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David Cameron's son dies, aged 6

You're the one getting het up attempting the most radical posture. If your politics are so feeble or fucked-up you think compassion for a dead child would be a concession or implies buying into some image, perhaps you might consider your "perspective." There's nothing radical about being a twat, they're ten-a-penny.

How about you engage with what I'm actually saying rather than trying to make pyschological evaluations of my ego your are evidently not qualified to attempt?
You seem to be comparing deaths of children, and saying the lives of some are more worthwhile than others? You seem a bit Daily Mail, Shannon Matthews, Maddie McMann in reverse to me, whereas others are simply acknowledging a childs death, which they would do regardless? What is wrong with that? There doesn't seem to be a great outpouring about it?

I'm not sure most people take too kindly to being berated for feeling compassion for all children.
All I'm asking is for you to look at the bigger picture - it's awash with heart-rending atrocities to humankind.
It's all very well to "look at the bigger picture", but ultimately, hearing about individual deaths is always going to affect people more than any statistic. Anybody who says that the thought of a six year old child having a fatal epileptic fit doesn't affect them emotionally is either a liar or a dickhead.
All I'm asking is for you to look at the bigger picture - it's awash with heart-rending atrocities to humankind.

You talk about the "bigger picture"? The bigger picture is that if you said that shit to me or anyone I know then you'd get a headbutt and a kicking for good measure.
You talk about the "bigger picture"? The bigger picture is that if you said that shit to me or anyone I know then you'd get a headbutt and a kicking for good measure.

Tricky manouvre, the headbutt. Last bloke who tried it actually managed to crack his skull on my jaw. Don't ask me how - evidently a mixture of me having a bone-structure like Conan and some whacky cosmic force operating on a very unlucky angle (for him). Point being, I wouldn't risk it toughman.

I'm cerealszly not saying anything urban's class-fighters should take issue with. tbh, it really is watching you dildo's posting up homages to such a globally insignificant issue that's sick. I ask you again; think that Rio's slum kids would shed a tear for the unfortunate young Cameron? I think not - they have first-hand experience that life is much more tragic for far more people on a day to day basis.

See how people are inured to the fact that on the news we get a 15 minute piece on cross-party unity over the death of Cameroony's kid whilst saved for the quickfire reports at the end '30 deaths after US missile hits wedding in Pakistan' is smushed into the background quickly and incoherently with no further information given. See this and them I'M accused of being an inhuman prick for not giving a shit about some kid I never met. Do you realise what these missiles mean to every fucker on the ground in Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan? Do you know what poverty and gang warfare means to every fucker who has to deal with it in slums from Latin America to SE Asia? How often do we hear their tragedies on the fucking beep? Fuck you and your condescending moral high-ground, shit happens and people die. The minute you lose sight of the fact that it is always the poor who suffer the most, regardless of the situation, you lose all scope on a reasonable and rational response. Buying into the "wah wah Cameron crew" is equivalent to swallowing the bait hook, line and sinker. Congratulations Urban.
Hastily construced defence but no...this uber oxfam liberal hand wringing as a weapon againt others is meaningless - esp when used on here and against those you've tried to use it against. It's entirely fitting for a person of your age, experience and class though.
I'm cerealszly not saying anything urban's class-fighters should take issue with. tbh, it really is watching you dildo's posting up homages to such a globally insignificant issue that's sick. I ask you again; think that Rio's slum kids would shed a tear for the unfortunate young Cameron? I think not - they have first-hand experience that life is much more tragic for far more people on a day to day basis.

See how people are inured to the fact that on the news we get a 15 minute piece on cross-party unity over the death of Cameroony's kid whilst saved for the quickfire reports at the end '30 deaths after US missile hits wedding in Pakistan' is smushed into the background quickly and incoherently with no further information given. See this and them I'M accused of being an inhuman prick for not giving a shit about some kid I never met. Do you realise what these missiles mean to every fucker on the ground in Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan? Do you know what poverty and gang warfare means to every fucker who has to deal with it in slums from Latin America to SE Asia? How often do we hear their tragedies on the fucking beep? Fuck you and your condescending moral high-ground, shit happens and people die. The minute you lose sight of the fact that it is always the poor who suffer the most, regardless of the situation, you lose all scope on a reasonable and rational response. Buying into the "wah wah Cameron crew" is equivalent to swallowing the bait hook, line and sinker. Congratulations Urban.
You fucking clown - you speak for the poor of Rio do you? Was that a special unit at Wankstain University department of sociology and posturing?
Who says anyone's lost sight of of the bigger picture? Buying into the idea that class politics means abandoning your basic humanity is buying hook, line and sinker the values of capital.
Not true as it goes. Thank you for your anti-communist lines.

Aw wow - class really does seem to be a sore point for you butchy. A real personal issue. Do you measure all personal relationships by their measure on the proley scale, or just your political ones? How do you measure it properly anyway, seeing as you discard surplus value extraction from your definition of working-class? When you tell me you're a worker, are you actually telling me you run your own little scrap-yard business in Cornwall or you're a self-employed plumber or some other petty bourgeois handworking type? Do you mean you're culturally working class? Like, you drink a dark mild "bevvy" down the "local" after getting back from your jaunt to the arthouse cinema? Your comprehension of both class and it's importance in a political struggle is so dweebishly linear, butch-boy, it's pretty laughable you can't help yourself but keep bringing the issue up.

As for 'liberal handwringing' -

Do you realise what these missiles mean to every fucker on the ground in Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan? Do you know what poverty and gang warfare means to every fucker who has to deal with it in slums from Latin America to SE Asia?

