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I just came here to say that the role of First Lady is not a job, it's a fucking weird throwback. If my husband's out with work, I like to wear my worst dressing gown and watch old episodes of the Sewing Bee while eating Bombay mix. Ask youself what Kamala's husband would be doing. Who? Well quite.
He has a job as a lawyer, does he not?

He doesn’t just stand around glowering all day.
Well he did say before the vote that if he won people would never have to vote again.

Jus’ bantz innit

“Oh no, that was just bluster, y’all take it all too seriously, he’s a funny guy, he was making a joke, you just don’t get him…”

Like the thing where he said he could commit murder on 5th avenue and get away with it: he was running that up the flagpole to see who would salute.
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I’m just amazed by how fucking spineless the media it as this point, I know I shouldn’t be, we’ve had years of it, but it seems to get worse and worse even though you assume it’s already hit fucking rock bottom

That fatalism will be utilised like a slingshot by Trump and his administration. They’re asset strippers and venture capitalists first and foremost “running the country like a business”.

Watch them clean up, and they’ll do it under guise of “helping them to rebuild”. The machinations for that model re well established already.
musk just seig heil during his speech

why the fuck is musk getting a fucking speech to do that anyways

cunt put his own soul into it as well grunting whilst throwing his arm out. Americans who voted for trump should be fucking ashamed of themselves.. grand parents fought against this shite

Why ashamed? They think the same way, they’re relieved they can come out of the shadows at last.
So he's issued an Executive Order to basically make being trans illegal? Am I correct?

Why is he even so bothered about trans people this time around?

Yes. He’s essentially said they don’t exist.

Because it gives him a powerful fulcrum point with a huge number of Americans, including those who don’t give Trans issues much thought,

It’s a clever and powerful way to use one of the most conflicted fronts of the culture wars to his own advantage. He doesn’t give a single solitary shit about the issues, but he can see how working on this is expedient to his own ends.
You linked to an article that was very clearly supportive of his agenda on this issue, and I'd say portrayed the EO as being far more benign that it actually is. If we actually agree that the order is malignant, then I'm glad, but I'd appreciate you explaining a bit more about why you see it as being malignant and harmful.

:D I couldn't give a fuck what you'd appreciate.

You've misread everything I've posted, and I'm perfectly happy for you to carry on doing so!
I bet all the people who voted for him because they were pissed off with the price of food and petrol are so glad he's prioritising this.

It’s a very simple and useful way to signal that he’s willing to outlaw actual human beings. It’s not about the Trans bit, it’s about making it actually illegal to be a certain kind of person. He’s done it with immigrants too: describing the Southern Border in apocalyptic terms, making it almost or actually impossible to exist in a normal way as an immigrant.

Don’t look at the detail, look at the pattern.

He’s working up to things, acclimating the people, so that his bigger stronger blows don’t feel so dangerous.
hitmouse - this is how I read it.PTK started with:

I don't know why he wants to issue an executive order about biological truths. Yes, there are only two sexes in human beings, and they cannot be changed. The Earth is a planet, and the Sun a star.
Spy replied:
That's not what the EO is about. He's basically laying the groundwork for kicking gender ideology into touch.

Maybe read this before you post any more nonsense.

Must admit I only read the subhead to Spy's article because it looked paywalled but that seemed clear:
The White House strikes out at gender ideology and pronouns. Also: ends housing of biological men in women’s prisons; self-ID on passports; and more.
to which PTK acknowledged
I wrote bases on what I heard on a news report on BBC Radio 4. I know now, thanks to you, that there was a lot more to it.
Probably. But the point is that Melania is judged as some sort of decoration. It's ant-feminist and sort of weird that she's there at all.
Well, the person primarily responsible for that perception is her own husband, who has disrespected her and objectified her from day one. She could very easily have carved a niche for herself if she had wished to do so but clearly she did not. For what it’s worth, I don’t blame her. She didn’t ask to be placed in this public situation and whilst most wives are supportive of their husbands, I think he regards her as a mere trophy, which is somewhat humiliating for her… but I don’t think she has the power or the guts to actually tell him to piss off.

Either way, regardless of whatever I or anyone else may think of her, she's still way too good for him. If it’s true that she has no intention of moving back into the White House, I’d say “good on her” for sticking to her guns and doing what she wants.
Um, who was the one that used the phrase, "slut-shaming?"

The hypocrisy is stunning.

You’ve misunderstood.

The post was disrespecting Melania, and it used the fact that she has posed for naked photos as one of her absurdities. Dystopiary called out that post. And then called you out for your laughing emoji.

Using the term slut-shaming is about using the language of the shamer as a mirror “see how ugly you’ve made it”
"What is striking is that he rejected any sense of reality or critical thinking, namely that you can't change something through sheer force of not believing in it"

Yes you can, in his world. That’s exactly how you make something not exist, simply by speaking and acting and behaving and reacting as if it doesn’t exist. Gaslighting innit,
Me. The term "slut-shaming" was literally created by women calling that shit out. :facepalm:
Be careful with that face palm, might hurt yourself and your sense of self-righteousness.

I don't care who coined it, Black people use the N word to address each other, it still doesn't make it right.

editor - will not reply to the poster again.
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