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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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I caught two minutes on the radio this morning saying that some poll or another suggested he won the debate last night and is well ahead for the GOP nomination.

This is soon to go from funny to terrifying...

yep, and having seen chunks of it /him now from last night, and the way the audience gets behind him, you can start to see how it's going to work - his bluster seems to continually outrun the the obvious intellectual / detail deficit he has , and, for instance, you can see how Jeb Bush really does look like he comes from an entrenched political elite ( measured, calm, calculating, and never very impressive) , and Trump somehow comes from another place ( despite coming from the very top eschelons of the elite. )

Twitter ablaze with pro Tumpers cussing Megan Kelly / Fox for "setting Trump up" ...chit's gonna get weird.
Isn't the point of Trump's candidacy to make the other fruitcake republican candidates look less fucking nutty and spiteful in comparison?

I came here to post that :mad: (not yet read the intervening 3 pages).
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Isn't the point of Trump's candicy to make the other fruitcake republican candidates look less fucking nutty and spiteful in comparison?

He's certainly doing a good job of making any Republican around him look like some kind of wise elder statesman - it's almost too bad that he has zero chance of winning the nomination because then the Democrats could feel free to go with Bernie Sanders, Jimmy Carter, or the ghost of Pigasus and still be sure of winning.
It is somewhat astonishing how he seemingly thinks he can say pretty much anything. His Twitter-style too, just brazenly dismissing anything/one with liberal amounts of condescension - they've always failed in some way, they're a loser, they ballsed it up.

Of course, the scarier thing is not that he exists, but that people believe in him.
Trump’s Triumph: Billionaire Blowhard Exposes Fake Political System

Last night’s FOX News GOP Presidential Debate Extravaganza featured the most riveting two minute political exchange ever heard on national television. During a brief colloquy between Republican frontrunner Donald Trump and Fox moderator Brett Baier, the pugnacious casino magnate revealed the appalling truth about the American political system, that the big money guys like Trump own the whole crooked contraption lock, stock, and barrel, and that, the nation’s fake political leaders do whatever they’re told to do. Without question, it was most illuminating commentary to ever cross the airwaves....
It is somewhat astonishing how he seemingly thinks he can say pretty much anything. His Twitter-style too, just brazenly dismissing anything/one with liberal amounts of condescension - they've always failed in some way, they're a loser, they ballsed it up.

Of course, the scarier thing is not that he exists, but that people believe in him.

It perhaps shouldn't be a surprise that so many people who are likely to vote in that election do believe in him - after all whilst it does seem that he comes out with random and ludicrous statements, the vast majority of it is precisely the same sort of comments that the US right have been coming out with for years, the deliberate row with McCain (who is so disliked by that lot that the GOP had to put Palin on his ticket in order to get them to vote for him) and the continual anti-Mexican rhetoric being perhaps the best examples. It is all very well aimed, deliberately pitched stuff.
While I think Hilary Clinton is the likely winner - a country that has elected Ronald Reagan, and George Dubya Bush - could elect the Trump :eek:

There is a segment of the population (say 20%) who misinterpret bullying as leadership. Usually bullying is just an admission of weakness, as far as I can tell. But, the percentage is large enough to turn an election.
he's a real piece of shit and although i'm not surprised he is currently polling very well in the republican primary i can't see any way he could win the general election. he does know women have the vote now right?
If the Apprentice is any indicator when Trump is President then these would be his closest advisors.


Imagine his gormless son on an international fact finding mission, reporting back to his dad, who then makes his decision based on some completely unrelated reason.
If the Apprentice is any indicator when Trump is President then these would be his closest advisors.


Imagine his gormless son on an international fact finding mission, reporting back to his dad, who then makes his decision based on some completely unrelated reason.

oh fuck that lot near the nuclear launch codes planets doomed:eek:
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If the Apprentice is any indicator when Trump is President then these would be his closest advisors.


Imagine his gormless son on an international fact finding mission, reporting back to his dad, who then makes his decision based on some completely unrelated reason.


His fuckwit of a son likes to shoot things......
I still can't figure out if his hair is combed forward or backward. :confused:

The man is getting a little worrying - he seems like a joke with his stupid hair and everything, and nobody thought his presidential run would ever get serious, but he's still first in the Republican polls and it doesn't seem like anything is going to shake that.

Of course, he'll never get elected president, but he's saying stupid shit like, 'All immigrants who are here illegally should be deported, along with their kids who were born here, and we should change the laws so they won't be citizens..."

None of that is going to happen, but he's managed to turn the conversation around to himself so much that people see his proposals as a possibility, which is pretty dangerous stuff. He's talking about deporting 11 million people, I wonder if he can imagine what that would look like?
Of course, he'll never get elected president, but he's saying stupid shit like, 'All immigrants who are here illegally should be deported, along with their kids who were born here, and we should change the laws so they won't be citizens..."

Political pundits announced these comments as death nells but apparently despite being over the top the anti immigrant people have just seen him as being strong against immigration, not afraid to say it and will do something about it and so are supportive and taking the rhetioric with a pinch of salt and as acceptable showboating.

Be worried for America.

There is an article entitled:

The Republican Party doesn’t want to believe its voters agree with Trump. But they do.

Scary innit.
The man is getting a little worrying
He's also said that the Iran nuke deal will lead to a nuclear holocaust & that the last time America was great was under Reagan & that one of those he gets his foreign policy views from is John Bolton.

I'm not concerned that he will become president but that he may have enough support to virtually pick the next president through an endorsement.
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