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David Cameron's son dies, aged 6

it was in the politics forum by the end of the first page, don't know if it was originally posted in general
A terrible tragedy, no one cannot but be saddened by this news,

but as it is p/p i would like to point out that both Brown and Cameron support welfare leglislation which will indeed make life much harder for many disabled people, even those with 'severe' disabilities.
perhaps it's best to reserve judgement until we see whether anyone does indeed try to make political capital out of this sad and unfortunate event?

The sad part is about modern politics is that one imagines the vast majority of people would not be surprised if they did - either of the "A good day to bury bad news" kind or the more traditional mawkishness.

Dont know if anyone read Guido earlier but he made a good point:

PMQs Cancelled

Guido's sympathies are with the Camerons. However cancelling PMQs is not the right response. The show must go on, every week the names of sons who have fallen in Afghanistan and Iraq are read out and sympathies are offered. Democracy does not halt for those sons.
I don't think its out and out proclamation, I just don't think it's in the right taste

It's a plain fact that people feel sympathy. To believe that some of that sympathy might not translate into votes would be naive, surely?
I think any comment beyond an expression of sympathy is tasteless at this point.

Cameroon for all the many many issues I have with him, has never used his family as political capital.

I suspect you must live on a parallel earth where the whole "Cameron blog" thing featuring his kids didn't happen. :)
Dont know if anyone read Guido earlier but he made a good point:

Although he went on to say:

UPDATE 12:05 : Having heard the condolences perhaps it was for the best, the mood of the House was clearly not for "business as usual".

I don't think democracy is going to crumble in the absence of the traditional weekly slagging match.
Don't see that point about the cancelling of PMQ - decision seems fair enough. The parents of dead soldiers aren't the ones expected to perform in debate are they?
Very sad of course. Not convinced it will have must of a long-term impact on party standings. Suspect people will rightly sympathise but still vote mostly on perceived ability to handle the economy as usual.
Don't see that point about the cancelling of PMQ - decision seems fair enough. The parents of dead soldiers aren't the ones expected to perform in debate are they?
Very sad of course. Not convinced it will have must of a long-term impact on party standings. Suspect people will rightly sympathise but still vote mostly on perceived ability to handle the economy as usual.

Neither is cameron-someone else from the tory front bench could have led
Neither is cameron-someone else from the tory front bench could have led

Hague could have done it but it's not really the point - it's only an exercise in political pointscoring, and it would have looked looked grossly insensitive to be scoring points in the circumstances. They could have carried out a toothless version, but it would have been pointless.
Hague could have done it but it's not really the point - it's only an exercise in political pointscoring, and it would have looked looked grossly insensitive to be scoring points in the circumstances. They could have carried out a toothless version, but it would have been pointless.

But they read out the names of those dead in various wars-then launch into normal PMQ's usually. These dead soldiers have Mothers and Fathers too.

And Hague should do more PMQ's. He's a cunt, but he is a funny cunt. See his rant about the european presidency as addressed to Brown

Dreadful for the Cameron family.
We now have the leaders of the two main political parties who have had the heartbreak of losing a child.

Aye, and both of them seem to be dismantling the NHS as much as possible so that as many people as possible can get the chance join them in their loss.
Awful isn't it? :( My friend's daughter also has CP, also spends loads of time in hospital, is also six. Never occurred to me that she could die :oops:

He had severe epilepsy as well, which could have been the cause of his death. Although it appears his cerebral palsy was very severe.

My brother's wife has (relatively mild) cerebral palsy - it can vary massively in the extent to which it effects people.
I suspect you must live on a parallel earth where the whole "Cameron blog" thing featuring his kids didn't happen. :)

You really think there a single successful political who hasn't had a family portrait taken? WebCameron was just a 21st twist on the above. The point is he didn't try and use his son's illness as a base to build political capital.
The point is he didn't try and use his son's illness as a base to build political capital.

Who said he did?
Just admit, you spat the dummy at people for no reason, so now beacuse you got caughht out you're shifting the goalposts.
Awful isn't it? :( My friend's daughter also has CP, also spends loads of time in hospital, is also six. Never occurred to me that she could die :oops:
He had severe epilepsy as well, which could have been the cause of his death. Although it appears his cerebral palsy was very severe.

My brother's wife has (relatively mild) cerebral palsy - it can vary massively in the extent to which it effects people.
He was said to have cerebral palsy and also epilepsy.

The BBC article says:

"He suffered from Ohtahara syndrome, a very rare form of epilepsy characterised by spasms which start in the first days of life. Some children can suffer as many as 100 seizures every day."

Without knowing more, I'm guessing his death was more likely related to his epilepsy than cerebral palsy, I don't think your friend has anything to be alarmed about in respect of cerebral palsy, trashpony.
Who said he did?
Just admit, you spat the dummy at people for no reason, so now beacuse you got caughht out you're shifting the goalposts.

Yeah you're trying to score cheap points on a thread about a dead child and I'm the asshole?

Catch yourself on.
Yeah you're trying to score cheap points on a thread about a dead child and I'm the asshole?

Catch yourself on.

What cheap points exactly gobshite?

Let's look at thisd shall we? You made a claim regarding Cameron never using his family to win votes, it was shown to be untrue. You then changed the goalposts, as well you know, from his family to his sons illness. No-one here said Cameron used his sons illness as a way of getting votes, you decided to claim people were doing exactly that. So I suggest the only person who needs 'catching on', is you.
I don't think your friend has anything to be alarmed about in respect of cerebral palsy, trashpony.

I think the epilepsy is connected to the cerebral palsy - ie having both isn't just bad luck, they're related.

I wouldn't say there's nothing to be alarmed about - really depends on the severity of the cerebral palsy and how it affects the child. It's common to have hospital treatment and operations to help with some of the physical problems caused by CP. On the other hand you might be in and out of hospital due to more acute problems which need emergency treatment - and those could be life threatening, so it's impossible to judge really.

My sis-in-law has various mobility and sensory problems, but has a fairly "normal" life, whereas Ivan Cameron was obviously severely disabled. It's a condition which covers a huge spectrum.
He was said to have cerebral palsy and also epilepsy.

The BBC article says:

"He suffered from Ohtahara syndrome, a very rare form of epilepsy characterised by spasms which start in the first days of life. Some children can suffer as many as 100 seizures every day."

Without knowing more, I'm guessing his death was more likely related to his epilepsy than cerebral palsy, I don't think your friend has anything to be alarmed about in respect of cerebral palsy, trashpony.

Well she does because she gets loads of infections (she has very severe cp) but it is comforting to hear (and to my friends too I'm sure) that his death is largely linked to his epilepsy. Poor kid :(
What cheap points exactly gobshite?

Let's look at thisd shall we? You made a claim regarding Cameron never using his family to win votes, it was shown to be untrue. You then changed the goalposts, as well you know, from his family to his sons illness. No-one here said Cameron used his sons illness as a way of getting votes, you decided to claim people were doing exactly that. So I suggest the only person who needs 'catching on', is you.

I think it would be very hard to prove any politician used their family for political gain, when it seems it is the media (society?), rather than the politicians who dictate that a political leader needs to be a 'family' man.

If Cameron was the only politician to 'use' the media, then fair point, but he isn't. The fact his son had an illness, can hardly be seen as seeking advantage can it? The reverse would be to have 'hidden' his son away somewhere. It's hardly on a media spinning par with wearing a baseball cap at carnival is it..?
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