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And? I think a season of the TARDIS getting a working chameleon circuit again would be fun - though longer term I think the police box is the one constant that can't be messed with. But the sonic could vanish - it did in the 80s.
It did briefly work during, I think, Six's time. But it wasn't popular at all and quickly broke itself again. The canon now (insomuch as anything is canon in Who) is that the circuit does work. It scans its surroundings, analyses the best form to blend in with, and decides to be a police box anyhow.
It did briefly work during, I think, Six's time. But it wasn't popular at all and quickly broke itself again. The canon now (insomuch as anything is canon in Who) is that the circuit does work. It scans its surroundings, analyses the best form to blend in with, and decides to be a police box anyhow.
Let's hope RTD does not mess around with the iconic blue box..
Could not bear an all singing and dancing Tardis
Correct about the 6th Doctor..
I'm not suggesting that it would be at all appropriate to get rid of the blue box, but a temporary change, tied into the plot/arc in some way could be interesting. I remember it happening under Six, but that opportunity was wasted.
River Song starting the Tardis noiselessly is a good example of how far tampering should be allowed to go.
Last time cringed at the show was the Kylie episode. Not because of the awesome Kylie, but it felt out of kilter with the rest of the season. Guess that's the Xmas episodes for you...
That was different. A bit Black Mirror in parts.

Curious that the dot robots needed to disguise their revolution against the supremacists via the slugs... also, that's two episodes in a row where the Doctor is absent a good deal

All that said, enjoyed it... quite unsettling and loved the nod to the Nakagin Tower.

I'm on the side of the Slugs

I'd suggest watching this afterwards, at least for the first 10 mins or so.

So am I. If they set out to create the most annoying millennial stereotype ever, then they succeeded. The slugs are like 70s Who and, given they move at a glacial pace, would be easy to outrun/avoid
Definitely good. Nothing wrong with stealing candyfloss bleakness from Charlie Brooker. The finetimers were the best monsters so far this series, although I’m not sure whether they were meant to be snobs or racists. Maybe both. Anyway, a Swiftian and well deserved pop at Gen Z.
Definitely good. Nothing wrong with stealing candyfloss bleakness from Charlie Brooker. The finetimers were the best monsters so far this series, although I’m not sure whether they were meant to be snobs or racists. Maybe both. Anyway, a Swiftian and well deserved pop at Gen Z.
definitly racist.and elitist too but mostly racist
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