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Donald Trump the road that might not lead to the White House - Redux 2024 thread.

His response to the question of whether he thinks KH is a DEI pick is off the chart.

This whole shitshow should be career suicide

You'd think. I get that feeling, but it's trump...
However, what may be fatal for him, is that he looks weak. Part of his appeal is that some people actually like bullies, but if people are laughing at you...
Let's hope this makes him lose his shit even more.
You'd think. I get that feeling, but it's trump...
However, what may be fatal for him, is that he looks weak. Part of his appeal is that some people actually like bullies, but if people are laughing at you...
Let's hope this makes him lose his shit even more.
Yep agreed. He breaks spoken and unspoken rules, he breaks the law, he talks total shit, is rude, argumentative, racist, sexist, and incoherent. None of that matters to a whole bunch of people. But him looking weak really could.
Yep agreed. He breaks spoken and unspoken rules, he breaks the law, he talks total shit, is rude, argumentative, racist, sexist, and incoherent. None of that matters to a whole bunch of people. But him looking weak really could.
yep - thats why the "wierd" stuff and the "chicken" accusations may well work. Is he really going to pull out of the debates? Its looking like "lose - lose" for him on that score.
I haven't got a clue what will damage him to be honest - this stuff might but there's been so much ridiculous crap that you'd think would do for him but hasn't who knows really. What I do think though is that if it does start to slip it's really hard to see a way back for him, his response is always going to be to up the ante even more so there's definitely a potential doom loop if things go wrong.
You'd think. I get that feeling, but it's trump...
However, what may be fatal for him, is that he looks weak. Part of his appeal is that some people actually like bullies, but if people are laughing at you...
Let's hope this makes him lose his shit even more.
Watching the interview, he can barely hide his disdain for black women and the media.

It's the former that will make a difference. Hopefully.
I haven't got a clue what will damage him to be honest - this stuff might but there's been so much ridiculous crap that you'd think would do for him but hasn't who knows really. What I do think though is that if it does start to slip it's really hard to see a way back for him, his response is always going to be to up the ante even more so there's definitely a potential doom loop if things go wrong.
And as we all know, that's the worst kind of loop. :D
I am starting to feel a bit more confident that Trump may well actually lose now.

Hopefully KM will keep building on her poll ratings, which will make Trump more and more angry, as his blood starts to boil.

If it becomes clear he's going to lose, I just hope he doesn't have a heart attack and die, at least until after the results are announced, I want him to die knowing he's a second time loser.
I am starting to feel a bit more confident that Trump may well actually lose now.

Hopefully KM will keep building on her poll ratings, which will make Trump more and more angry, as his blood starts to boil.

If it becomes clear he's going to lose, I just hope he doesn't have a heart attack and die, at least until after the results are announced, I want him to die knowing he's a second time loser.
I don’t think his ego would allow him to believe he’s lost. He will just go into full denial and start whipping up his mob to riot again about the “stolen election”.
Yep agreed. He breaks spoken and unspoken rules, he breaks the law, he talks total shit, is rude, argumentative, racist, sexist, and incoherent. None of that matters to a whole bunch of people. But him looking weak really could.
Only if they see it. Remember that many people are so deep in their silos that they’ll never see a single negative story or any rebuttals of his bullshit, ever. He’ll never appear weak on Newsmax.
I don’t think his ego would allow him to believe he’s lost. He will just go into full denial and start whipping up his mob to riot again about the “stolen election”.
except this time hes not sitting in the white house and in command of the army and police. So - dont think the assorted nazis, Klan and good old boys will be getting anywhere near the capitol.
except this time hes not sitting in the white house and in command of the army and police. So - dont think the assorted nazis, Klan and good old boys will be getting anywhere near the capitol.

And if he couldn't successfully pressure Mike Pence to avoid certifying the election of Joe Biden, I don't think he'll have much luck persuading Kamala Harris not to certify the election of Kamala Harris
Hes probably goiing to try and insist that Biden remaines the candidate - cos he was going to beat him and now hes gone and its not fair!!! Maybe it will get like the end of trading places where the banker brothers have just lost a fortune and are impotently demanding that the trading machines are turned back on .
Watching the interview, he can barely hide his disdain for black women and the media.

