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£17K for a fucking kettle lead :D

They need to cross-subsidise their FREE cable burn-in service, I'm sure the Nordost Vidar cable conditioning machine doesn't come cheap:

In seek of some advice...

My hi-fi kit (my first attempt at separates) is a pile of pioneer bits, all bought second hand must be 8 or 9 years ago

The CD player (Z 560T) seems to have started playing silly buggers - skipping tracks, stopping in the middle of tracks and so on. Other than a few hiccups (most of my CDs are also second hand) never had any issues with it in the past and ran a cleaning CD through both disc trays at the weekend.

Happened with 2 different CDs today, so don't think it's the discs.

Any bright ideas what the heck is going on, whether it's repairable or what? Are there people who repair this sort of stuff?

From memory, think I paid 50 quid for the whole lot including speakers (one of which died and I have since replaced them) - a replacement for this model CD player seems to be over £ 100 now...
In seek of some advice...

My hi-fi kit (my first attempt at separates) is a pile of pioneer bits, all bought second hand must be 8 or 9 years ago

The CD player (Z 560T) seems to have started playing silly buggers - skipping tracks, stopping in the middle of tracks and so on. Other than a few hiccups (most of my CDs are also second hand) never had any issues with it in the past and ran a cleaning CD through both disc trays at the weekend.

Happened with 2 different CDs today, so don't think it's the discs.

Any bright ideas what the heck is going on, whether it's repairable or what? Are there people who repair this sort of stuff?

From memory, think I paid 50 quid for the whole lot including speakers (one of which died and I have since replaced them) - a replacement for this model CD player seems to be over £ 100 now...
OTOH repair will be costly
sorry not much help
unless you know someone who does this and is a friend.
In seek of some advice...

My hi-fi kit (my first attempt at separates) is a pile of pioneer bits, all bought second hand must be 8 or 9 years ago

The CD player (Z 560T) seems to have started playing silly buggers - skipping tracks, stopping in the middle of tracks and so on. Other than a few hiccups (most of my CDs are also second hand) never had any issues with it in the past and ran a cleaning CD through both disc trays at the weekend.

Happened with 2 different CDs today, so don't think it's the discs.

Any bright ideas what the heck is going on, whether it's repairable or what? Are there people who repair this sort of stuff?

From memory, think I paid 50 quid for the whole lot including speakers (one of which died and I have since replaced them) - a replacement for this model CD player seems to be over £ 100 now...
If it's happening on multiple disks them the problem is with the player. You could try gently cleaning the CD player's optics, dabbing with cotton buds using recommended products, as that sounds the likely source of the issue.
On another note; this thread isn't for advice really. So I suggest that you haven't got the correct platinum coated kettle lead into your intake server earthed correctly between your perpendicular eddie currents nodes.
On another note; this thread isn't for advice really.

oh. thought i'd seen some similar on here once or twice in the past...

So I suggest that you haven't got the correct platinum coated kettle lead into your intake server earthed correctly between your perpendicular eddie cuurent nodes.

umm, thanks.

maybe i should go to a purveyor of gramophones...

Search internet for a factory reset procedure for the CD player. I have fixed a sony cd this way otherwise you might be able to find new cd drive mechanism for it.
on the back of this I had a look at Richer sounds and was surprised to see the cheapest CD player was £130.
Seems only recently that a crap one could be got for maybe £30.
As a thought, maybe look for a cheap DVD or bluRay player instead: I bet that would play CD as well and is currently cheaper

And in the spirit of the thread:
Please ignore the silly comments about using platinum power cables. This is obviously woo-woo: you plainly need to ensure that your phono leads are encased in at least 80% purity unobtanium with kevlar shielding. Also suggest polishing your CDs with the Apple polishing cloth. (assuming you have confirmed compatible polarity of the fibres)
Spraying a fine layer of gold leaf over cd’s improves the sound by 0.99174%. All the audio heads are doing this.
I'm not acquainted with the price logic of speakers used in staduims, if even they are capable beesonthewhatnow ? But they seem infinitely better value than a kettle lead for twenty grand.
For a large stadium gig you’re looking at at least half a million quids worth of speakers and amps. And that’s just for the audience, you’ll then have another huge chunk for the monitor system. Then 2 consoles at £100k each. Then the mics. And the cables. And the power distribution.
It’s an expensive business.
For a large stadium gig you’re looking at at least half a million quids worth of speakers and amps. And that’s just for the audience, you’ll then have another huge chunk for the monitor system. Then 2 consoles at £100k each. Then the mics. And the cables. And the power distribution.
It’s an expensive business.

