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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

I’m not sure what I’d do or say if someone close to me had jumped off the edge of reason.

sometimes you just have to back off rather than lose them.. and wait for the realisation to kick in

managed to get someone off dropping bleach down the toilet every time a member of her family took a shit at the start of lockdown
and with assistance leave the house from time to time

still could not convince them 5G was not responsible for the whole thing :ffs:
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I've got 2 friends on Facebook who talk conspiraloonery. Both are bipolar and missing support networks including groups for mental health and drug services.

One has gone so far as to set up his own Youtube channel. I watched a few of his videos because I was concerned about how he was managing especially when he started talking about stopping his medication. After a few I decided I needed to step back because I realised it's giving him some purpose and on the whole fairly harmless. Although he gives it the big one about restrictions on freedom, the protests, marches etc, the reality is he spends more time in his bedroom.
Isn't this Chinese moon mission just a cover-up?
Dig a hole on the moon, bury the proof Corona was made in a lab where no one will find it and bring back a few bits of rock as an excuse.
Of course the US are in on this as that's what the moon landings in the 60's / 70's was about to check out the possibility of burying secrets where no one would find them. ;)
Isn't this Chinese moon mission just a cover-up?
Dig a hole on the moon, bury the proof Corona was made in a lab where no one will find it and bring back a few bits of rock as an excuse.
Of course the US are in on this as that's what the moon landings in the 60's / 70's was about to check out the possibility of burying secrets where no one would find them. ;)
the corona-proof was hidden in the chinese 6G satelite they put in orbit recently.
I really hate the way this has settled into and Them vs Us situation. I hate this polarisation.

I'm absolutely fine with plenty of polarisation between complete conspiraloon twazzocks (Them) :mad: and rationalist, evidence-favouring common sensibilists (Us) :cool: :)

I appreciate that the above reaction is is hardly constructive :o in terms of attacking Loonacy successfully, but it doesn't half save some fucking time! :thumbs:
I'm absolutely fine with plenty of polarisation between complete conspiraloon twazzocks (Them) and rationalist, evidence-favouring common sensibilists (Us) :cool: :)

I appreciate that the above reaction is is hardly constructive in terms of attacking Loonacy successfully, but it doesn't half save some fucking time! :thumbs:

It saves time in vaccinating people. I'd prefer to get to significant group immunity asap so I can properly get on with my life, though.
It saves time in vaccinating people. I'd prefer to get to significant group immunity asap so I can properly get on with my life, though.

Very fair point, but someone noted in the Vaccine thread that even loons would get vaccinated soon enough if they had to prove they'd had it done to travel ....

A poll in today's Observer (can't find it just now) which concluded that 35% in the UK were reluctant to get vaccinated (not all of those would be out-and-out loons obvs) was depressing, but there'll be methods of splitting off the doubtful from the full-on loons.

Such as needing to show vaccination proof to go elsewhere.
I had to prove vaccinated status (malaria, Yellow Fever, if I remember correctly) when I went to India in 2018 --
So the vaccine proof thing has a precedent. It's not even as if proving vaccination for travelling is compelling vaccination, just making people decide.
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Yeah, getting jobs to go travelling is something that has been just something you sometimes do for as long as I remember.
The 100% full-on loons who think there are mind controlling microchips in the jabs might hold out even then, I suspect.

The way we manage this is to require jabs to re-enter this country if you leave, then start giving out free overseas holiday trips to loons.
The President of the professional body for environmental health is pulling no punches on yer magna carta lot:

Joe Public’s new exotic freedom fighter (cieh.org)

The Magna Carta / Fotl's are a real odd bunch.

I can sort of understand some of the anti-vax stuff. There has been high profile incidences of treatment / medications having very nasty side-effects and the pharma companies have not engendered trust in the way they operate. Also individually people would have had their own experiences which may make them very wary. I listened to radio programme with a journalist who had spent a lot of time in and around the anti-vax movement and he reckoned he'd met so many parents who had children who were not neuro-typical or had other conditions. The guilt they felt was terrible and they needed something to blame. That's kind of heart breaking.

It also a common theme I've spotted in some of those who have mental health conditions. The natural human desire to know what is wrong and what caused it can lead people into some strange places.

The magna carta lot of a proper bunch of oddballs though. Honestly believing that shouting a few words in the right order will somehow provide a impenetrable shield against laws of the land. Bizarre.
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Clearly many in the Magna Carta crew are just whackos, but some, the hairdressers etc. are probably at their wits' end watching a business they've spent years building up being wrecked and will latch on to anything that can offer a glimmer of hope. Bristol tattoo dickhead is just a raging fruitloop though.
I had some great fun yesterday on that pirate radio message board yesterday, I was going to copy across a couple of exchanges, but the thread was deleted this morning. either the mod known as Geoff realised he had made a complete twat of himself, or another mod realised what an embarrassment it was.

Anyway, the gist of them were:


And, what about the thousands of doctors & nurses that are off work because of this 'minor flu', putting more pressure on those that are already at breaking point?

They are just enjoying a couple of weeks holiday on full pay, for what? For a sniffle, that's all.

You what, Geoff? Are you seriously suggesting they are faking covid in order to have some time off? That's disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself.

No, it's the NHS insisting they take time off after a positive test, EVEN IF THEY HAVE NO SYMPTOMS!

Geoff, asymptomatic transmission is a proven fact. This is elementary stuff,. even my 12-year-old great nephew understands that.

Here's comes the "I know everything" attitude again.

I do apologise for, it seems, having had a better education than you, which empowered me to engage something called 'critical thinking', you should try it.


