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Doom Metal and associated Noise


Well-Known Member
I was going to chuck this into the Dark Ambient thread, but why doesn't Doom Metal deserve its own thread I ask you?

Anyway my friend put me on to this type of music last year and I've picked up some good bits. I just listened to this from Bell Witch on proper speakers for the first time and it's class.

BristolEcho I love this genre but am bereft of people to see live with, since splitting with my ex. So if anything live comes up please give me the heads up if you don't mind?

I'm also out of the loop so thanks for starting this! 😃
I was going to chuck this into the Dark Ambient thread, but why doesn't Doom Metal deserve its own thread I ask you?

Anyway my friend put me on to this type of music last year and I've picked up some good bits. I just listened to this from Bell Witch on proper speakers for the first time and it's class.

It's beautiful.
I don't think I could see them live unless I had an armchair 😆
I think these qualify but I'm not a Doom expert.

I'm not sure these Belgian dudes are still going but apparently they wrote this when they were 16. If so, huge props.

Also this.

And maybe this.

BristolEcho I love this genre but am bereft of people to see live with, since splitting with my ex. So if anything live comes up please give me the heads up if you don't mind?

I'm also out of the loop so thanks for starting this! 😃
Sorry just read this properly again. Can definitely let you know. We went to a night at the Thekla the other week - it wasn't all Doom as it veered into other stuff. Was good though. Think Conan were the main band.
I quite like this stuff too - two bands at least tangentially associated with the genre that take the music in interesting directions are Gnaw Their Tongues and The Body. (just the obligatory warning that some of the Gnaw their tongues themes and videos are pretty dark/borderline unpleasant!)

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I wanted to go see Atomic Trip while I was in France this week but they were playing somewhere that would've been a pain in the arse to get to
Hopefully appropriate but listening to a few of these bits, I wonder if some of you might like Bohren & Der Club Of Gore?
Basically, doom jazz. Same dark atmospheres just different instruments. Definitely not ‘jazzy’.

Eta…oh, maybe this should’ve gone in the dark ambient thread?
I quite like this stuff too - two bands at least tangentially associated with the genre that take the music in interesting directions are Gnaw Their Tongues and The Body. (just the obligatory warning that some of the Gnaw their tongues themes and videos are pretty dark/borderline unpleasant!)

Gnaw Their Tongues, I had forgotten them!

Here's an album I heard around the same time I encountered GTT, likewise not doom but associated noise...

Yes, I know it is a blast from the past; for fathers day I got bought Indian's From All Purity; It is one to make your ears bleed :D
I got a chocolate bar...

My kids never buy me extreme metal😐

I'm checking this out now - it's hideous...

Hideous but fucking ace.

Thanks for the tip... I've totally got my doom on...🤘🤘🤘

ETA: The penultimate track 'Clarity' is literally horrible though - not in a good way - genuinely horrible on the ears! - I never want to listen to it again - but then the last track is a total banger (a very slow banger of course).
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I can't get enough of this new LP from Fires in the Distance. It's not really doom, but melodic death metal but we're not gonna start threads for every metal sub-genre are we?

It's properly epic....

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