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Drivers who don't indicate at junctions

she got pulled over by the police for unnecessary indicating
Sounds like a Constable Savage charge.
loitering with intent to use a pedestrian crossing
smelling of foreign food
urinating in a public convenience
coughing without due care and attention
looking at me in a funny way
walking on the cracks in the pavement
walking in a loud shirt in a built-up area during the hours of darkness
walking around with an offensive wife
Some cars are better than others but it is common.

I'm glad you could finally join us.

nah don't drive a BMW but a few models in the last 15 year then tried to reinvent the turning stalks in BMW and over engineered them as BMW owners have reported

so they stopped using them because of the faff :hmm:
It is usually quite easy to predict when a driver is going to turn a corner by their speed and engine noise.
Whereas not stopping at a red light is an offence; I have had a few narrow misses by people jumping reds.
Not necessarily.

And even when it's not particularly dangerous, it often means pedestrians have to wait longer than necessary. Plus there's often a stream of cars giving no clue which way they're turning.

Having to wait for ages to cross because of someone's thoughtlessness isn't fair. The person driving can get where they're going much more quickly than people walking, but not indicating saves them a second's thought so they don't bother. Then the driver behind does the same, then the next. 😡 The person trying to cross could be out in the cold and rain, could be in pain with limited mobility, be with kids, or trying to get to work... none of that matters to the drivers who can't be arsed to indicate.
A pet peeve of mine. I give them the stare and the flashy (indicator) hand. Most don't notice though, if they were considerate and observant drivers they would have indicated.
There are also plenty of next-level cunts who won’t indicate when even turning right on a two-way street. This is specially dangerous for two wheelers riding in the middle of the road. Extra cunt points for those sitting in a traffic jam who decide on impulse to find an alternative route, suddenly turn right without indicating if they see a break in the oncoming traffic.
I find indicating is a bit of a bastard these days. The control sticks are fucking awful. You'd think there would only be three positions. Left, right and off but the bloody things do so many different things. Sometimes they click off and sometimes they stay on. Sometimes I can move them at the exact pressure for them to turn off without indicating to go in the opposite direction sometimes I can't. Sometimes the bloody things switch off when I move my finger back to the wheel and sometimes they don't. It feels like I do the exact same things but with differing results.
Why not just be cautious and indicate in both directions all of the time?
I have been known to shout "INDICATE YOU TWAT" on more than a few occasions.
One "conversation" I had with a driver turning off Baker St in London went

"Fucking indicate!"
"Keep your hair on"
"No, fuck off prick"

He did, but only, I suspect, because he had a clear road ahead.

(On two occasions, when Baker Street was one way southbound, I had to scream at drivers (one car, one motorbike), who turned north off a side street. One occasion the driver gave me a look as if to say "what's your problem?". The look on his face when he saw three lanes of traffic coming towards him was priceless). The biker at least had the grace to say "Thanks mate".
Misleading use of indicators - as in indicating before a previous junction to the one the driver actually intends to take - has caught out several people I know, some more seriously than others.

I wait until I can see the wheels begin the turn into the junction in such circumstances.

like Sasaferrato , when I took my bike and car tests you still had to demonstrate hand signals [and not the one or two fingered variety !]
A lot (most?) drivers never knew that at a junction they were always meant to give priority to pedestrians who had started crossing the road the driver was about to turn in to or out of. That was up until 2 years ago, now the driver should give priority to the pedestrian if they are simply waiting to cross.

So no, pedestrians shouldn't be watching out for cars or trying to work out which way they are going to turn by their speed or engine noise (lmao). Drivers should be watching the sides of the road when they turn and if they see any pedestrians who look like they might be about to cross; give way to them.

And they should be indicating obvs.
A lot (most?) drivers never knew that at a junction they were always meant to give priority to pedestrians who had started crossing the road the driver was about to turn in to or out of. That was up until 2 years ago, now the driver should give priority to the pedestrian if they are simply waiting to cross.

i had (while driving) some twat behind me get very pissed off that i let a pedestrian cross the side road i was about to turn left in to a couple of months ago
“pedestrians shouldn't be watching out for cars or trying to work out which way they are going to turn by their speed or engine noise (lmao)”
Yeah, that's in response to someone suggesting previously that pedestrians should be able to work out which way a car is turning (sans indicators) by the car's speed or engine noise, which is nonsense.
No it isn’t. Some cars just coast around corners. Speaking as someone who had one go over my foot on a zebra crossing on a corner. If they had been powering around it I might’ve heard and hung back. Also electric cars.
It is usually quite easy to predict when a driver is going to turn a corner by their speed and engine noise.
Whereas not stopping at a red light is an offence; I have had a few narrow misses by people jumping reds.
One "conversation" I had with a driver turning off Baker St in London went

"Fucking indicate!"
"Keep your hair on"
"No, fuck off prick"

He did, but only, I suspect, because he had a clear road ahead.

(On two occasions, when Baker Street was one way southbound, I had to scream at drivers (one car, one motorbike), who turned north off a side street. One occasion the driver gave me a look as if to say "what's your problem?". The look on his face when he saw three lanes of traffic coming towards him was priceless). The biker at least had the grace to say "Thanks mate".

I had an annoying one in York, a city I don't know, which has a one way system. I knew where I needed to be and indicated right at a junction. I must have missed the no right turn sign, and only realised when I saw the cars coming the other way, so I cancelled the indicator and went straight. Unfortunately, a ped had seen me indicating right and, not unreasonably, decided to cross in front of me. I stopped to let him over but he was pissed off.

The one time in ten thousand that I fucked up, I got called a cunt and got the finger!

I just held my hands up and said sorry. 😫
nah don't drive a BMW but a few models in the last 15 year then tried to reinvent the turning stalks in BMW and over engineered them as BMW owners have reported

so they stopped using them because of the faff :hmm:
I don't think I've ever driven one. It's not a problem unique to them in my experience. I do use indicators but do have the problems I said. Maybe it's just me being a bit heavy handed but they should take us useless tossers into account when designing cars.
I had an annoying one in York, a city I don't know, which has a one way system. I knew where I needed to be and indicated right at a junction. I must have missed the no right turn sign, and only realised when I saw the cars coming the other way, so I cancelled the indicator and went straight. Unfortunately, a ped had seen me indicating right and, not unreasonably, decided to cross in front of me. I stopped to let him over but he was pissed off.

The one time in ten thousand that I fucked up, I got called a cunt and got the finger!

I just held my hands up and said sorry. 😫
They should have read the no right turn sign.
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