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Donald Trump the road that might not lead to the White House - Redux 2024 thread.

For the first time in quite a while, I feel confident that maybe, just maybe, he might be defeated.

Doesn't mean that Harris is the Messiah, but she's showing up the bellend for what he is.

I find it comforting, even if it's fleeting.
Yeah, when Biden stood down I thought it was too late but the way Trump and his chums seem to be panicking makes me think maybe not after all. I'd pretty much resigned myself to that wankspangle being elected. You're right about Harris too, and when you look at the UK it's all just depressing that the choices are/were so shite.
I dont buy the "he knows what hes doing" like its all planned response. He has always been impulsive, going by his gut and without any regard for usual convnetions - not just of politics - but basic socail conventions - hes suceeded becasue of his towering self belief and drive that has seen him continune to win - or to seem like hes winning. Its a role he has inhabitted for so long its no longer an act - its instiinctive. He wont listed to advisors or campaing strategists unless they tell him what he wants to hear. Hes very similar or many other dictator types in that regard - and they all fail becasue eventually the bullshit comes up agasint the reality. Trump will just contunues to double down with the threats, the "hilarious" insults, his "greatest hits" - he will see Harris as another Hilary - but they are very different people with a different resonance with the publuic - Hilary was well known, part of a elite dynasty, cold, stiff, evasive - far too much baggage. KH is far more engerised and "human" - she laughts and smiles a lot - and the republicans trying to use that agasint her may only serve to highlight what a misserable scowling old git trump is. And Harris laughting at him, refusing to take him seriously, painting him as pathetic and desperate - whihc may well prove the killer tactic.

I don't mean that he's got it all figured out in his head. I agree that he's working from gut instinct. But that's an urge, a compulsion, an instinct, that is really strong in him. He knows what he's doing in the sense that he's following what makes gut-sense to him.

Like a zombie is absolutely fixed and fixated on the desired outcome, and every instinct and internal quiver is focused exclusively on that point. No doubt, no wavering or quavering. Absolute internal trust.
That kind of "knows".
For the first time in quite a while, I feel confident that maybe, just maybe, he might be defeated.

Doesn't mean that Harris is the Messiah, but she's showing up the bellend for what he is.

I find it comforting, even if it's fleeting.

Agree. I'm also taking comfort from the news on the ground, where Americans are reporting that places (parts of Florida in particular) that would normally be festooned with pro Trump/Vance banners and signs are far less in numbers than in previous years. And Americans talking about their own pro-Repub families and seeing a definite shift taking place, where devotion has been replaced by confusion, even embarrassment. It's encouraging.
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Way too early to call but I might put a few quid on Trump shortly then whicever way it goes I'll have something to be cheerfull about next November
Agree. I'm also taking comfort from the news on the ground, where Americans are reporting that places (parts of Florida in particular) that would normally be festooned with pro Trump/Vance banners and signs are far less in numbers than in previous years. And Americans talking about their own pro-Repub families and seeing a definite shift taking place, where devotion has been replaced by confusion, even embarrassment. It's encouraging.

Yes. His rally ramblings have been met with far more silence recently.
With bumbling Biden in charge and after the assassination attempt, it looked like an open goal for Trump, but now I'd bet on Harris. She's far from perfect by a towering intellect and sage of sensibleness compared to Trump.

Do you really think that? That if Biden hadn't passed on the baton, trump would have sailed home on the basis and strength of his big-bandaged ear?
Yep. Biden was only going to get worse and worse. Introducing the Ukrainian president as Putin was an appalling blunder.
Biden is just getting old. The thing is actually mentally impaired according to a team of psychiatrists who have been tracking them for a while. Their verdict was just that, Biden is just showing the creeping up of old age, Dumpty has definite signs of dementia or Alzheimer's. If the media showed his gaffes more and laid off Biden, the public might not be under the illusion that the monster was ready to win. Biden had a shocker of a debate, but that was one event. The desperate cheeto is insane.

