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Songs with gun noises

‘When The Gun Is Cocked’ by Blaggers ITA begins with a sample of the final moments of Pennsylvania State Treasurer Budd Dwyer, who shot himself at a televised press conference he called to protest his innocence of corruption charges levied against him (taken from a Stewart Home art film)

Paris' ‘Sleeping With The Enemy’ album is thread through with gunshot-peppered tracks that let loose the P-Dawg's fantasies about assassinating George HW Bush, including in the cinematic opening skit ‘The Enema (Live At The White House)’, and ‘Bush Killa’

I was in a band in the 90s while I was studying at ealing studios. They had a massive storage of Sound effects LPs, CDs and 8 tracks etc that they were just tossing out. Impossible to go through it all (there was a lot of junk) but I did end up pulling out a few good ones (I must have been looking quite hard because I found one military and cartoon LP with 'Marching up and down' which was the theme to Screen Test - if you remember that. . . and the song Kenny Everett used to do mime drawing to. Both buried deep in LPs of boring nothingness ) . . . . .

Anyway . . . on one record I found a very specific SFX labeled "Brave dog attacks soldier with machine gun ( solider type, location and machine gun model was mentioned but I have forgotten) but gets shot and retreats in pain"

Anyway I added it to a song. . . . but I can't remember which, I'll have to look through my records. I just thought it was an amusing sound effect. Nothing else on the LP was like that, they were all one or two word titles like "Glass on concrete" or "air rifle one". I haven't been able to locate it for years. I think someone stole it off me.

Humm, slightly off topic long ramble. . . too late, i've done it now.
Is Uzi Lover acceptable these days? Chris Morris in blackface. Extenuating circumstances: it’s in the context of an MTV parody where he plays every single character, and he always wears pancake makeup anyway because of his birthmark. But maybe not. Pity, because it beats everything else on this thread.
Yoko Ono - No, No, No..

Starts off with 4 gunshots - Lennon was shot in the back 4 times. I think it's a great song..

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