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Well, we did get more of Susan Twist, and Ruby noticed she’d seen her before. So there’s obviously more to that than RTD is letting on. (For those who hadn’t noticed, she’s been in every episode since she was Newton’s maid, playing different characters, and RTD is on record as saying it’s just due to “Equity shortages”).

My second favourite episode of the series proper so far.
Ruby is back in her old timeline now, so won’t get too overexcited by the next Twist appearance. Things should resolve in a fortnight, though, surely?
It was a really good premise and the idea of a mysterious figure who you can never see properly was quite MR James. But as soon as it became apparent that it was a sort of Turn Left copy it kind of dropped off. And the resolution was rushed and not explained at all.
Yeah that didn't work at all for me. Turn Left was leagues better. This was just a bit silly. The weird ability of the woman
/old Ruby
was never really explained.
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It was a really good premise and the idea of a mysterious figure who you can never see properly was quite MR James. But as soon as it became apparent that it was a sort of Turn Left copy it kind of dropped off. And the resolution was rushed and not explained at all.
Yes to all of that, particularly the classical ghost story vibe. But the ending was certainly rushed, I saw there was just a couple of minutes left and thought how are they going to resolve this plot. They didn't.
This could have been a whole series just in itself. It felt like it was more interested in setting things up for the season finale than delivering its own story.
Best episode for a very long time, and certainly rivalling Blink as the best ever doctor-lite episode. Just loved the unfriendly Welsh pub.

After such a terrible start, this is now shaping up really well. I just can't believe RTD thought Space Babies was a good way to kick off a series in an era of streaming where you need to grab people in episode 1.
That was quite fun up til the bit with UNIT, then it all kind of went like a writer’s strike had suddenly happened.

Stretching my credulity even for Who when Ruby said the Doctor was 5 foot 10.

My first viewing of a Gatwa episode - was torn between whether I wanted to see more of him or whether I was glad to not be looking at that hideous duffel coat for more than a minute or so.
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Never realised there was “press height” as well as a “press age” for actors.

Several other sources put him at 5’7’’ : 5’8’’

Anyway, he met a farmer of my acquaintance while filming that episode who said he was really lovely and also tiny. And was wearing a bathrobe over that awful duffel coat cos it was bloody freezing and I guess the wardrobe dept were having a “fashion over function” day.

Not that there’s anything wrong with being smol.
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Was also thinking, with the “Ap Gwilliam” thing, maybe there’s some cringe anagram stuff in the offing for some general series arc.
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