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Drivers who don't indicate at junctions

It is usually quite easy to predict when a driver is going to turn a corner by their speed and engine noise.
Whereas not stopping at a red light is an offence; I have had a few narrow misses by people jumping reds.
Not the way people drive round my way.

Besides which, why the fuck should the onus be on me (or any other road user, including pedestrians) to predict a complete stranger's behaviour? Especially when, y'know, vehicles come equipped with these handy little doodads for making it clear in advance.
whilst pedestrians should be fitted with indicators and stops sign to make wander about less frustrating twat that turn suddenly and stop dead on pavement or super markets :mad:

For you maybe. Doesn't mean it is for everyone in every circumstance.

Yup - just this morning for me. I'm glad a taxi driver went the way I thought he was going but I'm also glad I hesitated due to his not indicating as it would have been a collision if I'd got it wrong. The speeds on that roundabout tend to be pretty high.
title needs amending to BMW and Audi twats that don't indicate at junctions :hmm:

Actually, buying a BMW was the best way I found to minimise my stop rate. Only happened a handful of times over many years after that - and I did indicate properly/scrupulously!

The most telling one was a stop where a young officer was trying his best to pick the tiniest fault with my bike, whilst his older/more experienced partner leaned against the police car with his arms crossed saying - "I told you not to bother - BMW riders know their machines and look after them. You'll never find anything wrong with one of them!" :D
Not indicating is way more common than it used to be, just another sign of how fucking selfish people are being these days in all walks of life.

Was all fields in my day, grumble, grumble.
Selfish, lazy or steered that way by all the automatic driving aids in cars there days, like automatic lights and automatic wipers. Or is it because they can't indicate because they are holding a phone in one hand and a drink in the other?
It's particularly dangerous, especially with the new trend of people deliberately using the wrong approach lane at junctions/ roundabouts in order to jump the queue of people waiting in the correct one. Fucking selfish arseholes.
There’s a route I use where there’s a slip road off the M8 followed by a junction with lights and two lanes, one for straight ahead and one for turning right. The left hand lane lines up with the right hand lane of the exit road after the junction, because there’s a merge lane from the left at that point. (I’ll draw it if you can’t picture it).

Anyway, if you’re first at the lights and there’s someone in the turning right lane, you obviously can’t see if they’re indicating right (as they should be), but so often they’re not: they’re intending to cut in front of you and make for the right hand lane of the exit opposite. It’s so dangerous, because you also have the traffic merging from the left to contend with. I hate being first at the lights there, because that turning right lane is so misused.

I mean, I get that people can end up in the wrong lane by mistake. But it’s constant. They can’t all be making a mistake every time.
Actually, buying a BMW was the best way I found to minimise my stop rate. Only happened a handful of times over many years after that - and I did indicate properly/scrupulously!

The most telling one was a stop where a young officer was trying his best to pick the tiniest fault with my bike, whilst his older/more experienced partner leaned against the police car with his arms crossed saying - "I told you not to bother - BMW riders know their machines and look after them. You'll never find anything wrong with one of them!" :D
Don't be too cocky, the cars used to be that way once. I'm not personally a fan of anything they've made since the mid-90s on the car side.
Actually, buying a BMW was the best way I found to minimise my stop rate. Only happened a handful of times over many years after that - and I did indicate properly/scrupulously!

The most telling one was a stop where a young officer was trying his best to pick the tiniest fault with my bike, whilst his older/more experienced partner leaned against the police car with his arms crossed saying - "I told you not to bother - BMW riders know their machines and look after them. You'll never find anything wrong with one of them!" :D

maybe you bikers are a different breed to your car based BMW fan as that lot are twats :D
because the twat tens to gravitate to BMW and Audi ownership
It is, perhaps, true that maybe 80% of Audi drivers are twunts as opposed to the mere 40% rate in all other drivers. But then they're vastly outnumbered by all other drivers. The idea that even a large minority of non-signaling drivers are Audi/BMW drivers is pure fantasy. Yes, they're a high proportion of twunts, but there's utterly no shortage of cunty drivers in all other makes of car.
I find indicating is a bit of a bastard these days. The control sticks are fucking awful. You'd think there would only be three positions. Left, right and off but the bloody things do so many different things. Sometimes they click off and sometimes they stay on. Sometimes I can move them at the exact pressure for them to turn off without indicating to go in the opposite direction sometimes I can't. Sometimes the bloody things switch off when I move my finger back to the wheel and sometimes they don't. It feels like I do the exact same things but with differing results.
I find indicating is a bit of a bastard these days. The control sticks are fucking awful. You'd think there would only be three positions. Left, right and off but the bloody things do so many different things. Sometimes they click off and sometimes they stay on. Sometimes I can move them at the exact pressure for them to turn off without indicating to go in the opposite direction sometimes I can't. Sometimes the bloody things switch off when I move my finger back to the wheel and sometimes they don't. It feels like I do the exact same things but with differing results.
Sounds like your indicator stalks are bust because that shouldn't happen.
I find indicating is a bit of a bastard these days. The control sticks are fucking awful. You'd think there would only be three positions. Left, right and off but the bloody things do so many different things. Sometimes they click off and sometimes they stay on. Sometimes I can move them at the exact pressure for them to turn off without indicating to go in the opposite direction sometimes I can't. Sometimes the bloody things switch off when I move my finger back to the wheel and sometimes they don't. It feels like I do the exact same things but with differing results.

a random BMW driver enters the thread :hmm:
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