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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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lets see - I dont think it can entirely dismissed as a trope - the US election invariably boils down to some utterly facile perceptions at the box ( not to slag the US electorate) .I think trump has less chance of winning a pres election that Bush- and I really dont want to see the Bush clan presidential machinery ratcheting up for Jeb

The simplicity / home town / mom's apple pie thing is the worst Republican trope there is, though - anyone who is in the position of making a serious run for the GOP Presidential race is about as far away from such things as its possible to be.
The simplicity / home town / mom's apple pie thing is the worst Republican trope there is, though - anyone who is in the position of making a serious run for the GOP Presidential race is about as far away from such things as its possible to be.

Actually, many Republican Presidential candidates do indeed come from humble, small-town backgrounds--Reagan, Dole, McCain etc.

To compare that to the backgrounds of British conservatives is to learn much about the difference between the two societies.
Actually, many Republican Presidential candidates do indeed come from humble, small-town backgrounds--Reagan, Dole, McCain etc.

To compare that to the backgrounds of British conservatives is to learn much about the difference between the two societies.

McCain's father and grandfather were admirals. Reagan and Dole did grow up poor, but they werent poor when they stood for that office.
Anyways....I really couldn't give a toss . There's 2 wings of the one party and whoever gets in makes no fucking difference . Fuck the lot of them .
Trumps double downed attacking mcain for not being enough of a hero by being captured:facepalm:
Because trump has such a heroic war record:facepalm:
I'll never forgive those Vietnamese for letting that cunt go . He should still be in a rickety cage somewhere getting poked with sticks by angry school kids .
Drat, I meant to write Palin.

The point is that American conservative politics genuinely does allow people from humble backgrounds to rise to the very top. It's not just ideology.

As long as the rise in a giant elevator made entirely of brown envelopes full of cash donated by upstanding, concerned citizens.
Donald Fart believes in 'traditional'marriage....mind you he's had plenty of practice....what been married 3 times :D

And in one of the links in the story I gave - his principled stand on China as discussed with Danny Zucker:

Trump: "I've been warning about China since as early as the 80's. No one wanted to listen. Now our country is in real trouble. #TimetoGetTough.

"Zuker: "@realDonaldTrump You've always been tough on China, sir. Particularly the children who make your s---ty clothes,"

with a picture of a piece of Trump clothing with 'Made in China' on it.


And apparently being the only candidate in the shape of a butt plug must be worth a few votes.

Still, I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Donald Trump, the lone candidate to have a butt plug crafted in his image and piñatas in his likeness, remains in the race, near the top, for as long as possible. And that he keeps right on talking. Because he’s the real voice of the GOP, and it’s only fair that we all get to hear it.
The thing about Fart is that theres no such thing as bad publicity in his mind,he's utterly shameless,his neck must be as hard as a jockeys bollox,still long may he continue to embarrass the Repugnant party :thumbs:
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Could Trump sue for using his likeness, or would that be considered 'fair use'? :hmm:

Given the lengths Trump went to in trying to stop the use of a spitting-image style puppet of himself in the video opposing his development at Menie, I would imagine the makers of that item are going to be living a nightmare for the next few months!
Latest polls show him as the front runner. Some pundits say his McCain comments will be his undoing but I don't think so. He's backed by Fox which will hold the first debate Aug 6. He'll probably stay among the top until the caucuses & primaries begin in Feb next yr. It'll be interesting to see what excuse he gives for dropping out.
Latest polls show him as the front runner. Some pundits say his McCain comments will be his undoing but I don't think so. He's backed by Fox which will hold the first debate Aug 6. He'll probably stay among the top until the caucuses & primaries begin in Feb next yr. It'll be interesting to see what excuse he gives for dropping out.

If he does quit, it will be something to do with not being able to live on the Presidential salary one would imagine. That said, the first debate is at the start of August isnt it? If he rags Bush III, Walker and the rest all over the place (which is more than likely, they are as absurd as he is) then who knows what will happen.
I remember laughing at the idea of Ronald Reagan becoming President.

Reagan had talent, acting talent. He may not have been a very versatile actor, but politicians don't have to be. He played his part brilliantly. He spoke to Americans in a way they liked and made them feel good about being American. Americans couldn't help warming to him. (I have no idea what Reagan thought of Mexicans, but he was enough of a politician to know that it wouldn't be helpful to insult a significant chunk of the electorate and if he'd wanted to have a pop I expect he'd have found something entertaining to say.)

I must admit, I can't help admiring a few of Reagan's ad libs. Just after he was shot: "I forgot to duck." In the hospital, to the medical staff who were going to operate: "I hope you are all good Republicans." Also, though I don't know the circs: "It's true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance?"

What has Trump got? Money, obviously, but that's probably all. He hasn't a tenth of Reagan's charm.
his neck must be as hard as a jockeys bollox

If people are going to be furiously ramming him up their rectums one would hope so . A trip to casualty to have something removed would be a major social faux pas on its own . But if that head emerged....." more tea vicar " simply wouldn't suffice .
Oh yeah trump has also managed to put out a patriotic election picture featuring soldiers marching on it . Trouble was when people looked closely at it the soldiers weren't wearing American uniforms . They were wearing nazi ones



Oh yeah trump has also managed to put out a patriotic election picture featuring soldiers marching on it . Trouble was when people looked closely at it the soldiers weren't wearing American uniforms . They were wearing nazi ones




You seriously think Mr Trump sat down and layered that up in photoshop himself?

Either a mutli episode televised format (that has disowned him) is not the best way to acquire competent staff, or equally likely, somebody with the misfortune of working for him, is down on the idea of Mr Trump getting his hands on the nuclear button
You seriously think Mr Trump sat down and layered that up in photoshop himself?

Either a mutli episode televised format (that has disowned him) is not the best way to acquire competent staff, or equally likely, somebody with the misfortune of working for him, is down on the idea of Mr Trump getting his hands on the nuclear button

Oh there's no way that idiot managed to photoshop it , I agree . And your theories are quite valid .
think the democrats used a picture of the russian fleets on one of their powerpoints:D
the mail used a stock photo of german troops with a story about the british army though/ that might have been force of habit dreaming if only:eek:
When I think of examples of bad male hair, two names come immediately to mind, Donald Trump and Andrew Neil! Why is a bald head so scary for these two men? there are loads of perfectly good looking bald men! what is it that terrifies them so much they are prepared to suffer ridicule?
When I think of examples of bad male hair, two names come immediately to mind, Donald Trump and Andrew Neil! Why is a bald head so scary for these two men? there are loads of perfectly good looking bald men! what is it that terrifies them so much they are prepared to suffer ridicule?

People might see their tiny little cocks
:confused: Getting rendered permanently disabled in the service of his country is as piss take worthy as wearing a naff toupee?

It is definitely NOT a toupee. It is all his own hair - just the one hair, mind, carefully combed over and back, over and back, over and back...

(A top-quality toupee, of the sort rich men can buy, would look a lot less ridiculous.)
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