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Drivers who don't indicate at junctions

The one on the left looks a bit like "It's safe to overtake me" and the one on the right looks like the driver may have passed wind and is trying to waft it away.
Doesn't work. Opening the window only helps the air in the car to circulate making sure everyone gets a nose full.
Drivers (and more frequently bike riders) who forget to turn off their blinkers after turning are also a royal pain in the arse. And at junctions, or dual carriageways, potentially dangerous too.
I suppose you could then quickly wind the window up again and say "Urgh, we must be driving past a farm or something".

Probably not very convincing in central London.
I've tried that one. It doesn't work either. My aroma is recognised.
Drivers (and more frequently bike riders) who forget to turn off their blinkers after turning are also a royal pain in the arse. And at junctions, or dual carriageways, potentially dangerous too.
Perhaps thet don't forget as much as they're used to them switching off automatically as happens sometimes. Another bugbear is when they turn off automatically a fraction of a second before I try and turn them off so that I start indicating in the opposite direction like a twat.
Perhaps thet don't forget as much as they're used to them switching off automatically as happens sometimes. Another bugbear is when they turn off automatically a fraction of a second before I try and turn them off so that I start indicating in the opposite direction like a twat.
I don’t think you should be allowed to drive
No it isn’t. Some cars just coast around corners. Speaking as someone who had one go over my foot on a zebra crossing on a corner. If they had been powering around it I might’ve heard and hung back. Also electric cars.
Electric cars with no noise omfg
A lot of drivers round here think it's appropriate to indicate as they make the manoeuvre. :facepalm:
I've noticed alot of this in London lately.

Pulls up to red light. No indicator.
Waits. No indicator.

Light changes to green. Nudges forward and puts on indicator.

Trying to save on electric are we?
I'd have pulled into the other lane if you'd indicated before pulling up to the fucking light. Myself and several others would have. Now you've blocked us all without warning whilst you wait to be let through (by the oncoming traffic) by which time the light will change on us cars stuck behind you :mad:

How has this become a thing?
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Why not just be cautious and indicate in both directions all of the time?

I'm assuming this is a joke, but it reminds me of another indicating crime, when riders of motorbikes/scooters etc don't cancel their signal so that they're permanently indicating that they're turning right.
I'd have pulled into the other lane if you'd indicated before pulling up to the fucking light. Myself and several others would have. Now you've blocked us all without warning whilst you wait to be let through (by the oncoming traffic) by which time the light will change on us cars stuck behind you :mad:

Your fault for being in the right hand lane when you were going straight. You know that half the time someone’s going to do that, so just stay in the left. I get irritated by all you twats suddenly indicating left to try to get around the right turner, which creates exactly the same problem for me as they did for you.
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Your fault for being in the right hand lane when you were going straight. You know that half the time someone’s going to do that, so just stay in the left. I get irritated by all you twats suddenly indicating left to try to get around the right turner, which creates exactly the same problem for me as they did for you.
The junction it happens to me most on… the left hand lane is left turn only. The right is the only one with a straight on arrow.

The other junction it happens most at… I stay in the left for exactly this reason. But I still scowl at the twat who late indicates.
Your fault for being in the right hand lane when you were going straight. You know that half the time someone’s going to do that, so just stay in the left. I get irritated by all you twats suddenly indicating left to try to get around the right turner, which creates exactly the same problem for me as they did for you.

Whilst you're right in that it's a schoolboy error to get in the right-hand lane, it shouldn't be a thing. You would fail your driving test if you turned right at a junction but kept your intentions to yourself until you start the manoeuvre. Any action that would cause an immediate fail on your test should be classified as dangerous driving and these selfish arseholes should be punished accordingly.
No, it isn’t. What makes you say that?

Depends - It is IME often quite easy to spot a driver who is giving-off confusing signals about what they might be about to do next - Speed/direction indicated (or not)/position on road/lane discipline (or lack of) etc.

If anything doesn't look quite right, keeping out of their way, or taking that most misunderstood/ignored bit of advice in the Highway Code - "Always be ready to slow down or stop" is often the wisest thing you could do.
I'm assuming this is a joke, but it reminds me of another indicating crime, when riders of motorbikes/scooters etc don't cancel their signal so that they're permanently indicating that they're turning right.

French motorway drivers approve of this behaviour. I still don't know if they mean to leave the indicator on whilst in the outside lane or if they're oblivious to it still being on
French motorway drivers approve of this behaviour. I still don't know if they mean to leave the indicator on whilst in the outside lane or if they're oblivious to it still being on

That is part of the French Highway Code and is a GOOD THING. What it does is remind people that the overtaking lane(s) are for overtaking only and that once you have finished overtaking you should return to the driving lane.
Depends - It is IME often quite easy to spot a driver who is giving-off confusing signals about what they might be about to do next - Speed/direction indicated (or not)/position on road/lane discipline (or lack of) etc.

