Life as viewed from a Gay Gorbals Garret
Have the Tax Payers Alliance said anything about Gideon's pledge to re-imburse armed forces and civil servant bank accounts in Cyprus if their savings get taxed?
I doubt the government will spend money. The troops are technically residents of the sovereign base areas which are not in governed by Cyprus or even in the EU. I'm sure some fudge will happen as the banks have branches on the bases.
And in the end may not be needed as i suspect this may not happen as the Cypriot parlementry vote has yet to happen and on reflection the gross unfairness of it all has begun to sink in. It might just seem like a tax on first look but most peoples lives are governed by how much is left in the bank and changing this randomly overnight is no solution to the Euro crisis. It just looks like the bankers are fucking off with more money.