Biddlybee making knots with sticks Jul 23, 2010 #7,292 I don't know now, I think it makes my belly look MASSIVE
StanSmith Three Lions on my shirt Jul 25, 2010 #7,293 I got these today, they were cheap and are a good alternative to Reeboks. So that makes me happy!
moose like some cat from Japan Jul 25, 2010 #7,295 Nice, but looks a bit small for you? (not saying you've got a big head or owt) I got this
Orang Utan They cannot crucify you if your hand is in a fist Jul 25, 2010 #7,296 that's as big as they come. my heid is massive.
Orang Utan They cannot crucify you if your hand is in a fist Jul 25, 2010 #7,298 at least it keeps the sun off my pate
K killer b That vase. Jul 25, 2010 #7,299 i got a hat the other day too - i was looking for a pork pie, but had to settle for a trilby in the end. i'm wearing it here: £5 from river island. it's wool too (so not perfect for warm weather, but we have to make sacrifices)
i got a hat the other day too - i was looking for a pork pie, but had to settle for a trilby in the end. i'm wearing it here: £5 from river island. it's wool too (so not perfect for warm weather, but we have to make sacrifices)
aqua made of cheese and gin Jul 25, 2010 #7,300 Sorry, due to database issues this one needs to be closed and a new one has been started
Sorry, due to database issues this one needs to be closed and a new one has been started