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Do you consider yourself an audiophile?

Are you an audiophile?

  • Yes

    Votes: 31 13.5%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.1%
  • Audiophiles are deluded bullshitters

    Votes: 116 50.4%

  • Total voters

Holy shit :eek: :facepalm: :D

Holy shit :eek: :facepalm: :D
"The only issue I have with these is that I have to keep them away from my Orgone generators, also I noticed that my Himalayan salt power crystals weren't repelling as much bad energy, but that was easily fixed by moving them to another room."

Holy shit :eek: :facepalm: :D
pages and pages of waffle go along with that! I liked this from page 5 lol
"When the Blackbody is situated towards the North at the angle of local inclination normal to Earth's axis of rotation, this creates maximum exposure of the Blackbody's face to the direction of local high energy particles coming from the solar wind, and this is when the sonic performance of the sound system improves most. The instantaneous taming of this energy into entropy is the key to understanding the Blackbody's effectiveness."

Holy shit :eek: :facepalm: :D

I just went through it but I'm not sure which grounding cable option is best for me.

Anyone help?

Holy shit :eek: :facepalm: :D
Hope they are using these professional XLR cables to complete their set up...

e2a: How have I lived this long without these noise stoppers

edit 2: from their "about us" page:
"We routinely talk our customers out of spending more money than they need to because our goal is to maximise your satisfaction, not just our profits."
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I've got one that's been fully burned in. You can have it for only £10,000.
Burning in is a highly skilled job where a lot of parameters come into play and if done wrong can lead to substandard result, have you got a BIEA (Burning In Engineers Association) certificate to make sure that you haven't inadvertently exerted too much electrical power at the critical point where such an abuse might create a chaotic response in the electron flow, never mind upsetting the direction of travel of the abovementioned entities?
I have still got my old Goldmaster Pro X3 grounding station from when I last upgraded. The zero-point filter cancels out the sub-luminary latency that all simple cabling suffers from.

I got it in a sale for £1,200 - not using it so willing to let it go for 400 nicker. If you don’t like it you can probably sell at a profit.
I have still got my old Goldmaster Pro X3 grounding station from when I last upgraded. The zero-point filter cancels out the sub-luminary latency that all simple cabling suffers from.

I got it in a sale for £1,200 - not using it so willing to let it go for 400 nicker. If you don’t like it you can probably sell at a profit.
Has it had its quantum’s aligned recently?

Might be interested if so.

£17K for a fucking kettle lead :D

I can’t bend my head around committing to production something that nobody will buy.
I can’t bend my head around committing to production something that nobody will buy.

I’d bet the actual producer sells the product at a pittance compared to the mark-up added by the brand/middleman.

If you hunt around, you may even find the same product sold for next to nothing elsewhere!
I can’t bend my head around committing to production something that nobody will buy.
Some people do buy them, then tell others how much better their system sounds as a result. They're fucking deluded and deserve ripping off by the snake oil fucks who prey on their deluded fuckwitism.
No matter how many facts you throw at them, it's impossible to convince them that they have shit for brains, yet not one of them will ever commit to a double blind test, because deep down they know they're deluded shit-for-brains fucks, and the only reason they buy this shit is to show others how much money they have. And because they only mix with like-minded people, you end up with a cabal of shit for brains wankers competing against each other to see who has the largest pile of shit where their brains should be.
Some people do buy them, then tell others how much better their system sounds as a result. They're fucking deluded and deserve ripping off by the snake oil fucks who prey on their deluded fuckwitism.
No matter how many facts you throw at them, it's impossible to convince them that they have shit for brains, yet not one of them will ever commit to a double blind test, because deep down they know they're deluded shit-for-brains fucks, and the only reason they buy this shit is to show others how much money they have. And because they only mix with like-minded people, you end up with a cabal of shit for brains wankers competing against each other to see who has the largest pile of shit where their brains should be.
Come on Saul, what do you really think?!
Some people do buy them, then tell others how much better their system sounds as a result. They're fucking deluded and deserve ripping off by the snake oil fucks who prey on their deluded fuckwitism.
No matter how many facts you throw at them, it's impossible to convince them that they have shit for brains, yet not one of them will ever commit to a double blind test, because deep down they know they're deluded shit-for-brains fucks, and the only reason they buy this shit is to show others how much money they have. And because they only mix with like-minded people, you end up with a cabal of shit for brains wankers competing against each other to see who has the largest pile of shit where their brains should be.

I don't know why I'd actually quite like to meet one of these people. I'm I've met people who like nice sound systems which i can understand, but nothing like this.
I don't know why I'd actually quite like to meet one of these people. I'm I've met people who like nice sound systems which i can understand, but nothing like this.
I've met one. I've met a few who think they're the real deal but only ever met one proper shit for brains deluded fuckwit wanker. He'd even gone as far as to make a physically and electrically isolated room in his house, at the cost of a decent house... I wanted to punch him in the face within 10 minutes of meeting him. He made Jehovas Witness cunts seem positively splendid.
I don't know why I'd actually quite like to meet one of these people. I'm I've met people who like nice sound systems which i can understand, but nothing like this.
You don't. I used to deal with them as part of my job helping ordinary people get reception of tv and radio. They buy expensive non functional crap and won't understand where the problem lies. Dull uninteresting fools.

I no longer do this job.
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