And then huge wagons to move it all about. And staff.
I bought a £50 Class 4 amp from China. Compared against the old Kenwood thingamajig I bought with the Mission 761s, and which I am now using as my computer speakers, I have to say that the soundscape is somewhat lacking. I haven't yet tried replacing the (60cm) speaker cables with unobtanium plasma-coated anoxygenic ionising substrate and organic shielding, yet, though, TBF. And there are still some questions around leyline orientation, critical in this part of Wales.

Oh boy. Where to start here.

I'd start with this, but it's out of stock :(

While some contact enhancers simply clean the connection, NPS 1260 truly enhances it. Through magnetic conduction, NPS-1260 works on a micro-level to bind the electrons in your connectors, improve their transfer of energy, and direct the current more fluidly. Put simply, NPS-1260 strengthens the chains that make your system, so you’ll have no weak links. As a result, you end up with a system that has higher clarity, less distortion, and better imaging.


Just $349!
Well it definitely looks cool, and is certainly not snake oil:


When I first met Louis Desjardins, the designer, I still had doubts about the relevance of a counter-rotating turntable for resolving a problem no one even knew about...

God damn, thanks for that, a problem no-one knew about, solved by a counter rotating turntable, and all for the low, low price of...


And the cables from the Lemay Audio site lead to Home :: in-akustik

which is sold in the UK by

these are £19,000 for a pair of 2m XLR cables.

I bet we'll be able to find some crackers on the audiologica site.
God damn, thanks for that, a problem no-one knew about, solved by a counter rotating turntable, and all for the low, low price of...


You do realise that they've had to add leap seconds to UTC because of the effect of all the records that were played last century?
It's completely normal mainstream science!

Plus, aside from the enviromental effects, you have to counter the micro-accelerations you get from changes in vinyl groove dynamics.
I assume you've seen what happens to helicopters when the tail rotor fails...

The lack of air-cushioning on the turntable is giving me a twinge of scepticism, but I guess that's what happens when manufacturers become obsessed with cost-cutting.

So the red thing is a IfI Diablo: iFi Audio Diablo DAC and Headphone Amplifier
It's a DAC and headphone amplifier. £809. According to the article linked below "The DAC is an iFi Diablo, retail price $1300. François, who has tried $20,000+ DACs and fancy R2R ones, swears by it. Crazy, right?"
Yeah, maybe not so crazy, I can think of some reasons why $20,000 DACs perform the same, audio wise, as $1,300 ones... and ones that cost idk probably a few tens of pounds? Maybe into the hundreds for some tough ones designed to take the knocks and strains of touring?

But WTF are the things on top and underneath it?

I found this on this article: The Lemay Audio Room Where I was trying to find the price for these preamps, which is apparently $160,000...


but what is the problem noone knew about?

nobody knows, dude, nobody knows. That's why it's so important to solve.

"When I first met Louis Desjardins, the designer, I still had doubts about the relevance of a counter-rotating turntable for resolving a problem no one even knew about. Convinced that I was making a mistake, Louis graciously took the time to demonstrate the near-hypnotic effect of the second counter-rotating platter. Needless to say, my personal reference of a super massive bodied, linear tonearm and air-cushioned turntable didn’t last more than a few minutes in comparison to Louis’s machine. The power supply, with its revolutionary SCPS 1 capacitor, completely vaporized my natural skepticism. The Kronos Pro is now recognized as a worldwide reference, as is its tonearm designed by André Thériault, the Black Beauty."

That's the full text from the web page. I assume that the "near-hypnotic effect" of the counter rotating platter is what they are talking about, it hypnotizes you into thinking it's worth buying.
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