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Drawing the line (Qatar)

Alongside John Terry - who spat racist abuse at his team mate's brother. Being a property developer socialist is just hard sometimes I guess.
Ah, yes, the 'Corbyn supporting' Gary Neville. :rolleyes: Suppose there's a genuine dilemma if you already work for an organisation that is broadcasting the WC (BBC etc.), do you go or not? I mean, it's one that you'd hope a few mega rich pundits would resolve in terms of not going, but going is a business as usual argument. But fucking hell, 'red Nev' - lol - opting to work for the actual fucking Qatari state. :facepalm: It's up there with Father Dougal being told not to press the red button on the plane.
Ah, yes, the 'Corbyn supporting' Gary Neville. :rolleyes: Suppose there's a genuine dilemma if you already work for an organisation that is broadcasting the WC (BBC etc.), do you go or not? I mean, it's one that you'd hope a few mega rich pundits would resolve in terms of not going, but going is a business as usual argument. But fucking hell, 'red Nev' - lol - opting to work for the actual fucking Qatari state. :facepalm: It's up there with Father Dougal being told not to press the red button on the plane.

Yes, the Sky Sports/Bein Sports/property developer millionaire known as 'Red Nev'. The hope of the online left...
Fuck FIFA and fuck this shitty craphole of a tournament.

Every single player should walk out wearing one, let them send off the entire team.

The '1love' armband was a meaningless PR led empty gesture. But now it could actually take on some actual meaning and have some solidarity impact if the 8 or 9 teams committed to it face down FIFA and their FA's.
Massive stadiums in the middle of nowhere with this:

I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stands in the desert. . . . Near it, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Stadiums, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
The '1love' armband was a meaningless PR led empty gesture. But now it could actually take on some actual meaning and have some solidarity impact if the 8 or 9 teams committed to it face down FIFA and their FA's.
Yes, there's an irony that the FA/Premier League's desalinated PR versions of taking the knee and the soggy decaffeinated one love have somehow become a line in the sand (pun probably intended).

I wouldnt watch it or support it after reading how many migrant workers died building it.
Not one family has received compensation.

Comes to something when even watching a few minutes of football makes you feel guilty.
Don’t worry about it

Try looking around your own home and I'm sure you'll find loads of goods that are literally created through the misery and exploitation of others. But I'm sure you don't beat yourself every time you use them, like you expect football fans to do for merely watching their team play.
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