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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

When does it tip into being unwell? I mean being against lockdowns, or being vaccine hesitant, yeah whatever.

But thinking there's nanobots or trackers in the vaccine, or that everyone that has it will die in 18 months, or that it's a psy-ops program of genocide and mass control etc. That's paranoia and/or delusional isn't it?
Hard to say, sure the amount of disinformation and misinformation online plays into this mass hysteria and maybe people who've been in lockdown in difficult circumstances could be lonely or vulnerable and more easily sucked in by this stuff. But also they're grown adults and should have enough sense of personal responsibility to at least not to go attacking healthcare workers doing their jobs. Couldn't throw away the key far enough imo.
I wonder about this. I'm not sure if I can explain this clearly and it just my own thought. But I think there is a certain critical mass that can be reached where believing somting is no longer a sign of being mentally ill. Most religious beliefs would sound just as out there (if not more so) but that does not make Christians, Muslims or whatever unwill as those beliefs are commonly accepted.

I wonder if this shit is getting to that point?

Yeah, there's a huge cultural and historical context, exactly how religion functions without us (mostly) thinking all the believers have lost the plot as it has those.
I wonder about this. I'm not sure if I can explain this clearly and it just my own thought. But I think there is a certain critical mass that can be reached where believing somting is no longer a sign of being mentally ill. Most religious beliefs would sound just as out there (if not more so) but that does not make Christians, Muslims or whatever unwill as those beliefs are commonly accepted.

I wonder if this shit is getting to that point?
Also they are thick selfish cunts.
i'm sure they'll be happy to get free health service for the rest of their lives though. no integrity. i would have a tinsy bit more respect if they said "i will never walk into a doctors or hospital again".
they probably only have a problem with this pandemic, not with the antibiotics they receive for infections etc. zero self awareness or introspection. if the nhs were "in on it" why wouldn't they be killing us all off/controling us with normal meds that millions upon millions receive?
Reminds me of when we had a covid testing station - with squaddies ! - just across the yard from the workshop. [They did keep the cars out of our half, to be fair].

One of our neighbours has a rabid covid-denier, anti-masker & anti-vaxxer conspiraloonspud working for them.
As might be expected, he lost his 5h1te with the squaddies - who told him to "foxtrot oscar" - when he got tangled up with the incoming car queues.
What wasn't amusing was that the shitehawk has actually had covid - and one of his colleagues has kidney disease / cancer ...

I've had several rows with the twat, usually over my insistence on masking-up when I do visit the workshop during normal hours.
they probably only have a problem with this pandemic, not with the antibiotics they receive for infections etc. zero self awareness or introspection. if the nhs were "in on it" why wouldn't they be killing us all off/controling us with normal meds that millions upon millions receive?
The NHS folk I work with tell me they are almost only working with unvaccinated patient's in hospital. They said the patients are desperate for medical help and vaccination when they are struggling. Apparently they don't want intubation and are not keen on dying 🤣
The NHS folk I work with tell me they are almost only working with unvaccinated patient's in hospital. They said the patients are desperate for medical help and vaccination when they are struggling. Apparently they don't want intubation and are not keen on dying 🤣
Yeah and then there are those poor folk who can't get vaccinated or are behind for medical reasons. A friend, for example, has literally just had her booster as she missed her original appointment due to going into labour. She lives in an area of London with very high infection rates and is now waiting for the booster to kick in.

One of her pregnant friends was in a similar situation, caught the bloody thing and has been very ill with a new baby to boot.

Those people I have every sympathy with. Unvaccinated conspiraloon types? Not so much.
The NHS folk I work with tell me they are almost only working with unvaccinated patient's in hospital. They said the patients are desperate for medical help and vaccination when they are struggling. Apparently they don't want intubation and are not keen on dying 🤣
Such anecdotes are rarely supported by the data we can see, there are plenty of vaccinated patients. This was the expected picture due to vaccines not being 100% effective and the huge proportion of the population that are vaccinated.

Previously I had no critical care data so could only speak about hospitalisations and deaths. But more recently I located critical care data such as:

Screenshot 2021-12-29 at 20.30.jpg

(thats from ICNARC – Reports )

In terms of broader covid hospitalisations, I can now see some figures for some Omicron cases too via a daily report.

Screenshot 2021-12-29 at 20.35.jpg
whatever it is, it's grim and if a family member was going down that route i would be just as concerned as if tehy were complaining about a mental illness.

it must actually be a very frightening space for them - to believe that there's evil overlords, and they are all slowly trying to kill us/control us, and only they can see it. that can't be a very peaceful place to carry around through life.

I simply cannot get my head round it.

How can anyone be so naïve? ☠️
I like the "White Rose is a psyop by Brother so they can sell more printers" angle, could grow legs.

they're very active here in manhatto and somebody is making money off all those stickers.
not just the one i posted and not just in this neighborhood.
Such anecdotes are rarely supported by the data we can see, there are plenty of vaccinated patients. This was the expected picture due to vaccines not being 100% effective and the huge proportion of the population that are vaccinated.

Previously I had no critical care data so could only speak about hospitalisations and deaths. But more recently I located critical care data such as:

(thats from ICNARC – Reports )

In terms of broader covid hospitalisations, I can now see some figures for some Omicron cases too via a daily report.

Has anyone crunched the numbers in terms of like vaccinated/unvaccinated adjusted for proportion of the population? So, what proportion of vaccinated adults are being hospitalised vs what proportion of unvaccinated adults are, that sort of thing?
Some analyses on these White Rose sticker regurgitators

I like the "White Rose is a psyop by Brother so they can sell more printers" angle, could grow legs.
Just noticed this as well:
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