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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Wankers. You can’t exactly catch cancer and people won’t want to get either
Yes, I feel like going down at night and putting up a big sign saying something like that. The problem is I really get the impression a lot of people around here feel this way. I had to use the tram the other day (I usually avoid public transport) and moved seats multiple times due to so many people without a mask (and no, I don't believe that all of them are exempt whatsoever). Just makes me anxious, it's as though they want to have an argument with you sometimes :(
Piers Corbyn and sundry others in court today re: an anti-lockdown protest last year. Contains FOTLing and judicial weariness.

Lancaster pointed his finger at this reporter in the press area, and said: "That guy - Colin is it?"

This reporter replied: "It's Conor."

Lancaster continued: "That guy, Conor, had said in a story that police would ask people to leave the protest, and if they didn't, they might get arrested. None of that happened with me - 10 police officers said 'there he is' and ran over and arrested me."

Judge Matthews replied: "Conor over there doesn't make the law."

Lancaster said: "I don't trust most of what he says."
Piers Corbyn and sundry others in court today re: an anti-lockdown protest last year. Contains FOTLing and judicial weariness.

Jonathan Trapman 'the flesh and blood'
Judge Matthews asked: "Do we have Jonathan Trapman here?"

A defendant, wearing a black jacket and red shirt, replied: "You've got Jonathan Trapman the flesh and blood, who's representing Jonathan Trapman the legal entity."

Trapman's interview
The judge has asked Trapman if he accepts the statement on his police interview, in which he said Health Secretary Matt Hancock would be "arrested for fraud" and "coronavirus doesn't exist".

Trapman said he is sure his legal entity would "go along with that".

'Null and void'
Asked what his defence will be, Trapman said: "The bullet points I would give you on behalf of Jonathan Trapman is that when Jonathan Trapman was arrested, he did read out the common law declaration of his right to conscience."

He says this declaration, and the Magna Carta, means there is "no case to answer", and the charge should be null and void.

Clearly a 'Freeman of the Land' loon, and the Judge is not having it. :D
Case will not be 'null and void'
Judge Matthews told Trapman: "Looking at your suggestion that the charge is null and void, I am determining separately that it is not, and I am saying that is not something the court is going to adjudicate on. That is not an issue in the case. What's your next bullet point?"

Trapman's next bullet point
Trapman continued: "If we go on the stated opinion of Lord Sumption..."
Judge Matthews broke in: "I'm not interested in anyone's opinion. Move on to your next point."
Trapman went on: "For all the attempted prosecutions brought by police, the CPS has confirmed not one single conviction..."
The judge interrupted: "I am not remotely interested in any other case."
Eventually, she said she would be entering Trapman's defence as "exercising the right to speak and be present."
Nodding, Trapman added: "And to live freely. Thank you."

Date set for trial
Judge Matthews has set a date for the trial, which she expects to last a day and a half. It will take place at the same court on August 3, potentially running into August 4.

She said: "It is going ahead gentlemen. We will meet again."

FOTLers have to be among the most stupid of all the pseudo-professionals. How the fuck have none of them ever noticed that this shit never works? You might get lucky and temporarily confuse a judge or police officer, with the emphasis on temporary. But the more that these FOTLer wankers turn up in court, the more that word will get round the legal world about this kind of thing, and the more quickly the pseudolaw idiots will find themselves being shut down by people in authority who know what bullshit's coming next.

I guess you have to be pretty thick to buy into the FOTLer premise in the first place; if it really was the case that you could say a few magic words to the policeman or in court to get off for free, then why the fuck aren't any actual lawyers talking about it? It's not because of money since not even the ones who are willing to work pro bono mention it.
FOTLers have to be among the most stupid of all the pseudo-professionals. How the fuck have none of them ever noticed that this shit never works? You might get lucky and temporarily confuse a judge or police officer, with the emphasis on temporary. But the more that these FOTLer wankers turn up in court, the more that word will get round the legal world about this kind of thing, and the more quickly the pseudolaw idiots will find themselves being shut down by people in authority who know what bullshit's coming next.

I guess you have to be pretty thick to buy into the FOTLer premise in the first place; if it really was the case that you could say a few magic words to the policeman or in court to get off for free, then why the fuck aren't any actual lawyers talking about it? It's not because of money since not even the ones who are willing to work pro bono mention it.
that's only because you stand under them. or something.
i still maintain it has a deeply narcistic streak. I'm fairly thick, and I know it, and I am fully aware that it's probably sensible to stay a bit humble in the face of a complex world - learn as I go along.