It's the former that will make a difference. Hopefully.

But that's also the bit that his own supporters are so emboldened and cheered by.

Only if they see it. Remember that many people are so deep in their silos that they’ll never see a single negative story or any rebuttals of his bullshit, ever. He’ll never appear weak on Newsmax.

They do see it. But they see it through a different prism.

Right up til Harris started to poll well I've been pretty certain Trump could win.

Then I felt like he was gonna lose.

Looking at the RW response to the NABJ interview, I'm seeing how much they loved the way he behaved on stage.

He wasn't talking to the NABJ there, he was working to consolidate his own support. Using it as a back board to score points.

It was risky and high stakes and may backfire. But he knew what he was doing.
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He wasn't talking to the NABJ there, he was working to consolidate his own support. Using it as a back board to score points.

It was risky and high stakes and may backfire. But he knew what he was doing.
This is true, especially bringing up her being of part-Indian heritage. (Funny how I don't remember him calling Obama white.)

However, that speaks only to his base and the question then is 'can he win just with his base?' I think the answer to that question has always been 'no'. Biden was helping him out, and without that help he's pretty exposed.

And- But the more entrenched his base becomes the more likely they are to howl and rage about the election being stolen again if-when he loses.

This kind of malignant narcissism is adept at playing the long game. Win at any cost. Even all cost.

He knows the value of "winning" (the eternal grift) with zero regard for the worth of what's sacrificed by getting there (due process, unity, peace, democracy....)

Evil don't give a single shit. Unless that shit can be packaged and sold.
We've got to keep in mind that he doesn't care about being the president if he can wield equivalent power in any other way.

If he could find a way to parlay with tyrants elsewhere behind the scenes he'd give up the presidency.

The presidency is a pretty bauble but ultimately he'd gamble it on greater influence.

Politics is only one of the ways to be powerful.

If he was younger, with the energy drive and stamina he had then, this would be double the disaster.
We've got to keep in mind that he doesn't care about being the president if he can wield equivalent power in any other way.

If he could find a way to parlay with tyrants elsewhere behind the scenes he'd give up the presidency.

The presidency is a pretty bauble but ultimately he'd gamble it on greater influence.

Politics is only one of the ways to be powerful.

If he was younger, with the energy drive and stamina he had then, this would be double the disaster.

I think he likes the bauble most, especially as it comes with immunity.
I think he likes the bauble most, especially as it comes with immunity.
Yep. Trump's reached a stage where he has to keep moving for fear of drowning. He is like Netanyahu in that regard. He knows bad things await him if he fails to maintain the on-going catastrophe that is his political career, and he'll be prepared to do just about anything to keep that catastrophe going. Anyone associated with him is in danger as he'll take them down with him if necessary.

But when I say power I'm including all of the benefits he associates with the presidency, including immunity. He already covered some of that turf with his supreme court appointments.

While I'm generally far more optimistic than I was a few weeks ago, I'm not at all complacent. I'm still trying to peer at this through his prism.

All the warped things I'm discerning through that still give me concern.

Imo it's a high stakes game. For him but also more widely.

It's kinda all in or bust now.

Or he'll take the side exit and drop dead and become a martyr for the far right.

"Look what they did to our guy"
I dont buy the "he knows what hes doing" like its all planned response. He has always been impulsive, going by his gut and without any regard for usual convnetions - not just of politics - but basic socail conventions - hes suceeded becasue of his towering self belief and drive that has seen him continune to win - or to seem like hes winning. Its a role he has inhabitted for so long its no longer an act - its instiinctive. He wont listed to advisors or campaing strategists unless they tell him what he wants to hear. Hes very similar or many other dictator types in that regard - and they all fail becasue eventually the bullshit comes up agasint the reality. Trump will just contunues to double down with the threats, the "hilarious" insults, his "greatest hits" - he will see Harris as another Hilary - but they are very different people with a different resonance with the publuic - Hilary was well known, part of a elite dynasty, cold, stiff, evasive - far too much baggage. KH is far more engerised and "human" - she laughts and smiles a lot - and the republicans trying to use that agasint her may only serve to highlight what a misserable scowling old git trump is. And Harris laughting at him, refusing to take him seriously, painting him as pathetic and desperate - whihc may well prove the killer tactic.
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