EXCHANGE WITH DAVID (another loon that popped-up, who has a record of just making shit up & getting caught out).

Covids have been around for years, they mutate every year, and are numbered, that's why this one is called Covid 19. Covids are very dangerous, much more than the likes of SARS or HIV.

David, there's no such thing as 'covids', the word you are looking for is coronaviruses, and both SARS (SARS-CoV) and the one we are currently dealing with (SARS-Cov-2), which causes the illness known as Covid-19, are both coronaviruses. There's certainly no other 'covids' with numbers after them.

No, covids are different they have been around for years, with at least 30 different ones, and they are very deadly. I was in the military, and we were dealing with them in the middle east, back in the 70s & 80s.

Wrong again David, there's 7 known coronaviruses that produce symptoms in human, 4 are mild and often labeled as the 'common cold'. The three most dangerous ones have only surfaced in recent years SARS-CoV in 2003, MERS-Cov in 2012, and the current SARS-Cov-2.

I am not going to reply to your silly posts.

* Cough * My 'silly posts?' I've just replied with some factual information, to the counter the stuff that you just make up in your own head. I am sure everyone reading this exchange will be able to judge who is making 'silly posts'.

It's like shooting fish in barrel. :D
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Clearly many in the Magna Carta crew are just whackos, but some, the hairdressers etc. are probably at their wits' end watching a business they've spent years building up being wrecked and will latch on to anything that can offer a glimmer of hope. Bristol tattoo dickhead is just a raging fruitloop though.

Hairdressers have been allowed to open again since last Wednesday, not that you'd know it from the state of my hair ATM. :eek:
Hairdressers have been allowed to open again since last Wednesday, not that you'd know it from the state of my hair ATM. :eek:

Yeah, but there's been a rather famous one up Bradford way who ran up £27k in fines thanks to her Magna Carta nonsense.
Very fair point, but someone noted in the Vaccine thread that even loons would get vaccinated soon enough if they had to prove they'd had it done to travel ....

A poll in today's Observer (can't find it just now) which concluded that 35% in the UK were reluctant to get vaccinated (not all of those would be out-and-out loons obvs) was depressing, but there'll be methods of splitting off the doubtful from the full-on loons.

Such as needing to show vaccination proof to go elsewhere.
I had to prove vaccinated status (malaria, Yellow Fever, if I remember correctly) when I went to India in 2018 --
So the vaccine proof thing has a precedent. It's not even as if proving vaccination for travelling is compelling vaccination, just making people decide.

You are probably right, but thats going to bump it head long into Brexit
I suspect HMG's weirdo-and-misfit SPADre thinks it will be able to pump-prime the economy with all the loot from nutter-tax fines once this is all over.
Hopefully they don’t have many listeners

“During the broadcast, Solomon, who has been presenting the show for 18 years, asserted that there were ‘a host of people now speaking out against this so-called pandemic: countless physicians, doctors, medical people. Certainly, asserting the position, the position that this is not a pandemic, probably very much so a plan-demic’.

He also said: ‘This information is really being shared on the basis that it will hopefully give you some insight into the plans of certain peoples across this beautiful planet to decrease the population.’”
Hopefully they don’t have many listeners

“During the broadcast, Solomon, who has been presenting the show for 18 years, asserted that there were ‘a host of people now speaking out against this so-called pandemic: countless physicians, doctors, medical people. Certainly, asserting the position, the position that this is not a pandemic, probably very much so a plan-demic’.

He also said: ‘This information is really being shared on the basis that it will hopefully give you some insight into the plans of certain peoples across this beautiful planet to decrease the population.’”

Is such mis-information grounds for suspending their licence ? if not, it should be, on the grounds of the harm caused (free speech shouldn't apply)
Hopefully they don’t have many listeners

“During the broadcast, Solomon, who has been presenting the show for 18 years, asserted that there were ‘a host of people now speaking out against this so-called pandemic: countless physicians, doctors, medical people. Certainly, asserting the position, the position that this is not a pandemic, probably very much so a plan-demic’.

He also said: ‘This information is really being shared on the basis that it will hopefully give you some insight into the plans of certain peoples across this beautiful planet to decrease the population.’”

Solomon the Unwise.
Hopefully they don’t have many listeners

“During the broadcast, Solomon, who has been presenting the show for 18 years, asserted that there were ‘a host of people now speaking out against this so-called pandemic: countless physicians, doctors, medical people. Certainly, asserting the position, the position that this is not a pandemic, probably very much so a plan-demic’.

He also said: ‘This information is really being shared on the basis that it will hopefully give you some insight into the plans of certain peoples across this beautiful planet to decrease the population.’”

Funny enough, over on that pirate radio message board I've mentioned before, the main covid thread was deleted, as it wasn't radio related, which is fair enough & should never been allowed in the first place.

So, earlier tonight I started a thread over there on this story, because it's radio related, and to wind-up the looney mod. :D

Me -
Good to see OFCOM doing their job, this 18-year-old conspiraloon held a 2-hour discussion show covering harmful & dangerous conspiracy theories, without having a sane & logical person involved to debunk his nonsense.

UK radio station censured over Covid conspiracy theories

First reply is from him...

Wow, what a shocker, it was only on a "community radio station". You wouldn't here it on any "mainstream" type station because there's pure censorship and control.

Ofcom, and their mates, working for the Gov/MOD, we have the 77th Army regiment, the 13th Signals Division, all with their well paid noses, ears, and eyes scouring the Internet, Newspapers, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, to silence Free Speech, the Secret Police of the Online Community.

Totally fucking bonkers. :D
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