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Disastrous family seasonal attractions and the never to be forgotten Lapland New Forest Theme Park

The council forgot to insist. It was grim apparently.

Interesting - the difficulties in providing suitably distanced/COVID-hygiene managed lavvies has been meat and two-veg to the council here for scuppering applications for outdoor hospitality/events etc. Unless you are amongst the “chosen few” of course.

The idea of them forgetting to insist on them altogether just beggars belief.



But parents say they were disappointed after finding the event consisted of one cabin to drive past, a skinny Santa with a 'questionable outfit and beard' and just two reindeer - not the nine that were promised.

"It also wasn’t really a drive thru," said the mum. "It was a park up and kind of walk between the two reindeer and the tunnel where Santa was.

"Where do we start? Drove in to the experience to get stopped by a happy elf for us then to follow to next scene where poor Santa was (more meat on a rack of ribs).

"We had the window down Santa speaking to our son in Santa voice, to then change his accent back to normal and say put window up.

"Then get sprayed by the naughty elf which was the happy elf which met us before. Got told to park up at this drive thru experience and get out the car.

"We entered a wonderful snowy landscape (soap foam) and fed the TWO Reindeer, which was meant to be nine. So all in all £25 for ticket, just over two hours of driving from North Wales. Best bit of it was McDonald’s on the A5301 highly recommend."
This sort of fits in with the theme. I never look in the Christmas forum, so if there's a more appropriate thread someone can post it there.

Watch the video :eek: :D

Poundland shoppers complain after festive till alert leaves them "humiliated"

A video of the new festive addition to the tills has gone viral - with some viewers criticising the alert.

In it, Father Christmas can be heard warning: "Card not accepted, is it on the naughty list?"

"Because I'm checking it twice, I'm going to find out who's naughty or nice," before singing: "Santa Claus is coming to town."

Fucking brilliant.


One of the parents attending the event posted a message on Facebook, calling whoever reported the party “grasses”.

She said: “Everyone was fuming, kids were crying so sad families were devastated for there [sic] kids,” adding they had to put their kids to bed and explain why the police were called on Santa.
I’m going to be a smug show-off twerp here and award myself points for guessing a couple of months back that I expected to see reports of angry parents with disappointed children left in tears after being prevented to to get close to Santa due to the pandemic :)

On a more serious note, it truly beggars belief that some people are prepared not just to be antisocial pricks but actually put people’s lives at risk to treat their kids. Even worse is the fact that in this case the children wouldn’t have even been aware of the event in question if their parents hadn’t told them about it or taken them to it.
Now that! Is the true meaning of Christmas
More than you think, in some places! It has long been a tradition in Catalonia to decorate nativity scenes with a figure of a guy talking a shit :)

I know it’s all loltastic but it’s pretty miserable to fleece people for cash at this time for year just make a few opportunistic quid. What a collection of shitbags

Yes but its getting to the stage now after many many years of it that its a case of more fool you if you fall for this shit. This thread had documented countless examples of this over the years. Local press always covers it with great glee. A basic bit of research will tell you which ones have been running for years and get good reviews.

I just assume by this stage parents are doing it because they want to see their kids cry, probably as a means of toughening them up. Its a miserable and upsetting world out there, the sooner they learn that the better. :thumbs: That might just be my parents' approach mind you.

Seriously though why do we need any of this crap? I didn't get taken any of these tawdry things when I was young and I had no problem in believing in Santa Claus (until my older sister pricked that bubble) and the magic of Christmas.
Also, I know it's only because of Covid and that in normal circumstances nobody would think of organising or attending one, but even the best funded and set up 'drive-through' Santa experience in the whole wide world is still going to be a bit underwhelming shit, by the very nature of it. Drive-throughs are for picking up crap fast food on your way home, not a suitable way to experience any attraction, less so one directed at children.

If drive-thrus are the only way to run such events in the Pandemic year, then would-be punters need to realise that A) it's not going to be an amazing experience even if the organisers had put a genuine effort, and B) anything more than £15 per car and all its occupants is going to be a fucking rip-off, no matter how elaborate the gig in question.
Yes but its getting to the stage now after many many years of it that its a case of more fool you if you fall for this shit. This thread had documented countless examples of this over the years. Local press always covers it with great glee. A basic bit of research will tell you which ones have been running for years and get good reviews.

I just assume by this stage parents are doing it because they want to see their kids cry, probably as a means of toughening them up. Its a miserable and upsetting world out there, the sooner they learn that the better. :thumbs: That might just be my parents' approach mind you.

Seriously though why do we need any of this crap? I didn't get taken any of these tawdry things when I was young and I had no problem in believing in Santa Claus (until my older sister pricked that bubble) and the magic of Christmas.

you never had a week in a challet at Butlin’s ?
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