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Do you use your local butcher?

Yeah, you have clue :D You have more of a clue than me cos you're partially in the business of raising and killing livestock for gain. I do none of that. I'd rather rely on personal trips to big abbatoirs & personl accounts of slaughterhousemen than the RSPCA charity propoganda though.
a) I don't do it for gain, I do it to feed my family. There's no profit in what we do.

b) It's not practical to expect everyone to visit an abbatoir really is it? As with every other issue we rely on facts from sources we feel we can trust. What makes one source valid and the other source propoganda? Some people would say that the slaughterman/men you've spoken to isn't as valid a source as the stuff published by the RSPCA *shrug* I just do what I feel is right with the evidence available to me and I suspect that's what others do too.
My local butcher delivers stuff to me. Beat that! I know he's on his rounds delivering to the local restaurants and that, but I feel privileged. And he is a very good butcher. I do make occasional, specific purchases of the meaty sort in a supermarket when my planning has been thrown awry by a sudden influx of family or something, namely liver and Sainbury's Toulouse sausages. If I travel to the nearest town I can buy game and gluten-free sausages which the delivering butcher doesn't handle.
I use a butcher that is 12 miles away. Get there late and most of his stock will be sold for the day.

Unfortunately being 12 miles away like he is I don't get to go there often. Oh how I wish I still lived there. Whitchurch has the best shopping for quality veg and quality meat at a fraction of what supermarket's charge for water injected shite. I dunno how they do it but they do.

Thin pork sausages to die for.
Thick bacon sliced off the joint.
Freerange chickens where even the grey meat is actually more like white meat.
Royal Welsh Show Prize winning lamb burgers
Turkey crowns that are a reasonable size for a small household.
I use our local butcher but he can be expensive.A better choice where i live is the local farm shop.The meats all local and raised in decent conditions before being slaughtered !
No I don't (unsurprisingly....) but I did have a mate who worked there who used to snag loads of tasty freebies for the dog. The butchers in this town is quite a big'un and takes up a sizable chunk of the market square while having a couple of little off-shoots in the suburbs, so I guess it's not like most towns in that respect.

I do visit the greengrocers when I can though :)
i love our local butcher,the meat is top quality and for the main cheaper than the supermarkets.Not only that he drinks at the local pub,loves a beer and always rounds the price off in my favour when i buy at his shop.Never had a bad cut from him:cool::cool:

Because his hours suck vs. Morrisons. (god forbid I'd want to grab a steak on my way home from work)

Because he has less variety than Morrisons. (where's my skirt, bitch?)

Because he costs more than Morrisons. (though that's related to his choice to only stock the expensive stuff)

Our local butcher is shit. There is a guy in Cheam who's pretty good, but I'm not driving 2.5 miles out there just for some meat.

Edit: I do go to the monthly farmer's market to get game at least.
Twas a bit problematical because of delivery and there's no-one in during the day :(

Mrs M - you can get half a lamb from the organic beef/lamb people at the farmer's market at a decent price. I thought you might be interested....
Lack of pork sausages? :hmm:

Lack of pork would stop me going into any butchers tbh. We don't eat lamb and I wouldn't eat beef in England(or beef that I don't know the source of) so if there was a halal butcher round here I wouldn't go there.

It'd probably still smell of bleach and blood anyway <puke>

Because his hours suck vs. Morrisons. (god forbid I'd want to grab a steak on my way home from work)

Because he has less variety than Morrisons. (where's my skirt, bitch?)

Because he costs more than Morrisons. (though that's related to his choice to only stock the expensive stuff)

Morrisons have an actual butcher instore, don't they? Unlike Tesco, who employ rude clueless idiots behind the meat counter.
Too right! No-one should ever drive 2.5 miles just to go to a shop.

Bloody townies :rolleyes: It's more than 2.5 miles to my nearest shop and the farmers market is either a 34 mile round trip or a 30 mile round trip :p

Or are you being facetious Maggot? :hmm:
I use my local butchers. They don't mind me buying four sausages or two rashers of bacon. They're happy to butcher things for you too, which is nice. I'd use them more if they stayed open past 5pm though.
Yup, we use one.

It's my shop :D

Had it 4 years, we are purely retail, deal in local, free range meats, and have had rave reviews inc. by Matthew Fort in the Guardian for our sausages.

We are not cheap, but for example I but whole chickens and split them into breast legs and wings. I give the carcase away to regulars gratis.

Now my chicken breast is not cheap, (pardon the pun) but it is as it came off the chicken and not full of saline and phosphates etc.

Any Cambridge urbanites pm me and I'll tell you where to find us.
Yup, we use one.

It's my shop :D

Had it 4 years, we are purely retail, deal in local, free range meats, and have had rave reviews inc. by Matthew Fort in the Guardian for our sausages.

We are not cheap, but for example I but whole chickens and split them into breast legs and wings. I give the carcase away to regulars gratis.

Now my chicken breast is not cheap, (pardon the pun) but it is as it came off the chicken and not full of saline and phosphates etc.

Any Cambridge urbanites pm me and I'll tell you where to find us.

I generally only buy whole chickens as well, and joint them myself. I'm not very good at it though - I need a lesson!
True. None of em are. But some regional ones might be cosy compared to others, inner city ones.
I suspect you will find that most abattoirs are based in the country. I'm working at a slaughterhouse just now in the middle of the countryside and cosy and gentle it is not: they slaughter, debone, cut and freeze 1300 pigs an hour.

Im use our local butcher a fair bit. Love the service, always walk in and am greeted by name. I like service like that, hes a touch more expensive that supermarket but the quality in second to none.

I will then go next door to the independant greengroccer for the veg, then if I happen to be doing a little DIY I will go next door again to the "proper" hardware shop, where you can buy a couple of screws, a tin of paint, a cake tin and a packet of envelopes, along with a million other things!

We are VERY lucky here, its only a medium sized village, in the same square we also have an idependant pharmacy, optitions, off licence and newsagent!
If not? why not??

Do you have a good butcher near you even?? We have a lovely guy at the bottom of the road but hes always quiet, keeps going you know but I can see, its use him or lose him
His prices are about the same as the supermarket except for special offers which are often much cheaper and the quality is better ( for instance steak mince for the price of normal mince in tesco) Hes one of the only independent shops near us now. Greengrocers are long gone

I just wondered after the sausage thread whether other people use their local butcher?

I do. The store I get meat at, has a butcher. Plus, it's cheaper than Superstore, even. And the Superstore meat is oddly tasteless.
Too right! No-one should ever drive 2.5 miles just to go to a shop.

While I get your point, the fact remains that there are suitable replacements within walking distance. I prefer to not hop in the car if I can help it.

And yes, Morrisons does have an actual butcher in-shop, but I figured that didn't count. Mind you, their meat is far better than in most of the other supermarkets.
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