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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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When I think of examples of bad male hair, two names come immediately to mind, Donald Trump and Andrew Neil! Why is a bald head so scary for these two men? there are loads of perfectly good looking bald men! what is it that terrifies them so much they are prepared to suffer ridicule?

(Some people will be old enough to remember Arthur Scargill and even Bobby Charlton.)

I think the Trumps genuinely don't realise how crap they look. They must lack the candid friend they so plainly need.
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When I think of examples of bad male hair, two names come immediately to mind, Donald Trump and Andrew Neil! Why is a bald head so scary for these two men? there are loads of perfectly good looking bald men! what is it that terrifies them so much they are prepared to suffer ridicule?
Being bald is nowt, plenty nice bald men. Dunno what the fuss is about. 'Bald' does not equal 'old', 'bald' = 'male'.
I mean how many men with a good head of hair, shave it all off?
I think that with toupee wearing men, their insecurities are much deeper and wider than a balding head, and they are maybe projecting all their insecurities on a triviality such as a bald head, and so they are prepared to look a bit silly wearing a toupee, than just to wear their balding hairstyle normally, like most other men.

I've been reading a bit about Donald Trump as I didn't know much about him, and he appears to have sociopathic and narcissistic characteristics, as well as being stark staring bonkers.
I did read one bit today were he slams McCain and others like him for sending people off to die in needless adventures . If he actually meant that I'd put my fingers in my ears and hold my nose about the other stuff . Better a fucking complete asshole than a mass murderer . When alls said and done .

Can't ignore the hair though .


Right...that'd take 3 hands...scratch that one .
It's one of those weird scenarios really, because I'm pretty sure many on here would do what they could to avoid going to war too, but of course it's not about that, it's about him attacking someone using standards he himself doesn't apparently match up to.

Not that he really cares about that, obviously.
Businessman Donald Trump surged into the lead for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, with almost twice the support of his closest rival, just as he ignited a new controversy after making disparaging remarks about Sen. John McCain’s Vietnam War service, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.


This really shows how nutso the Republican party has become. The bigger the lunatic, the more votes he gets.
why keep hair that so patently looks like a cheap syrup though? mystery.

It's his brand, it makes him recognisable.

Also it is very handy in that his detractrs often just criticise his hair rather than his views. And then he can say that it's so unfair that he's being criticised for his looks.

Cf Boris Johnson. And he won. Twice.

I remember once reading in a spy novel that the best way to pass unnoticed through a crowd is not to be really ordinary but to be really different, like having a huge head of red hair or an obvious wig, because that's all that people will remember. It's definitely true, having watched people for years since reading that. Also, having a disability means not having a face, but I don't think that would work so well for Trump.
It's his brand, it makes him recognisable.

Also it is very handy in that his detractrs often just criticise his hair rather than his views. And then he can say that it's so unfair that he's being criticised for his looks.

Cf Boris Johnson. And he won. Twice.

I remember once reading in a spy novel that the best way to pass unnoticed through a crowd is not to be really ordinary but to be really different, like having a huge head of red hair or an obvious wig, because that's all that people will remember. It's definitely true, having watched people for years since reading that. Also, having a disability means not having a face, but I don't think that would work so well for Trump.
If you're going to have a brand, why have one that makes you look stupid, like a toupee or a weave?
Why have any negative brand? even if it's not tangible, for instance, an 'everyone hates' brand. Being well known for how bad you are.
OK negative brands may bring in more money, for a time, but why get rich on a negativity?
These people usually have big ego's, and what bigger way to show your ego, than to be remembered throughout time, but to be remembered in a negative way? then...
He would likely disregard any negative opinions as opinions he doesn't care about. Why should he care about idiots focusing on his hair or some birds that are put out by his golf course when he's "making America great again"? In his eyes he's a hero, saving America from liberals and hippies who want to destroy all he cares about. And you want him to worry about his hair?
I remember once reading in a spy novel that the best way to pass unnoticed through a crowd is not to be really ordinary but to be really different, like having a huge head of red hair or an obvious wig, because that's all that people will remember. It's definitely true

No, it's definitely false.
In his latest move, Trump publically read out the phone number of a rival who had badmouthed him!

The man is class!
If you're going to have a brand, why have one that makes you look stupid, like a toupee or a weave?