Having said that, I am one hundred percent behind Kamala. I just wish that the narrative that Biden is ga ga and Dumpty was ready to win was shown for what it was.
Yes. His rally ramblings have been met with far more silence recently.

There's been a definite shift. Those who want what he wants couldn't give a shit what he says or who he says it to - they're incapable of embarrassment and/or introspection - but I think he's seriously underestimated those (not the MAGA fanatics) who actually believed that there was substance behind his bullshit, that he was in their corner, that he/the repubs were on their sde and genuinely cared for and had a plan for them. If nothing else, his 'campaigning' has revealed that he's in no one's corner other than his own.

So that's good, that he's now actively alienating crucial elements of his support base.

Yep. Biden was only going to get worse and worse. Introducing the Ukrainian president as Putin was an appalling blunder.

Although not remotely as appalling, back in the real world, as anything trump is, trump said or trump did.

The disparity between the bar setting for Biden behaviour and Trump behaviour is so fucked up.
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Today's US/Russia prisoner exchange is interesting , before Biden stepped down , Putin may have been prepared to wait & give Trump the glory (Reagan got the glory when Iran waited to release the hostages) . Now , maybe Putin didn't think it was worth waiting for a Trump defeat .
Today's US/Russia prisoner exchange is interesting , before Biden stepped down , Putin may have been prepared to wait & give Trump the glory (Reagan got the glory when Iran waited to release the hostages) . Now , maybe Putin didn't think it was worth waiting for a Trump defeat .
They were saying on the news that Putin would not have done it if Joe was still the candidate. He is still the president though so it looks good that it was done on his watch.
The orange one is seething from what i have read.
Good. Daddy Vlad is not playing with the creature any more. Are the days of being Putin's bitch coming to an end? Maybe the Russian tyrant is weighing up that the Mango Mussolini may not be of use to him very soon. I'd stay away from windows in tall buildings if I were the thing 😉.

Aah, the good old days when they were besties 😄.

I dont buy the "he knows what hes doing" like its all planned response. He has always been impulsive, going by his gut and without any regard for usual convnetions - not just of politics - but basic socail conventions - hes suceeded becasue of his towering self belief and drive that has seen him continune to win - or to seem like hes winning. Its a role he has inhabitted for so long its no longer an act - its instiinctive. He wont listed to advisors or campaing strategists unless they tell him what he wants to hear. Hes very similar or many other dictator types in that regard - and they all fail becasue eventually the bullshit comes up agasint the reality. Trump will just contunues to double down with the threats, the "hilarious" insults, his "greatest hits" - he will see Harris as another Hilary - but they are very different people with a different resonance with the publuic - Hilary was well known, part of a elite dynasty, cold, stiff, evasive - far too much baggage. KH is far more engerised and "human" - she laughts and smiles a lot - and the republicans trying to use that agasint her may only serve to highlight what a misserable scowling old git trump is. And Harris laughting at him, refusing to take him seriously, painting him as pathetic and desperate - whihc may well prove the killer tactic.
See this is what I think. My other half reckons Trump is cleverly calculating in what he says - I just think Trump's a moron and lucky that a lot of people are shit thick and defer to anyone they see as rich and successful, and they enjoy being given permission to be bigoted assholes and feel like winners for once.

Also agree that Harris has less baggage than HRC - all he'll have is outright racism and misogyny and that's likely to turn off the people he needs to convince to bother to vote for him.
The prisoner swap is a massive diplomatic effort, the kind of which Trump could not possibly be engaged in. Sure he could beg his mate Putin for a swap, but with Slovakia, Germany and Norway in the mix it just couldn't happen with Trump.

Sad to see some wankers elsewhere trying to paint this as Putin being a good faith actor when it comes to negotiations, swapping his hostages for bona fide criminal scumbags. A lot of other SM had Putin bots trying to equate this Putin's offer of peace talks (in exchange for total capitulation) in Ukraine. Wankers gonna wanker, I guess.
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