If anything doesn't look quite right, keeping out of their way, or taking that most misunderstood/ignored bit of advice in the Highway Code - "Always be ready to slow down or stop" is often the wisest thing you could do.
If you always did that, then "doing an emergency stop" should never be needed ...

/cynic mode
If you always did that, then "doing an emergency stop" should never be needed ...

/cynic mode

You can minimise the need for it with a bit of common sense/keeping your distance/basic awareness etc but you will never eliminate the totally unexpected, when you do just have to brake hard - A drunk guy slipping on the steps of a pub in icy weather and sliding straight across the pavement and into the road, right in front of me was one particularly bowel-loosening emergency stop..! :eek:
No it isn’t. Some cars just coast around corners. Speaking as someone who had one go over my foot on a zebra crossing on a corner. If they had been powering around it I might’ve heard and hung back. Also electric cars.
"usually" is what I said as opposed to always.
from a year ago..............
Good luck if you do. I nearly got fun by a black cab once making an illegal turn while on a mobile phone. I reported him, the operators didn't give a toss.
I've noticed alot of this in London lately.

Pulls up to red light. No indicator.
Waits. No indicator.

Light changes to green. Nudges forward and puts on indicator.

Trying to save on electric are we?
I'd have pulled into the other lane if you'd indicated before pulling up to the fucking light. Myself and several others would have. Now you've blocked us all without warning whilst you wait to be let through (by the oncoming traffic) by which time the light will change on us cars stuck behind you :mad:

How has this become a thing?
Earlier this week, I officiously blocked a taxi from performing a probibited left turn by manoeuvring in front of them and pointing forwards. Luckily it worked and they drove on instead of mowing me down.
Earlier this week, I officiously blocked a taxi from performing a probibited left turn by manoeuvring in front of them and pointing forwards. Luckily it worked and they drove on instead of mowing me down.

That's a great way to get run over or assaulted. Lots of nutters out there. Leave the law enforcement to the old bill.
A lot (most?) drivers never knew that at a junction they were always meant to give priority to pedestrians who had started crossing the road the driver was about to turn in to or out of. That was up until 2 years ago, now the driver should give priority to the pedestrian if they are simply waiting to cross.

So no, pedestrians shouldn't be watching out for cars or trying to work out which way they are going to turn by their speed or engine noise (lmao). Drivers should be watching the sides of the road when they turn and if they see any pedestrians who look like they might be about to cross; give way to them.

And they should be indicating obvs.
I have known this for 32 years,
maybe because I read the highway code? (you didn't really need to back then to pass your test)

people are still shocked in this here London when I do stop to let them cross, and irate idiots do beep their horns behind me while it happens, fuck the ii
That's a great way to get run over or assaulted. Lots of nutters out there. Leave the law enforcement to the old bill.
a black cab driver is "less" likely to do so, what with his mortgage several child support payments to keep up and sundries...

as for the non indicators; I usually don't have time for this but:
run them off the road,
hang them off the nearest lamppost with a crime sign hanging around thier neck
"did not indicate properly approaching junction!"
job done

it'll soon die down as a trend
as for the non indicators; I usually don't have time for this but:
run them off the road,
hang them off the nearest lamppost with a crime sign hanging around thier neck
"did not indicate properly approaching junction!"
job done
Most Moderate Poster on Urban
I have known this for 32 years,
maybe because I read the highway code? (you didn't really need to back then to pass your test)

people are still shocked in this here London when I do stop to let them cross, and irate idiots do beep their horns behind me while it happens, fuck the ii

a black cab driver is "less" likely to do so, what with his mortgage several child support payments to keep up and sundries...

as for the non indicators; I usually don't have time for this but:
run them off the road,
hang them off the nearest lamppost with a crime sign hanging around thier neck
"did not indicate properly approaching junction!"
job done

it'll soon die down as a trend

soggy liberal

I don’t care much about my personal safety in these situations tbh

Your call mate but road rage is a real thing and you only have to pick the wrong bloke once. For someone with the self defence capabilities of a yoghurt, you’re playing roulette with your teeth.
Your call mate but road rage is a real thing and you only have to pick the wrong bloke once. For someone with the self defence capabilities of a yoghurt, you’re playing roulette with your teeth.
One doesn’t remember such things in the moment though
I have known this for 32 years,
maybe because I read the highway code? (you didn't really need to back then to pass your test)

people are still shocked in this here London when I do stop to let them cross, and irate idiots do beep their horns behind me while it happens, fuck the ii

a black cab driver is "less" likely to do so, what with his mortgage several child support payments to keep up and sundries...

as for the non indicators; I usually don't have time for this but:
run them off the road,
hang them off the nearest lamppost with a crime sign hanging around thier neck
"did not indicate properly approaching junction!"
job done

it'll soon die down as a trend
firm but fair
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