This Machine Kills Progressives
This might be a popular trope with liberals but it is an appalling politics.It seems to me that Left vs Right is becoming less of a differentiation. It's becoming more people who belive in evidence-based analysis of events versus credulous belief in made-up facts that fit the narrative, and any actual analysis is seen as belonging to the outgroup.
So the 'Lefties' who actually have an understanding of the facts to varying degrees cannot understand how anyone can be so stupid as to believe such blatant falsehoods and even the evidence of their own eyes, while the Right type cannot believe anyone would fall for such conspiracies and anything the others believe in must be false and should be resisted up to the point of allowing them and their loved one die horribly unpleasant deaths
The creation of "evidence-based" "data driven" politics is every bit as ideological as anything coming out of the Republican Party. It is a latest incarnation of the long trend of liberalisms attempts to create a "neutral" justification for the exploitation embedded within it, to "scientise" politics, ala economics and political science.
Politics is the outcome of the competing interests of groups, in capitalist societies driven by the interactions of capital, labour and state.
There is nothing neutral about the economy, nothing "evidence based" about the decisions of the central banks - these are political decisions made on the basis of the supporting the interests of capital(s) and the state.