“Mad as hell & I’m not going to take this anymore”
I could only see that proposing something stupid like that as an attempt to solidify the very poor impression that there seems to be around "the King" and the Royal Family generally at present.
Toadying up to that useless sack of orange shite is hardly the way to get anyone on-side and frankly the Royals just seem to be mired in more crap and general disinterest with each passing week. I'm not sure that fraternising with convicted criminals is the very best look and certainly not one to which they should be aspiring.
This year, they've been largely invisible due to their personal problems.... but hey ho - it doesn't bloody matter. We don't need them and would probably do rather better without them. Wasting money on that incontinent, gibbering scumbag Trump, would do nothing whatsoever to endear them to anyone.