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Disastrous family seasonal attractions and the never to be forgotten Lapland New Forest Theme Park

I've posted this in the Shit Xmas Trees thread, but as that has been moved to the Xmas forum I thought it merited a repost here.

Is nothing sacred anymore??? :(

Trafalgar Square Christmas tree: 'Sparse' spruce ridiculed


'Most famous Christmas tree' needled by critics

I've posted this in the Shit Xmas Trees thread, but as that has been moved to the Xmas forum I thought it merited a repost here.

Is nothing sacred anymore??? :(

Trafalgar Square Christmas tree: 'Sparse' spruce ridiculed


'Most famous Christmas tree' needled by critics


It's been going downhill for years, ever since they started putting the lights on in straight vertical rows. When I were a lad they were random coloured bulbs, but now look at how they light the poxy thing:

People explain exactly why they can't stand Bath Christmas Market

“I’d rather undergo root canal surgery on the M4 with no anaesthetic.

Walking around Bath during the Christmas market is like traipsing through a blizzard surrounded by hordes of polar bears trying to set your legs on fire.

What Sartre omitted to mention is that Hell is other people RAMMED ONTO BATH STATION AFTER THE SODDING CHRISTMAS MARKETI live and work in Bath 52 weeks of the year, why should my I have to suffer this abomination of the Christmas market? I earn little more than min wage, having travel disrupted like crazy. Sick and tired of it, two days in, please make it go away

If no one sees me over Christmas it’s because I got stuck walking behind slow people at Bath Christmas market and died

I went Saturday dunno what all the fuss is about I thought it was rubbish tbh

All that hassle to look at a load of sheds with overpriced crap in them, that is exactly the same as last year

This should be stopped. It’s out of hand

My other half asked me what Bath Christmas market was like. I immediately slammed my back against the wall and shuffled sideways slowly towards the door with a look of panic on my face and she thinks I'm exaggerating
Elfingrove makes 'urgent changes' after stinging criticism

All we saw were a few silly decorative pieces (the red nose on the Prehistoric Elk model for example) and a ton of ceiling projectors and a few people acting as elves trying to do their best.

Got to be one of the most disappointing things we've ever been to.... nothing Christmassy about it.... a few elves that barely interact with the kids.... and a couple of people dressed up as dinosaurs.... how they can call it Elfingrove is beyond me... just a museum in the dark.

:D :D :D
I've a true story about Bath Christmas Market. Someone I know, designer/maker with an independant shop of their own wanted to do a stall.They are resident in bath so pay council tax. The process for getting a stall involves submitting 3 items (returnable) in the christmas wrapping that they would be sold in, this was duly done. When the letter of rejection was received weeks later with the returned products 2 of 3 had been opened to inspect, 1 untouched so not even looked at. And 1 eaten and the wrapper returned. No payment offered.
This confirmed my suspicions that It's a poorly run event put on by a bunch of amateurs with a high probability of corruption.

Local shopkeepers make a high percentage of their turnover in the few weeks before xmas so the short sighted council fucks them and the high street up every year by diluting that business with a load of blow ins that only trade for a couple of weeks.
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