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Disastrous family seasonal attractions and the never to be forgotten Lapland New Forest Theme Park

While it's fascinating in a car-crash way to see how bad these events can get, am I the only one who just doesn't get the feelings of manic glee that some people in this thread appear to be having over the prospect of families being ripped off and disappointed over the holiday season? It just seems perverse. How many of these families have been to these places, not having the time or the money to organise anything better? How many of the organisers of these kind of shams have gotten away with it?

I'm facing the prospect of having and doing next to fuck-all this Christmas, I'm not expecting to give or receive a great many gifts, I'm not going on holiday, and it seems unlikely that I will be able to visit my family. For some strange reason my own spirit manifestly fails to be buoyed up by the misfortune of others. In short, what the fuck is wrong with some of you?
In short, what the fuck is wrong with some of you?
Because Christmas is shit and people who desperately want a magical Christmas experience are shit.

Also who does not enjoy a good farce?
I'm facing the prospect of having and doing next to fuck-all this Christmas, I'm not expecting to give or receive a great many gifts, I'm not going on holiday, and it seems unlikely that I will be able to visit my family. For some strange reason my own spirit manifestly fails to be buoyed up by the misfortune of others.
I prefer not to do anything or see anyone at Christmas :cool:
It's not strictly a Christmas event full of fail, but it's got full PC gone mad at Christmas outrage (a female Santa :eek::eek::mad::D) so this thread seems a good place to put it. Excuse the Fail link but I saw it in The Times and it's behind the paywall there.

Labour Councillor Great Aycliffe Town County Durham Arun Chandran says no female Santa Claus | Daily Mail Online

Some of the comments are a bit :eek:

It's in the local paper too :D
Tensions set to rise over women playing Santa in Newton Aycliffe tours | The Northern Echo
"This has nothing to do with equality. There is no legality issue on this. My understanding is that Santa Claus otherwise called Father Christmas (among other names) is a male role. I have no issue with a Mrs Claus, but that comes down to space in vehicles nothing else.

"I believe that children in particular will be expecting a male Santa, and that it may well reflect badly on the Council if we were to deliberately introduce a form of political correctness just because a Labour Party member turns up at a Events Sub Committee meeting to demand women's rights to be Santa Claus."

"I remain open if members can convince me that the Rotary Club and other Councils are introducing women Santa's everywhere, but they are not, Santa Claus being a man is a long held tradition accepted by the vast majority of society without question and change just for the sake of it, rather than a good reason or necessity is wrong, and will only serve to attract negative publicity."
They were never going to have that in a sports hall in Bolton :hmm:

You're right, but somehow the prospect of people paying over the odds for the privilege, who in all likelihood didn't have an awful lot of money in the first place (14 million people in poverty in the UK, and I bet there are more who are closer to that than not) sticks in my craw something rotten, rather than making me giggle.

Plus it's still November. Magical Christmas experiences should be limited to December at the very least :mad:

I was under the impression that most of them were. In any case, if people are being ripped off before the start of the holiday proper, that doesn't strike me as much of an improvement.
Some of the comments are a bit :eek:

steveh2731, MALVERN, United Kingdom, 34 minutes ago

This another example of Feminist madness. Women have evolved to be subservient to men for a reason. Man the hunter and provider, woman the bearer of his children and the homemaker and that's how things should be. Feminism has upset this natural order as women no longer know their place.

I bet the ladies love him :cool::D
You're right, but somehow the prospect of people paying over the odds for the privilege, who in all likelihood didn't have an awful lot of money in the first place (14 million people in poverty in the UK, and I bet there are more who are closer to that than not) sticks in my craw something rotten, rather than making me giggle.
Fair enough, but these events happen every year now. If people are hard of cash you'd think they'd be a bit more careful about attending dubious looking events like this, they are not compulsory. Not that this makes it right of course.

There are plenty decent events that happen every year too, for example my local park does a proper winter wonderland which is decent and isn't too expensive. But that's not for this thread :mad:

I bet the ladies love him :cool::D

:hmm: :D
Nah, speaking as someone who doesn't like the idea of families being ripped off. Fucking crazy notion, I know.

Personally I am not laughing at the people that are ripped off, I feel sorry for them & hope they secure refunds. I am laughing at just how ridiculously shit some of these events & the bear cheek of the bastards putting them on, whilst hoping the so-called organisers come to grief by having to refund, or end-up in prison like the ones behind the original Lapland New Forest.
Personally I am not laughing at the people that are ripped off, I feel sorry for them & hope they secure refunds. I am laughing at just how ridiculously shit some of these events & the bear cheek of the bastards putting them on, whilst hoping the so-called organisers come to grief by having to refund, or end-up in prison like the ones behind the original Lapland New Forest.

Didn't I read earlier that the Lapland New Forest case got dismissed because some shitcunt juror was tweeting from the bench?
Didn't I read earlier that the Lapland New Forest case got dismissed because some shitcunt juror was tweeting from the bench?

No, they were found guilty, as per the OP on this thread, and served their time, before their convictions were quashed over the juror texting, which makes it even funnier. :D

"However, we recognised it would not be in the public interest to request a retrial, particularly as the events took place almost three years ago and that prison sentences have been served by both men."

Lapland men's convictions quashed
Was dragged to my first Christmas event of the season today.

I regret to report it was not disappointing - rather green-welly rural, free, child and dog-friendly, not opressively christmassy and the Duke and Dutchess who organised it were present and on top form as gregarious hosts.

All-in, rather classy and smart!
I think this could top Bolton :D :D

Families' fury at 'unfinished' luxury Santa's grotto experience

Families who shelled out up to £60 to visit a 'luxury' Santa's grotto were dismayed to find it was not finished.

When they arrived at Reindeer Lodge on Black Meadows Farm in Leeswood in Mold, they found piles of rolled turf that had not been laid, muddy paths and builders' equipment in plain view.

They took to social media to also complain of "grumpy elves, bored reindeer and going home covered in mud".

According to its website, visitors to Reindeer Lodge can expect "the perfect festive experience for the whole family".

But one woman who had paid £57 to go with her friend and two children on Saturday described it as "a muddy hell hole".



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