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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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I still can't figure out if his hair is combed forward or backward. :confused:

I have it on very good authority from someone who occasionally has the fuckwit parading up and down in sight of their house that it is a complex, interwoven structure that when hit by the wind off the North Sea, lifts sideways and vertically in one piece. So now you know! ;)
I read today Trump says he makes $400m a year so could afford to spend $1bn to get into the white house, whereas Bush on the other hand would always be beholden to his donors.
He's also said that the Iran nuke deal will lead to a nuclear holocaust & that the last time America was great was under Reagan & that one of those he gets his foreign policy views from is John Bolton.

Ronald Reagan granted amnesty to 3.2 million undocumented immigrants. Donald Trump is talking about sending 11 million immigrants back, along with their US-born kids.

It isn't going to happen, but I think the fact that the man is proposing these things to the residents of Buttfuck, Oklahoma etc. and presenting them as a real possibility is going to make life a lot worse for a lot of people.
Ronald Reagan granted amnesty to 3.2 million undocumented immigrants. Donald Trump is talking about sending 11 million immigrants back, along with their US-born kids.
He's talking about it but he couldn't do it. Anyone born in the US is a citizen due to the 14th amendment of 1868 so it would require a constitutional amendment to change that.
The Citizenship Clause is the first sentence of Section 1 in the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which states that "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." This clause represented Congress's reversal of a portion of the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision which had declared that African Americans were not and could not become citizens of the United States or enjoy any of the privileges and immunities of citizenship.
Trump may be quiet for a short while, he has jury duty in NY.

Hate to be the poor sod on trial in that one. :(

I read today Trump says he makes $400m a year so could afford to spend $1bn to get into the white house, whereas Bush on the other hand would always be beholden to his donors.
I wouldn't trust Trumps figures, at one stage he should have bankrupt, but he'd borrowed so much it would have taken his creditors down too.
He's talking about it but he couldn't do it. Anyone born in the US is a citizen due to the 14th amendment of 1868 so it would require a constitutional amendment to change that.

I fear a lot of the people he's appealing to aren't too concerned with the logistics; as has been said upthread they just want him to say the things they believe and think a silent majority would say too if it weren't for the PC brigade. "Send them all back" makes sense to these people.
I wouldn't trust Trumps figures, at one stage he should have bankrupt, but he'd borrowed so much it would have taken his creditors down too.

Very true - Trump also rarely risks that much of his own money in any venture. His usual method is a small to middling amount to secure his name on the scheme but its his "partners" and smaller investors who have the real exposure to financial risk and really get hung-out to dry when the bankrupcies hit.
The problem for us politics is both the houses have been gerrymandered to be solidly pro republican and at the same time they can't find a presidential candidate With broad national appeal. Obamas term in office would have been radically different if he didn't have to fight a hostile congress and senate.

Out of office The party loved Trump because he could shout off his mouth and say absolutely outrageous things. Remember the team of lawyers he had roaming Hawaii looking for Obamas birth cert.

But they've let the genie out of the bottle they can't reign him in and they can't shut him up and he'll do enormous damage in primary stage. Its well over a year till the election trump will walk away when he can't get funding he's an idiot but he's not so stupid to burn his own money on a vanity White House bid
The problem for us politics is both the houses have been gerrymandered to be solidly pro republican and at the same time they can't find a presidential candidate With broad national appeal. Obamas term in office would have been radically different if he didn't have to fight a hostile congress and senate.

Out of office The party loved Trump because he could shout off his mouth and say absolutely outrageous things. Remember the team of lawyers he had roaming Hawaii looking for Obamas birth cert.

But they've let the genie out of the bottle they can't reign him in and they can't shut him up and he'll do enormous damage in primary stage. Its well over a year till the election trump will walk away when he can't get funding he's an idiot but he's not so stupid to burn his own money on a vanity White House bid
how much would the republicans pay for him to go on holiday for a year?
I'm reminded of that line from the stonecutters episode of the Simpsons "couldn't we just do something to his vocal cords?"

Like I said the republicans loved him when he was going after Obama and could say any kind of outrageous bullshit. Now he's shitting on John Mc Cains war record, has fucked the Hispanic vote and his campaign is barely off the ground. He's in the door of the tent and has turned around and hasn't done up his fly.
It was really great seeing him told no for the first time in his entitled life over the scots golf course he wanted to build. I mean, I'm never going there, its all reeds and midges. But there are species that use it so fuck trump. Why doesn't he wear a hat ffs.
I'm reminded of that line from the stonecutters episode of the Simpsons "couldn't we just do something to his vocal cords?"

Like I said the republicans loved him when he was going after Obama and could say any kind of outrageous bullshit. Now he's shitting on John Mc Cains war record, has fucked the Hispanic vote and his campaign is barely off the ground. He's in the door of the tent and has turned around and hasn't done up his fly.

Him going after McCain and slating illegals goes quite a long way to explain why he is top of the polls at present.
I think the Mc Cain thing hurt him veterans are revered in the U.S. And his throw out the illegals plays well with Middle America but a republican can't win the White House without the Hispanic and Black vote.

The situation has polarised America I don't think we'll see a republican president till at least 2024. But at the same time they'll maintain control of the house and senate leading to political gridlock.
I think the Mc Cain thing hurt him veterans are revered in the U.S.

They're all for veterans except when they cost the taxpayers money for things like VA hospitals, housing for homeless vets, PTSD treatment, etc. Then they say "fuck the worthless leaches" and "get a job!"
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I'm sure the problem dates back to the Roman Legionnaires.

Not sure that it does - during the Empire at least anyone with wounds likely to cause severe and lasting disability would probably have died, and the rest would have been kept on in the legion (with access to healthcare, regular food and pay etc) until their time was up and they got discharged with all the normal benefits.
When is it decided? I have a free £30 bet from Betway and im tempted to place either him or Mccain as the nomination.
It was really great seeing him told no for the first time in his entitled life over the scots golf course he wanted to build. I mean, I'm never going there, its all reeds and midges. But there are species that use it so fuck trump. Why doesn't he wear a hat ffs.

Not at Menie it isn't, nor Turnberry really - Both are on coastal sites with mainly dry sandy soil and not a midgie in sight.

Although what might happen once Trump is finished planting fucking heather (Menie) and installing water features (Turnberry) is anyone's guess!
When is it decided? I have a free £30 bet from Betway and im tempted to place either him or Mccain as the nomination.

My money is on a Walker/Sanders contest.

The Koch brothers have a cool billion to spend on their candidate and Scott Walker has been in their pocket for some time now. Unlike Trump, they aren't afraid to pump large quantities of their own money into the next election.

Clinton is doomed because the Republicans have so much opposition research on her that there's sure to be "surprise" after "surprise" until the election. And if they don't have anything real, they'll just make it up.
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