Now if I was stupid and believed I was above everyone and anyone else, I could well find myself in a court with a judge saying "I don't care if you stand under me or not, your fine is now £15k. please play in a month". :D
from wiki:

Many freemen beliefs are based on idiosyncratic interpretations of admiralty or maritime law, which the freemen claim govern the commercial world. These beliefs stem from fringe interpretations of various nautical-sounding terms, such as ownership, citizenship, dock, or birth (berth) certificate. Freemen refer to the court as a ship and the court's occupants as passengers, and may claim that those leaving are "men overboard".[22]

Freemen will try to claim common law (as opposed to admiralty law) jurisdiction by asking "Do you have a claim against me?" This, they contend, removes their consent to be governed by admiralty law and turns the court into a common law court, so that proceedings would have to go forward according to their version of common law. This procedure has never been successfully used.[23][22]
from wiki:

Many freemen beliefs are based on idiosyncratic interpretations of admiralty or maritime law, which the freemen claim govern the commercial world. These beliefs stem from fringe interpretations of various nautical-sounding terms, such as ownership, citizenship, dock, or birth (berth) certificate. Freemen refer to the court as a ship and the court's occupants as passengers, and may claim that those leaving are "men overboard".[22]

Freemen will try to claim common law (as opposed to admiralty law) jurisdiction by asking "Do you have a claim against me?" This, they contend, removes their consent to be governed by admiralty law and turns the court into a common law court, so that proceedings would have to go forward according to their version of common law. This procedure has never been successfully used.[23][22]
cf boat happy :) people can be shot if they panic in a dangerous situation.
i still maintain it has a deeply narcistic streak. I'm fairly thick, and I know it, and I am fully aware that it's probably sensible to stay a bit humble in the face of a complex world - learn as I go along.

Now if I was stupid and believed I was above everyone and anyone else, I could well find myself in a court with a judge saying "I don't care if you stand under me or not, your fine is now £15k. please play in a month". :D

Fair point about the narcissism; it's not the thickness per se that is at the root of it, but the absolute pig-headed unwillingness to even consider the advice of people who have actually studied this shit for years. "I know better than lawyers about law! I know better than doctors about medicine! I know better than physicists about physics!". In extreme cases like Flat Eartherism, they think they know better than most of the population, who somehow haven't noticed all the really obvious clues that can be spotted by any unemployable with a YouTube account.
from wiki:

Many freemen
Freemen will try to claim common law (as opposed to admiralty law) jurisdiction by asking "Do you have a claim against me?" This, they contend, removes their consent to be governed by admiralty law and turns the court into a common law court, so that proceedings would have to go forward according to their version of common law. This procedure has never been successfully used.[23][22]
It's probably just me, but what really gets me is who do they expect to enforce their interpretation of the law, who are they appealing to when the police and courts ignore them. It is just a complete lack of understanding of power.
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So another protest planned for tomorrow in London at 1PM for the #killthebill thing which looks like it will also attract the anti lockdown loons

e2a: or maybe it's separate, only found this with a quick google

edit 2: the hashtag is onemillionplus, deffo the anti lockdown crew
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attract the anti lockdown loons

I really don't get U75 these days, it used to be a site of rebellion, yet any view of anti government oppression ie vaccination passports, lockdowns, restrictions etc are seen as loons.

I'm not trolling by any means, so don't want any abuse, I'm just curious as to why people are like this and where it comes from.
I really don't get U75 these days, it used to be a site of rebellion, yet any view of anti government oppression ie vaccination passports, lockdowns, restrictions etc are seen as loons.

I'm not trolling by any means, so don't want any abuse, I'm just curious as to why people are like this and where it comes from.

Because people are thoughtful and look beyond the meaningless individualist 'fuck you I won't tidy my bedroom' type of rebellion to try and work out what's necessary to protect public health and save lives in the face of a global pandemic killing millions across the world?
I knew you'd be the first to reply from what I've seen of your previous posts.

Thanks for answering. Speaks volumes. :)
  • Haha
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Have you seen the reasoning the anti-lockdown types give for being against them? Behind the thin veneer of concern about 'oppression' most quickly start coming out with all sorts of stuff that's very clearly not anything about rebellion against any established order, unless you mean the order of logic and fact.

I've said elsewhere I think the people attracted to anti-lockdown stuff are that way for a mix of reasons, some quite understandable. But the reality is you can be against lockdowns and restrictions in theory as much as you want (as I bet we all are here) but in face of the reality of the pandemic the alterative is much worse, and taking an anti-lockdown stance means you're saying you'd rather that happen.
I really don't get U75 these days, it used to be a site of rebellion, yet any view of anti government oppression ie vaccination passports, lockdowns, restrictions etc are seen as loons.

I'm not trolling by any means, so don't want any abuse, I'm just curious as to why people are like this and where it comes from.

You seem to be confusing 'necessary public health measures', during a global pandemic, with 'government oppression', very strange.
I really don't get U75 these days, it used to be a site of rebellion, yet any view of anti government oppression ie vaccination passports, lockdowns, restrictions etc are seen as loons.

I'm not trolling by any means, so don't want any abuse, I'm just curious as to why people are like this and where it comes from.

you misunderstand, my friend. the whole point is these are not protests for the good of the people - these are dangerous people pitting people AGAINST people, and in this case, endangering lives. they want you to think the former but the reality isn't the case.
'Anti-lockdown types' That's more and more normal people.

Once again, speaks volumes. :)

Anyway, I'm outta here.
I really don't get U75 these days, it used to be a site of rebellion, yet any view of anti government oppression ie vaccination passports, lockdowns, restrictions etc are seen as loons.

I'm not trolling by any means, so don't want any abuse, I'm just curious as to why people are like this and where it comes from.
I don't see all of the counter narratives as loonery. The end lockdown sooner argument was engaging enough.

But that line of thought, however misguided, was never shot through top to bottom with conspiracy theories like the targets of this thread have been.
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