative.

Ukraine does expect Russia to try and make political capital from the incident, particularly because it has come at a time when Ukraine wants the US and other countries to list Moscow as a state sponsor of terrorism. Russia would likely refer to the bombing to try “to silence voices” calling for such a designation.'

Russia-Ukraine war: Putin condemns ‘despicable, cruel’ killing of Darya Dugina as Russia blames Ukraine for car bombing – live news
But if Dugin is really a more marginal character than we think, how do the Russian securocrats gain anything from having him terminated with extreme prejudice? It really does seem that it would be CIA spooks who would pick him as a target, but how that might be consistent with the CCTV being off (last time I remember that was Billy Wright's killing in the Maze) I don't know.
I think this fella wants you to hold his beer
Estonia. Always bloody Estonia . I’ve been there multiple times and can confirm that amongst the refreshing craft beers, Baltic cuisine, fairy tale cities and castles,windswept romantic beaches and delightful confectionary lies a dark heart of pure evil n every one of the 1.3 millions inhabitants. A rogue state indeed
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