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Disastrous family seasonal attractions and the never to be forgotten Lapland New Forest Theme Park

I can't be the only person who finds it a bit odd that people are still trying to organise Xmas markets etc at the end of November ... Where are all these things coming from, I'd have expected them to be booked months ago, surely there must be a finite number for hire?

There is for some stuff - We are organising an event for next year and it was decided we might need to hire more portable toilets over previous years.

However, when we tried to get more, we were told no-chance by every firm we approached. Apparently Scotland is totally out of shitters for a number of dates next year.
There is for some stuff - We are organising an event for next year and it was decided we might need to hire more portable toilets over previous years.

However, when we tried to get more, we were told no-chance by every firm we approached. Apparently Scotland is totally out of shitters for a number of dates next year.
but where will people do a number 2?
There is for some stuff - We are organising an event for next year and it was decided we might need to hire more portable toilets over previous years.

However, when we tried to get more, we were told no-chance by every firm we approached. Apparently Scotland is totally out of shitters for a number of dates next year.
That's because all portaloos have been booked to deal with post brexit port chaos I'm told
A strong contender for this year :D :D :D

A 'filthy' plastic ice rink and a deflated snow globe: Furious families slam the Bolton Winter Weekend

Disappointed parents said the 'ice rink' turned out to be white plastic tiles with a member staff spraying soapy water, the snow globe 'deflated' with children inside and the stalls were not Christmas themed and resembled a 'jumble sale'.

Did anyone see the 'magical winter lane' highlighted on the map?

It turned out to be a line of 5 small white trees on small podiums... what a joke!

Felt more Christmassy on my walk around B&M bargains. Bar the grotto, which we didn't see, there's nothing in the theme of Christmas or winter at all!

On the approach over the bridge you see the struggle of parents with prams evacuating the overly loud fun fair after realising they too had been deceived into thinking this was a child friendly festive day!

This event does not live up to the title winter wonderland at all, car boot sale at best.

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Bolton's Winter Weekend described as 'more like car boot sale' by disappointed visitors

Furious customers who had spent £5 each on tickets for the two-day event complained of a fake ice-skating rink made out of “dirty plastic”, and instead of decorated stalls heaving with mince pies, mulled wine and bratwurst, they said they were surprised to see items such as car registration plates and acne cream for sale.

This event is fantastic for Bolton. It is great for the town to be associated with such an event.

The response at the event has actually been really positive. People are just jumping on the bandwagon when they have left.

We have not advertised this as a Christmas event. It is a Winter Weekend with a festive feel.

:D :D :D
I was thinking earlier that the wording on the flyer for the event, as seen on post 1008, is actually fairly accurate and does not over promise or mislead.

The images used however are a pisstake. I would have thought that to to comply with legislation one would need to include an statement warning that images shown might not be representative of the event? I’m sure i’v Seen such disclaimers in the past.

Still, anyone who sees themselves as not a gullible person should have heard alarm bells ringing by the fact that the organisers were using photographs of similar events that surely would be very unlikely to be recreated in Bolton with any meaningful resemblance.
I was thinking earlier that the wording on the flyer for the event, as seen on post 1008, is actually fairly accurate and does not over promise or mislead.

The images used however are a pisstake. I would have thought that to to comply with legislation one would need to include an statement warning that images shown might not be representative of the event? I’m sure i’v Seen such disclaimers in the past.

Still, anyone who sees themselves as not a gullible person should have heard alarm bells ringing by the fact that the organisers were using photographs of similar events that surely would be very unlikely to be recreated in Bolton with any meaningful resemblance.
Depends how much you read into it I suppose? It’s not unreasonable to expect a winter weekend featuring Santa might be vaguely Christmassy.

That said it was always going to be shit which is what we wanted really :D
Depends how much you read into it I suppose? It’s not unreasonable to expect a winter weekend featuring Santa might be vaguely Christmassy.

That said it was always going to be shit which is what we wanted really :D
The image of the Christmas Market is not indicative enough to entertain any claims of misleading advertising, but the gulf between the ice rink depicted in the brochure and the abomination that was made available at the event is so gargantuan I'm sure there'd be sufficient grounds for a trading standards investigation :D
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