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Metal, etc.

hash tag you mention Mongolia, there are some fine folky metal bands from there, one personal favourite is Nine Treasures...

I think the throat singing style fits metal well as it's close in sound and technique to death metal growling.
New split between Dream Unending and Worm....

The Worm side is great (edited to good - I just listened again and when I got to the Worm stuff I turned it off as it started giving me a headache) but the Dream Unending side is stunning. Dreamy doomy death vibes with proggy psychedelic touches - so so so good.

I can't remember if I posted their album Songs of Salvation from last year - also magnificent and probably my favourite metal album of recent years...

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Been working my way through the best of lists to see what I've missed.

Loving the Enforced album War Remains - thrash/hardcore/death vibes - it absolutely rips:

I was quite excited to see that Enslaved are touring the UK early next year, because I'd enjoyed seeing Enforced last time they played here. Then I realised that those are actually two separate bands, and Enslaved are some Norwegians I don't care about. But if anyone thinks that "psychedelic prog-metal" sounds like a good time, then fill your boots I suppose.
Been working my way through the best of lists to see what I've missed.

Loving the Enforced album War Remains - thrash/hardcore/death vibes - it absolutely rips:

Love the guitar sound on that but his vocals are still too "deathy" for me. I can't get past the growly bark that a lot of the vocalists do.

Please keep posting, I'm giving most of it a listen and sure something will come up.
Lad at work was playing this the other day so I bought the album for $5.

Turnstile, Baltimore Hardcore. :thumbs:

Lad at work was playing this the other day so I bought the album for $5.

Turnstile, Baltimore Hardcore. :thumbs:

Oh yeah, Turnstile are number 1 on top of the pops or whatever nowadays, their new stuff sounds a fair bit different though:

Can't say I'm wildly in love with the new Turnstile but fair play to them.
I missed this from Afterbirth...

First half is pummeling brutal death metal but things change hugely in the second half with loads of different textures thrown in including some almost ambient passages. The gurgling vocal style would normally be too much for me but here it just works....

Absolutely top marks from me...

These two albums are a few years old now (2011 & 2014) but there's only the two and I don't expect there'll be a third ... they're two of my very favourite metal albums ever, and there's a bit of a story to them, if you'll indulge me...

Essentially back in the early '80s this band existed around Nottingham. Played loads, put out demos but couldn't catch a break. Listening to them now it's easy to hear why, their music is too proggy for heavy metal but too heavy for prog so I can see why in 1984 no label thought they were marketable.

Anyway after years of not finding a label the singer (and main writer) sadly killed himself and of course the band ended.

Fast forward to 2010 or so and legendary metal producer / ex-Sabbat guitarist Andy Sneap, who had been a teenage fan of the 80s Hell, contacted the rest of the band and suggested making the album they should have made in 1984. He came in as a second guitarist and they got the original singer's brother on vocals (!) then in 2011 released Human Remains...

It's fantastic, and the only thing to regret is that the singer didn’t wait for the world to catch up with his vision, because now this music fits perfectly. There's actually a release that has remastered demo versions of every song as well as the 2011 re-makes, which is interesting to listen to.

And then there's a second album Curse and Chapter, which I think is a combination of old songs and newly made songs out of remaining bits not used elsewhere. It's also very good, but I think of the two Human Remains is the one to listen to first.

Have a nice day :D

PS, both these albums are excellent for listening to while driving :thumbs:
I'd ideally like a band musically similar to Deafheaven but with less screaming (though I don't mind it that much). I have an Alcest album but don't know much else about blackgaze
I was going to say, I think Alcest are one of the big names here... you might like Amesoeurs, Alcest sideproject who I remember being pretty good. Hateful Abandon, maybe?
Infant Island - Obsidian Wreath

Another one to check for those keen on Deafheaven - but again not ticking the no screams box - this even has guest screams.... though there are a few growls to keep things balanced 😁

Seriously good....

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