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Donald Trump the road that might not lead to the White House - Redux 2024 thread.


Its kinda sad that this is surprising, like we expect people to be like 'what I look for in a presidential candidate more than anything is that they almost got shot and killed'. I thought it might temporarily boost his poll ratings (hopfully I'm wrong), but by November this will have long ago been yesterday's fish n' chip paper. That said, I wonder if it will alter the nature of the discourse of the candidates moving forward. Trump apparently is leaning into more 'unity' rhetoric now, but i doubt he'll keep that up more than 17 minutes, he's too spiteful and vengeful to fool anyone with that shtick- and its not even what his psychpathic base wants, they're braying for blood. I hope the Dems don't go down the deadend of 'civililty' discourse to try and neturalise the Neo-Hiterlite thugs and terrorists of the GOP. Fascism can't be reasoned with, only smashed into a bloody pulp.
50% of the "Trump base" hates Vance
For what reason(s) do they hate him? ( i know very little about him atm beyond he "doesn't care what happens to ukraine" and thinks the uk is an "islamic country with nukes". That's enough for me to dislike him but what about the maga faithful? )
In 2016 there were urbanites insisting that Trump would definitely start WW3, and being quite hysterical about it all, and yet here we all are.
It's more likely now than it's ever been.

Putin given the right to take Eastern Europe, Xi allowed to take Taiwan, all under the say so of America's isolationist king, allowed to get away with it by the Supreme Court he appointed.
Robert Evans of Behind the Bastards fame points out that Trump has dropped the pledge of a nationwide abortion ban from the party manifesto and distanced himself from Project 2025. Not that that makes him any less terrifying but could be a motivation for republicans wanting him gone
It's more likely now than it's ever been.

Putin given the right to take Eastern Europe,
Maybe more than that if he pulls the us out of nato. Even if he doesn't do that, i'm not sure i'd trust trump to actually invoke article 5 if push came to shove and putin may not either. Hopefully i'm being hyperbolic but fucks knows with trump and his followers these days.
Right wing Xwitter: i won't post the sources here, considers Vance to be a "never-trumper" < from 2016-2021, Vance made VERY harsh comments against trump: including calling him "obnoxious", "hitler" and not voting for him in 2016.
I did read that but isn't he a trump arselicker now? Still i guess that might make some of trumps followers suspicious of him but i can't see them voting biden as a result.
Robert Evans of Behind the Bastards fame points out that Trump has dropped the pledge of a nationwide abortion ban from the party manifesto and distanced himself from Project 2025. Not that that makes him any less terrifying but could be a motivation for republicans wanting him gone
Until he gets into power again
The big danger is Trump misreading Putin, Putin invading a NATO member with Trump then turning around and saying 'fuck that' and letting them get on with it. Or Trump pulling the plug on NATO first and then it all kicking off. Either way, with Trump in charge things could get very iffy in our part of the world...
I don't think the Russian military is going to be in a position to be invading any Nato countries anytime soon.
It's more likely now than it's ever been.

Putin given the right to take Eastern Europe, Xi allowed to take Taiwan, all under the say so of America's isolationist king, allowed to get away with it by the Supreme Court he appointed.
Trump and his supporters are strongly anti-China. Makes the support for Putin all the more odd, but logic isn't their strong point.
Russian people are white, extremely patriarchal, macho and homophobic, basically just the same as Trump.

Pussy Riot are russians and i don't think they fit that characterization, but yes "russia" is, and have been for a decade and more, an avatar for rightwing americans, which is why i put it in quotes.
Pussy Riot are russians and i don't think they fit that characterization, but yes "russia" is, and have been for a decade and more, an avatar for rightwing americans, which is why i put it in quotes.

Really didn't think someone would #notallrussians my post. 😁

Trump is the definition of macho - it doesn't actually mean brave or tough, it means someone who aggressively pretends to be that way.
Vance in 2021 told Jack Murphy, a controversial “manosphere” figure: “A lot of conservatives have said we should … basically eliminate the administrative state. And I’m sympathetic to that project.

“But another option is that we should just seize the administrative state for our own purposes. We should fire all of the people. I think Trump … [will] probably win again in 2024, and he’ll win by a margin such that he’ll be the president of the United States in January of 2025.

“I think what Trump should do, if I was giving him one piece of advice: fire every single mid-level bureaucrat. Every civil servant in the administrative state.

“Replace them with our people, and when the courts – because you will get taken to court … stop you, stand before the country like [president] Andrew Jackson did, and say, ‘The chief justice has made his ruling. Now let him enforce it.’”

As Beauchamp noted, the Jackson quote “is likely apocryphal, but the history is real”.
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