Do you know? Do you know more than others here? How do you know more? Do you live there? If you do, do they know you refer to them as fuckers rather than people? Or are your sources as limited by mainstream media as ours?
Well done on missing the point. So you think that just because our sources are limited we should cheerlead every main news bulletin like it's of prime fucking importance to the world? We KNOW that this shit is going on. Not knowing ABOUT IT is the whole fucking issue!
Aw wow - class really does seem to be a sore point for you butchy. A real personal issue. Do you measure all personal relationships by their measure on the proley scale, or just your political ones? How do you measure it properly anyway, seeing as you discard surplus value extraction from your definition of working-class? When you tell me you're a worker, are you actually telling me you run your own little scrap-yard business in Cornwall or you're a self-employed plumber or some other petty bourgeois handworking type? Do you mean you're culturally working class? Like, you drink a dark mild "bevvy" down the "local" after getting back from your jaunt to the arthouse cinema? Your comprehension of both class and it's importance in a political struggle is so dweebishly linear, butch-boy, it's pretty laughable you can't help yourself but keep bringing the issue up.

As for 'liberal handwringing' -


Oxfam jumble-sale for the poor black babies?

Nice to see a marxist dismissing the core of marx's theory (that material conditions 'dictate' consciousness) whilst on chest prodding manouveres. That's exactly how people like you have ended uo in charge of the unions and political parties. But we're all the same really they bleat whilst taking over.
Well done on missing the point. So you think that just because our sources are limited we should cheerlead every main news bulletin like it's of prime fucking importance to the world? We KNOW that this shit is going on. Not knowing ABOUT IT is the whole fucking issue!

I haven't missed the point. I'm asking about particular things in what you're saying.

Knowing who David Cameron is doesn't stop me for example from knowing about central asia.. my question about do you live in such a place is relevent (to me at least) as I have (admittedly always knowing there was an out), but when I did, I didn't call them fuckers.. I'd also like to know how one person (that'll be you) can compare the deaths of children and defend it - it's all a bit selective isn't it?
Oxfam jumble-sale for the poor black babies?

Nice to see a marxist dismissing the core of marx's theory (that material conditions 'dictate' consciousness) whilst on chest prodding manouveres. That's exactly how people like you have ended uo in charge of the unions and political parties. But we're all the same really they bleat whilst taking over.

I'm quite evidently not liberal hand-wringing you moron, which is exactly why everyone else on this thread is pissed off with me.

You think that consciousness dictates someone's membership of the working-class, anyway? Well dweebs like you can go 'round consciously considering themselves 'of the class' as much as they like, tbh - they're not gonna be able to bring a factory out on strike if they work no-where near one.

Seriously, get a grip.

Your grasp of reality gets thinner and thinner by the day.
No, they're laughing at you because you're putting the oxfam think of the poor black babies view whilst thinking you're being a radical communist type. 'Dweeb' - maxism 2009 again - fucking hell, marx via crap us tv. Bringing factories out on strike as well - my you're a busy little chest prodder today.
Where the fuck have I proposed some kind of paternalistic charitable perspective of 'poor black babies' you disingenuous ass? What I asked the R-tards such as yourself to do is to compare your liberally grief-stricken concern for 'the plight of all humanity, transcending class divisions' to the fucking reality of who is suffering.

I've asked before and I'll ask again - learn. to. read.
Whoops! Butchy realised he's cocked up? Got it sideways? Barking down the wrong hole? Why exactly have you been at this twisted game, pinhead, if you weren't defending the position I was attacking from the start?
Find me making the arguments you claim i've made and attacked me for making. I sense you classily backing out of it now you've had a quick look and been unable to find anything.
You have no class politics, just a mirror image of bourgeois anti-human values. Sort yourself out or fuck off; as it stands you're a liability

I'd be lying if I said didn't feel sad /shocked at first at the news of Camerons kid, and all the imagery that went with it, (I've got kids of my own etc ) .

But by the next day ( or same afternoon tbh ) as the Freddy Goodwin / Lord Myers shit rolled on , and I reverted to the usual anger / resentment, Cameron and his own personal tragedy just became one amongst the tens of thousands of children that died that day , each a personal tragedy for those involved - but 99 % deemed much less so, probably even by those closest to the dead children, as 99% of those child deaths occured where life is commonest / cheapest / easiest lost ( thanks in great part to the likes of Cameron and his ancestors and his class .)

So you go ahead and respond to the spectacle / consume it in anyway you choose ( and have been conditioned to choose ) , and then play your part in it all in by posting on internet forums afterwards, but accusing the likes of U Dog or e 1986 as a " mirror image of bourgeois anti-human values" or "radical posturing " cos they're not breaking out the Princess Di crockery is just bullshit - their response is just as human as yours / mine or anyone else's , and long term the world needs their anger more right now than your ( or my ! ) supposedly 'emotional ' responses to 'sad' and carefully edited images on a Tv screens .
You can do much better than strawmen about anyone disagreeing with hooverbag being in thrall to 'the spectacle' and princess di crockery as well.
Find me making the arguments you claim i've made and attacked me for making. I sense you classily backing out of it now you've had a quick look and been unable to find anything.

Oh of course! I should have known better than to presume you were being in any remote way reasonable - and that your knee-jerk (and painfully self-conscious) reaction of calling me some middle-class wannabe radical who 'thinks this is how radicals are supposed to act' was in some way related to a general disagreement with what I was saying.

Oh-ho-ho, you sure fooled me! Well done, old bean. Fancy a buscuit?

Tangentally, I don't think we've heard enough about this theory on class you do like to bandy around so much. When we left off I believe you were trying to tell us that material reality creates consciousness as some kind of argument against my insistence that surplus value extraction was integral to a Marxist analysis of a proletarian class; presumably this implies that those who coonsciously identify themselves with the workers... are workers? Thereby, their consciousness would create their reality, no?

Well done Hegel! Have another biscuit.
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