Speaking of brands, a butt plug? http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/jul/15/donald-trump-butt-plug-3d-printing

Donald Trump has no chance of president, therfore perhaps he should run for mayor of London :D
He would likely disregard any negative opinions as opinions he doesn't care about. Why should he care about idiots focusing on his hair or some birds that are put out by his golf course when he's "making America great again"? In his eyes he's a hero, saving America from liberals and hippies who want to destroy all he cares about. And you want him to worry about his hair?
But doesn't he care about how he will go down in history?
Also, it's not just his hair, is it?
He behaves like an immature twat.
Who would want to be remembered as a twat?
I seem to be seeing more press about Trump than I am about Bush, or Clinton for that matter. Not sure that it means anything though.
But doesn't he care about how he will go down in history?
Also, it's not just his hair, is it?
He behaves like an immature twat.
Who would want to be remembered as a twat?
Again, he doesn't think he's being a twat. He's judging himself on a very different set of criteria that we aren't, and vice versa.
Vietnam was one of the more stupid wars.
But you can hardly wrap yourself in the flag and claim to be a troop supporting patriot when you had the chance to answer the call.
But decided to sit on on the sidelines with a note from matron with the half time oranges rather than charge naked at the vite cong bah:D
Vietnam was one of the more stupid wars.
But you can hardly wrap yourself in the flag and claim to be a troop supporting patriot when you had the chance to answer the call.
But decided to sit on on the sidelines with a note from matron with the half time oranges rather than charge naked at the vite cong bah:D

True; though when the rest of the field - especially the frontrunner - didnt go either, it is less of an issue.
Vietnam was one of the more stupid wars.
But you can hardly wrap yourself in the flag and claim to be a troop supporting patriot when you had the chance to answer the call.
But decided to sit on on the sidelines with a note from matron with the half time oranges rather than charge naked at the vite cong bah:D

In fairness to him he makes clear he was simply opposed to the war . I like the fact he didn't go . As it means he didn't kill any Vietnamese people . Which is a good thing .

I'm also interested in what he's saying about mending fences with Russia . Which makes him sound a hell of a lot less crazy than than the people running America right now .
I remember once reading in a spy novel that the best way to pass unnoticed through a crowd is not to be really ordinary but to be really different, like having a huge head of red hair or an obvious wig, because that's all that people will remember. It's definitely true, having watched people for years since reading that.

A matter of honour- Jeffrey Archer?

I don't think it is that, think it is if you are doing a crime, disguise yourself with a huge head of red hair, or huge nose as that is all people will remember. Must have read that 25 years ago
Huckabee isn't on Fox anymore. He quit his show to run for pres. He'd love to kiss Netanyahu's asshole. He's trying to be the christian version of al-Baghdadi.

I am sure he will be back there in a few months, telling it "like it is".
Trump's lawyer showing some class -


But the lawyer’s most specious claim in the vociferous interview arrived in a false assertion about the law: “You’re talking about the front-runner for the GOP, presidential candidate, as well as private individual who never raped anybody. And, of course, understand that by the very definition, you can’t rape your spouse,” he said.

“It is true,” Cohen told the Daily Beast. “You cannot rape your spouse. And there’s very clear case law.”

Marital rape was made illegal in all US states in 1993. It was made illegal in New York state in 1984, five years before the alleged incident. Donald and Ivana Trump settled their divorce in 1992.
Who said it: Donald Trump or Mr Burns?
As Donald Trump took the latest step in his bid to be US President yesterday, appearing on Republican’s major GOP debate in his usual mud-slinging manner, there emerged the very real and all too vexing possibility that this flapping hairpiece with a grin could be a genuine frontrunner to lead the party forward.

Yes, somehow, despite insulting women (he’s called breastfeeding in public 'disgusting') and stoking racial divisions (he claims Mexicans are "rapists"), Trump has somehow assailed quite the following thanks in part to his no-nonsense style and antiquated values. Which isn’t too dissimilar to a certain Montgomery Burns, himself a raving old racist and frequent visitor to Springfield’s shadowy Republican Party Headquarters. But just how alike are they?

Two tyrannical, cartoonish billionaires, some very interesting quotes – see if you can match the quote to the man...

I caught two minutes on the radio this morning saying that some poll or another suggested he won the debate last night and is well ahead for the GOP nomination.

This is soon to go from funny to terrifying...
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