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Doctor Who 2024 - News, views, spin-offs

Don't do insta, twitter, tik tok etc.
Me too.
Can barely tolerate fashbook, anytime there's something new about Who/Trek/Star Wars it just ends up being a magnet for bigots screaming "woke"
I have noticed recently a LARGE increase in trek and who content, but there has recently been a switch in comments. A lot of people shouting at misogynists and bigots saying both series were extremely 'woke' from the off. Which is true. The marvel posts are pretty much still 99% "girls have ruined marvel".

I don't know why my Facebook is so full of these things. I don't really like star trek, star wars and marvel and don't recall clicking on anything to make Facebook think I do.
Me too.

I have noticed recently a LARGE increase in trek and who content, but there has recently been a switch in comments. A lot of people shouting at misogynists and bigots saying both series were extremely 'woke' from the off. Which is true. The marvel posts are pretty much still 99% "girls have ruined marvel".

I don't know why my Facebook is so full of these things. I don't really like star trek, star wars and marvel and don't recall clicking on anything to make Facebook think I do.
This is going to sound silly, but some time back I read/heard that the troll farms are targeting beloved sci-fi franchises. In particular, Star Wars. Of course there are genuine critics who feel hard done by, but the level of vitriol has really mushroomed over the last few years.

Thoroughly sick of randoms banging on about how woke something is.
Thanks to BBC iplayer, I've recently started binge re-watching all the Whos from the first Eccleston episode. Tonight I just got to the final Tennant and Rose Tyler episode. It was proper emotional :(

Great to watch these again (I've watched Who since when I was a kiddie and it was Hartnell). Mind you I stopped watching after Tom Baker so missed McCoy, Davidson and Colin Baker. Also, I missed all the Matt Smith ones and half of Capaldi's for some reason. So some catching up to do.
For the first time in many years, I actually find myself not planning to watch this new series of Who at all. It doesn’t excite, intrigue or agitate me in any way. I am completely apathetic towards it. Huh.
I have felt this about some previous seasons - the later Matt Smith ones, Jodie's after the first one. But we just don't really know what this era will be like yet. I don't understand how you can have made your mind up already.
I have felt this about some previous seasons - the later Matt Smith ones, Jodie's after the first one. But we just don't really know what this era will be like yet. I don't understand how you can have made your mind up already.
It’s not a cognitive thing. I just have no interest in it.
For the first time in many years, I actually find myself not planning to watch this new series of Who at all. It doesn’t excite, intrigue or agitate me in any way. I am completely apathetic towards it. Huh.
Thats a shame, but at least the classic era is easily available on iPlayer so you can console yourself with that, and you never know it might surprise you and be something you might enjoy.
I love change. I would love a really radical revamp of Doctor Who. The problem is not change. I think it just seems increasingly infantilised and I don’t find that interesting.
I love change. I would love a really radical revamp of Doctor Who. The problem is not change. I think it just seems increasingly infantilised and I don’t find that interesting.

This is exactly the problem I am having with the transition from the Robert Holmes era to the Douglas Adams one, by the way.
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